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The ability of remote sensing systems to optimally discriminate and map C3 and C4 grass species varies over time, due to environmental changes, which influence their phenological, physiological and morphological characteristics. In this regard, the discrimination of C3 and C4 grasses is insufficient when using a single image acquired at a specific period. In this study, multi-date Sentinel 2A MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) data were explored to determine the optimal period for classifying and mapping Festuca costata, C3 and Themeda Triandra, C4 grasses in the montane grasslands of South Africa. The study further assessed how seasonal variations in species classification can be explained by climatic variability (rainfall and temperature). Results showed that image acquisition dates influence the discrimination accuracy, spatial representation of the two grass species, as well as the performance of spectral bands. The winter period also presents a better temporal window for discriminating C3 and C4 target grass species, with higher overall classification accuracies (between 91.8% and 95.3%), than summer (between 81.4% and 90.3%). Lower omission (between 2.8% and 11.6%) and commission (between 2.5% and 14.2%) errors were also observed when discriminating using winter images, as compared to those acquired in summer. Summer images showed large grass species areal coverage (e.g. in November and March, C3 and C4 covered ±25%), whereas in winter (mainly August), a notable decrease was observed. Overall, findings of the study have demonstrated the relevance of multi-date Sentinel data in discriminating C3 and C4 grass species. There is, however, a need to explore the classification ability of Sentinel 2 derivatives, especially during early summer and winter fall.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of different C3 and C4 grass species in tropical montane areas is commonly influenced by a number of factors that include site-specific topography. Hence, the distribution of these grasses across topographic gradients can vary significantly. In this study, we investigate the influence of topographic factors (elevation, slope and aspect) on the spatial distribution of Festuca grass species in a commonage area, comprising agro-biodiversity conservation land use. Integration of the topographic variables using GIS and binary logistic regression (LR) modelling showed that C3, Festuca grass species distribution can be predicted or mapped with an accuracy of 80% in the landscape under study. The study contributes to understanding the spatial distribution of C3 grass species and provides valuable information for designing and optimizing rangeland conservation in the subtropical montane landscapes.  相似文献   
Accurate and up-to-date information on forest dendrometric traits, such as above ground biomass is important in understanding the contribution of terrestrial ecosystems to the regulation of atmsopheric carbon, especially in the face of global environmental change. Besides, dendrometric traits information is critical in assessing the healthy and the spatial planning of fragile ecosystems, such as the savanna dry forests. The aim of this work was to test whether red-edge spectral data derived from WorldView-2 multispectral imagery improve biomass estimation in savanna dry forests. The results of this study have shown that biomass estimation using all Worldview-2 raw spectral bands without the red-edge band yielded low estimation accuracies (R2 of 0.67 and a RMSE-CV of 2.2 t ha?1) when compared to when the red-edge band was included as a co-variate (R2 of 0.73 and a RMSE-CV of 2.04 t ha?1). Also, similar results were obseved when all WorldView-2 vegetation indices (without the red-edge computed ones), producing slightly low accuracies (R2 of about 0.67 and a RMSE-CV of 2.20 t ha?1), when compared to those obtained using all indices and RE-computed indices(R2 of 0.76 and a RMSE-CV of 1.88 t ha?1). Overall, the findings of this work have demontrated the potential and importance of strategically positioned bands, such as the red-edge band in the optimal estimation of indigeonus forest biomass. These results underscores the need to shift towards embracing sensors with unique and strategeically positioned bands, such as the forthcoming Sentinel 2 MSI and HysPIRI which have a global footprint.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to understand the factors that explain the spatial distribution of elephant poaching activities in the areas of the mid-Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe using geographic information system (GIS) and remotely sensed data integrated with spatial logistic regression. The results showed that significant (α = 0.05) elephant poaching hot spots are located closer to wildlife protected areas. Results further demonstrated that resource availability (water and forage) are the main factors explaining elephant poaching activities in the mid-Zambezi Valley. For example, the majority of poaching activities were found to occur in areas with high vegetation fractional cover (high forage) and close to waterholes. The results also showed that poaching incidences were more prevalent during the dry season. The findings of this study highlight the significance of integrating GIS, remotely sensed data and spatial logistic regression tools for understanding and monitoring elephant poaching activities. This information is critical if poaching activities are to be minimized and it is also important for planning, monitoring and mitigation of poaching activities in similar protected areas across the sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   
The challenge of assessing and monitoring the influence of rangeland management practices on grassland productivity has been hampered in southern Africa, due to the lack of cheap earth observation facilities. This study, therefore, sought to evaluate the capability of the newly launched Sentinel 2 multispectral imager (MSI) data, in relation to Hyperspectral infrared imager (HyspIRI) data in estimating grass biomass subjected to different management practices, namely, burning, mowing and fertilizer application. Using sparse partial least squares regression (SPLSR), results showed that HyspIRI data exhibited slightly higher grass biomass estimation accuracies (RMSE = 6.65 g/m2, R2 = 0.69) than Sentinel 2 MSI (RMSE = 6.79 g/m2, R2 = 0.58) across all rangeland management practices. Student t-test results then showed that Sentinel 2 MSI exhibited a comparable performance to HyspIRI in estimating the biomass of grasslands under burning, mowing and fertilizer application. In comparing the RMSEs derived using wave bands and vegetation indices of HyspIRI and Sentinel, no statistically significant differences were exhibited (α = 0.05). Sentinel (Bands 5, 6 and 7) and HyspIRI (Bands 730 nm, 740 nm, 750 nm, 710 nm), as well as their derived vegetation indices, yielded the highest predictive accuracies. These findings illustrate that the accuracy of Sentinel 2 MSI data in estimating grass biomass is acceptable when compared with HyspIRI. The findings of this work provide an insight into the prospects of large-scale grass biomass modeling and prediction, using cheap and readily available multispectral data.  相似文献   
