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Extended deep plutons of the Chilean Coast-Range can, according to their composition, age and spatial distribution, be assigned to the following three Superunits, each of which represents a closed magmatic cycle. Albayay-Superunit approximately 300-200 m. a. Cifuncho-Superunit approximately 190-130 m. a. Esmeralda-Superunit less than 130 m. a.Structurally we distinguished five large batholithic complexes, which are tectonically displaced along vertical fault-planes. The petrographie composition ranges from gabbronoritic through dioritic up to granitic rocks with predominance of granitoids.Methodical investigation led beyond the explanation of the origin of the magma, and opened the way for new geogynamic interpretations. We postulate a model of repeated crustal thickening caused by continental collision, which is opposed to the schematic plate-tectonics model.
Zusammenfassung In der Küstenkordillere Nordchiles lassen sich ausgedehnte Tiefengesteinskörper nach Stoffbestand, Alter und rÄumlicher Verteilung folgenden drei Superunits zuordnen, die jeweils einem abgeschlossenen magmatischen Zyklus entsprechen. Albayay-Superunit ca. 300-200 m. a. Cifuncho-Superunit ca. 190-130 m. a. Esmeralda-Superunit jünger als 130 m. a.Strukturell haben wir fünf grö\ere, durch Tektonik entlang vertikaler Brüche zerlegte Baholith-Komplexe ausgeschieden. Die petrologische Zusammensetzung reicht von gabbro-noritischen über dioritische bis zu granitischen Gesteinen, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei den Granitoiden liegt.Die methodische Untersuchung führte über die KlÄrung der Magmengenese hinaus und eröffnete den Zugang zu neuen geodynamischen Vorstellungen. Wir postulieren ein Modell einer mehrphasigen Krustenverdickung durch kontinentale Kollision, das im Gegensatz zu dem schematischen Modell der Plattentektonik steht.

Resumen En la Cordillera de la Costa del Norte de Chile existen extensos cuerpos intrusivos que se queden asignar, sobre la base de su composición, edad y distribución espacial, a las tres Superunidades siguientes, las que a su vez corresponden a ciclos magmáticos completos. Superunidad-Albayay approximadamente 300-200 m.a. Superunidad-Cifuncho approximadamente 190-130 m.a. Superunidad-Esmeralda más jóvenque 130 m.a.Estructuralmente hemos distinguido cinco complejos batoliticos mayores recortados por una tectónica de fallas verticales. La compositión petrográfica va desde rocas gabronoríticas hasta graníticas pasando por las dioríticas, con predominio de granitoides.El análisis metódico de los datos obtenidos orientado a la petrogénesis de estos cuerpos dió lugar a nuevas interpretaciones geodinámicas. Postulamos un modelo de fases sucesivas de acumulación cortical mediante colisión continental, el cual se opone al esquemático modelo de la Tectónica de Placas.

, , : Albayay-Superunit ... 300-200 Cifuncho-Superunit ... 190-130 Esmeralda-Superunit ... 130 . 5 . - , , . y ; .
Field research of wave generated bed forms within complex sediment size distributions near the inlet of a tidal lagoon at the northern coast of Brittany has stimulated an experimental study in a laboratory wave tank. Several sediment mixtures, most of them with bimodal grain size distributions, were exposed to different monochromatic shallow water waves. The observations and measurements included the dynamics of the water waves and the generation, shape, and size of oscillatory bed forms. The experiments confirm the known relationship between grain size and ripple size. In addition it is shown that coarse sand, added to a preexisting fine bed material leads to an increasing asymmetry of ripples. There is some suggestion that the variability of ripple heights is reduced by higher contents of coarse sand. Bimodal sediment size distributions obviously do not cause unusual geometry of ripples — at least within the range of the experimental tests. The different sand size modes move together in one phase, forming structures with more or less homogeniously distributed bed material. Differentiation of sediment sorting does of course occur, but this is in the range of the whole test section. Finally the experiments allowed to test the validity of some wave formulas. The own experiments are compared with some results from field and laboratory studies of other authors.  相似文献   
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