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一旦地球文明在突如其来的灾难中毁灭,幸存者将如何拯救人类?欧洲科学家计划把有关人类生命和文明的信息深埋于月球,以备指导幸存者重建文明。  相似文献   
<正>2004年12月26日,印度洋海啸导致25万人丧生,500万人需要紧急援助,180万居民无家可归。这场自然灾害给广大地区带来了毁灭性灾难,以及随之而来的悲痛和焦虑,特别是对印尼、泰国和斯里兰卡的影响超出了想象,而这主要是由于当时缺少对整个印度洋地区的预警设备和灾难管理计划。灾难过后,德国和国际社会立即表示支持。在德国洪涝灾民援助框架下,德国联邦  相似文献   
地下淡水无法饮用,土地因盐碱化而大片荒芜,城市钢筋混凝土及地下管线因腐蚀寿命大幅缩短,地面沉降……这些灾难性后果源自同一起点——海水入侵。  相似文献   
刘许生 《湖南地质》2009,(12):28-31
"2012年12月21日黑暗降临后,12月22日的黎明永远不会到来。" 历史上从来没有一个日期,能如2012年12月21日这样对人类产生巨大影响,玛雅文明预言它是世界末日。  相似文献   
According to the detailed study of the historical earthquake records and causative structure of the Minxian M61/2 earthquake in 1573 A.D., we have found that the most grievous disaster area lies nearby the Minxian county seat (Minzhou county at that time). So, we have identified the extremely seismic area of the 1573 A.D. The Minxian M61/2 earthquake was located in Minxian city, the intensity of the meizoseismal region is Ⅷ~Ⅸ, the epicenter is 34.4°N, 104.0°E, the location precision is Ⅱ and the deviation of location is less than or equal to 25km. Tectonically, this area lies in the transition region of stress transfer and structural transform between the east Kunlun fault and the northern margin of the west Qinling fault.The differential activity of the Lintan-Dangchang fault zone is obvious, and only parts of the segment put up Holocene activity. There are landslides and rock bursts of different sizes in the meizoseismal region. By integrated analysis, we conclude that the Minxian-Dangchang segment of the Lintan-Dangchang fault is the seismogenic structure of the 1573 A.D. M61/2 Minxian earthquake, in Gansu Province.  相似文献   
Dr.HuangJing 《《幕》》2004,27(4):296-297
The 3^rd International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Mechanism, Prediction, Emergency Management &amp; Insurance (the 3^rd ICCE) was held on July 9-14, 2004 in Beijing, China. The ICCE has been held every decade since it was launched over twenty years ago. The first ICCE, with the title ““““International Symposium on Continental Seismicity and Earthquake Prediction““““(ISCSEP), had international sponsorship and was supported by e.g., UNESCO and hosted by the Seismological Society of China (SSC)in Beijing in 1982. In 1992 in response to the initiatives from the UN‘s International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR),  相似文献   
闫玉奎 《地球》2011,(4):131-132
近期日本福岛的核泄漏事故引发了全世界的关注,核能的开发利用瞬间变成危及全球的一场大灾难,给人们敲响了警钟。那么,作为中国首座大型商用核电站的深圳大亚湾核电站能否经受住类似重大自然灾害的考验呢?  相似文献   
魏玮 《地球》2012,(12):90-90
油萘是古田盛产的水果之一,为当地人民带来了极大的经济效益,本文通过对古田油萘的主要气象、灾害等进行阐述,分析了促进古田油萘健康生长的预防策略。  相似文献   
2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川特大地震突然进发。,这一刻地动山摇,这一刻定格在全国人民的心灵深处,成了中华民族永远的痛。时间一天天逝去,我们在悲痛中送别离去的亲人,在灾难中凝聚起团结的力量。我们的政府、我们的民众在向世界昭示着一个强大的可以战胜一切困难的中国!痛定思痛,除了悲哀和群策群力之外,我们更需要好好反思,吸取经验和教训,因为灾难还会不期而至,居安思危、防患于未然才是战胜灾难的最有力的武器。  相似文献   
目前,遭受海啸袭击的亚洲各国已将工作重心转向灾后恢复与重建,因为人们曾担心的灾难过后可能要出现的健康灾难目前已基本消除,人们的健康需求正在逐渐得到满足。  相似文献   
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