Reliable and up-to-date urban land cover information is valuable in urban planning and policy development. Due to the increasing demand for reliable land cover information there has been a growing need for robust methods and datasets to improve the classification accuracy from remotely sensed imagery. This study sought to assess the potential of the newly launched Landsat 8 sensor’s thermal bands and derived vegetation indices in improving land cover classification in a complex urban landscape using the support vector machine classifier. This study compared the individual and combined performance of Landsat 8’s reflective, thermal bands and vegetation indices in classifying urban land use-land cover. The integration of Landsat 8 reflective bands, derived vegetation indices and thermal bands overall produced significantly higher accuracy classification results than using traditional bands as standalone (i.e. overall, user and producer accuracies). An overall accuracy above 89.33% and a kappa index of 0.86, significantly higher than the one obtained with the use of the traditional reflective bands as a standalone data-set and other analysis stages. On average, the results also indicate high producer and user accuracies (i.e. above 80%) for most of the classes with a McNemar’s Z score of 9.00 at 95% confidence interval showing significant improvement compared with classification using reflective bands as standalone. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the integration of the Landsat 8’s OLI and TIR data presents an invaluable potential for accurate and robust land cover classification in a complex urban landscape, especially in areas where the availability of high resolution datasets remains a challenge.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to detect and map MSV using RapidEye multispectral sensor in Ofcolaco farm. To achieve this objective, the acquired RapidEye sensor was classified using the robust Random Forest algorithm. Furthermore, the variable importance technique was used to determine the influence of each spectral band and indices on the mapping accuracy. For better performance of image data, the value of the commonly used vegetation indices in improving the classification accuracy was tested. The results revealed that the use of RapidEye spectral bands in detection and mapping of MSV yielded good classification results with an overall accuracy of 82.75%. The inclusion of vegetation indices computed from RapidEye sensor improved the classification accuracies by 3.4%. The most important RapidEye spectral bands in classifying MSV were near infrared, blue and red-edge. On the other hand, the most important vegetation indices were the Soil adjusted vegetation index, Enhanced vegetation index, Red index and Normalized Vegetation Index. The current study recommends future studies to assess the importance of multi-temporal remote sensing applications in detecting and monitoring the spread of MSV.  相似文献   
This study assessed the strength of Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument (MSI) derived Red Edge (RE) bands in estimating Leaf Area Index (LAI) and mapping canopy storage capacity (CSC) for hydrological applications in wattle infested ecosystems. To accomplish this objective, this study compared the estimation strength of models derived, using standard bands (all bands excluding the RE band) with those including RE bands, as well as different vegetation indices. Sparse Partial Least Squares (SPLSR) and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) ensembles were used in this study. Results showed that the RE spectrum covered by the Sentinel-2 MSI satellite reduced the estimation error by a magnitude of 0.125 based on simple ratio (RE SR) vegetation indices from 0.157 m2· m?2 based on standard bands, and by 0.078 m2· m?2 based on red edge normalised difference vegetation (NDVI-RE). The optimal models for estimating LAI to map CSC were obtained based on the RE bands centered at 705 nm (Band 5), 740 nm (Band 6), 783 nm (Band 7) as well as 865 nm (Band 8a). A root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.507 m2· m?2 a relative root mean square error of prediction (RRMSEP) of 11.3% and R2 of 0.91 for LAI and a RMSEP of 0.246 m2/m2 (RRMSEP = 7.9%) and R2 of 0.91 for CSC were obtained. Overall, the findings of this study underscore the relevance of the new copernicus satellite product in rapid monitoring of ecosystems that are invaded by alien invasive species.  相似文献   
The Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon, a typical characteristic on urban landscapes, has been recognised as a key driver to the transformation of local climate. Reliable retrieval of urban and intra-urban thermal characteristics using satellite thermal data depends on accurate removal of the effects of atmospheric attenuations, angular and land surface emissivity. Several techniques have been proposed to retrieve land surface temperature (LST) from coarse resolution sensors. Medium spatial resolution sensors like the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer and the Landsat series offer a viable option for assessing LST within urban landscapes. This paper reviews the theoretical background of LST estimates from the thermal infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, LST retrieval algorithms applicable to each of the commonly used medium-resolution sensors and required variables for each algorithm. The paper also highlights LST validation techniques and concludes by stipulating the requirements for LST temporal and spatial configuration.  相似文献   
The cossid moth, Coryphodema tristis was first noted on Eucalyptus nitens trees in Mpumalanga province, South Africa during July 2004. Currently, the moth poses a major threat to commercial forestry in the country. In this study, selected climatic and topographical variables were used to model the susceptibility of E. nitens forests to cossid moth occurrence, thereby providing insight into the variables that may influence the occurrence and spread of the moth. A zigzag sampling technique was used to survey 5316 ha of E. nitens forests for the presence or absence of the moth. The random forest classification algorithm was then used to model the relationship between the climatic and topographical variables and the occurrence of the cossid moth. Results indicate that four variables that included elevation, maximum temperature for September, maximum temperature for April and the median rainfall for April best explained the presence or absence of C. tristis with an overall accuracy of 82% and a kappa value of 0.63. Partial dependence plots indicated that the areas that have a maximum temperature greater than 23°C in September and 22°C in April are likely to be infested by the cossid moth. The results from this study provide a robust and accurate spatial framework to assist forest managers in focussing their existing monitoring and control efforts to specific E. nitens forested areas that are highly susceptible to C. tristis infestations.  相似文献   
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