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“单一”,容易引发灾难,无论是“生物圈”意义的结构,还是政治、经济和文化结构。许彩丽先生撰文指出:爱尔兰人当年由于偏爱马铃薯,并将其作为“唯一”的农作物加以种植,结果引发了爱尔兰人的大饥馑。今天,中国人因为要追求“现代化”,毁田造城,围圩筑堤以增加土地面积,结果造成了2007年5月底的太湖蓝藻暴发,臭气笼罩无锡城,老百姓生活受到了严重影响。  相似文献   
惊心动魄的地震亲历记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
今年2月4日是海城地震30周年。本文的作者亲历了海城地震的临震预报过程,而且也曾亲历了邢台地震和唐山地震。通过作者的亲笔叙述,我们感觉到实践是解决地震预报问题的必不可少的手段。实践要上升到理论,理论反过来又要接受实践的检验。只有通过反复的实践、理论、再实践的过程,人们面临的问题才能不断有所突破。在海城地震30周年之际,我们想借此文,给广大读者带来更多的启迪。  相似文献   
青海喇家遗址史前灾难成因的探索与辨析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周强  张玉柱 《地理学报》2015,70(11):1774-1787
在黄河上游官亭盆地的考古发掘中喇家史前灾难遗址的发现让人震惊,其灾难的成因是近年来人们争论的焦点。本文从地球科学的视角入手,在详细野外考察的基础上,利用第四纪地质地貌学、沉积学、古洪水水文学等多学科交叉的研究方法,对当前关于喇家遗址史前聚落毁灭原因的各种观点进行科学辨析,尤其是对剖面中红色粘土层与喇家遗址北部大红山脚下的岗沟源区沉积物及其上游积石峡黄河古洪水滞流沉积层的对比研究,结果显示:在距今3950年前,伴随着强烈地震发生了暴雨山洪,源自于北侧谷坡大红山地区的大规模泥流,沿着岗沟、吕家沟倾泻而下,彻底的掩埋毁灭了这个重要的古村落,造就了喇家史前灾难遗址。  相似文献   
Progress in Marine Meteorology Studies in China during 1999-2002   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The progresses of marine meteorology studies achieved in China during the four year period from 1999 to 2002 are summarized in six directions: air-sea flux, marine meteorology in high latitudes, marine disasters, connection between ocean and weather/climate in China, remote sensing applications and new methodologies in marine meteorology. Compared to the previous ones, these studies adopted much more first-hand datasets, and more scientific issues were involved. As an exciting remark, there were so many contributions done by the young scientists. A brief statement about the research strategy of marine meteorology in China for the coming years is also given.  相似文献   
海啸专家和公共安全官员正在通过跟踪绵延数千千米的海岸线上的突发灾难的点点征兆,来密切关注地震易发国家近期的情况。下一场有可能引起全球瞩目的灾难会发生在哪里?印度尼西亚?日本?还是美国?  相似文献   
2003年下半年开始,随着矿产资源的日益紧缺,矿产品价格的一路攀升,矿业开始以难以预料的强度火爆起来,人们对矿业趋之若骛,一时间,矿主们的钱多得不知如何花,满山遍野都是找矿采矿的人群。此时,矿业给人们最突出的印象就是一个字——乱!并由“乱”引发了一系列严重后果和灾难。[第一段]  相似文献   
Large volumes of solid, gaseous, or liquid materials that are of potential concern from an environmental or public health perspective are commonly produced by natural or anthropogenic disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, urban fires, landslides, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, windstorms, industrial spills, and terrorist attacks. Geochemical processes play key roles in the environmental and health impacts of these materials. Yet, process-focused environmental geochemistry expertise and characterization methods are often underutilized in disaster response and planning. In part, the scientific studies needed for detailed process characterization are difficult to plan and implement while the events are still underway, and delayed responses can miss key transient processes and byproducts. Further, emergency responders are focused primarily on identifying the types, amounts, and health hazards of contaminants produced by the event, thus the responders do not have the time or the need to collect the full range of appropriate geological, geochemical, microbiological and other data necessary to understand the full range of physical and chemical processes that influence contamination from these extreme events. A thorough characterization and understanding of geochemical and environmental processes that occur during specific disasters can be used to better anticipate effects of and plan for similar future disasters. A broad spectrum of environmental geochemistry capabilities can be applied to help emergency response authorities and the public health community in their initial hazardous materials assessments immediately following disasters.  相似文献   
2006年2月17日上午10时45分,菲律宾(Philippines)莱特岛(Leytels land)南部圣博纳德(Saint Bemard)镇附近的昆萨胡贡(Guinsaugon)村发生特大滑坡灾难,造成约1800人丧生或失踪(滑前常驻人口约3000人)。灾难发生时,村里的一所小学(253名学生)正在上课,全体师生均被滑坡体埋没,估计有375栋房屋被掩埋。劫难过后,仅有3栋房屋未遭到袭击,残存一些零星的小屋屋顶、铁皮房盖和建筑物碎屑,很多大树被连根拔起推走,似乎以前此处不存在村庄。褐色的滑坡土石影响面积约1km2,土石堆积高度6~10m(20~30英尺)。山体滑坡发生过程是,昆萨胡贡村后山山体的一…  相似文献   
王跃 《地理教学》2006,(3):40-41
在印度洋海啸发生一周年之际,报纸、网络等媒体纷纷追忆这一严重自然灾害给人类所造成的悲伤。这一顷刻间令23万多人魂丧水底的灾难再次表明,人类至今对自然规律的认识还存在许多空白,在人类的漫漫旅途中仍会出现一些意想不到的艰辛甚至痛苦。从许多媒体的追忆文章中,作者发现有一则报道与中小学地理教育有关。  相似文献   
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