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针对目前日益突出的电子政务安全问题,在Secure Socket Layer协议的基础上,对我国电子政务的安全问题进行探讨,并针对目前政府机构信息化建设中的数据安全传输问题提出几点改进工作方案。  相似文献   

New Labour came to power in 1997 pledging to put environment concerns at the heart of policy-making. Shortly after being elected, the Labour Government signed the Kyoto Protocol and adopted a voluntary domestic target of a 20% cut in carbon dioxide emissions by 2010. This article looks at the development of UK climate policy since 1997 and the political drivers that have led to development of the climate policy mix. It assesses the Climate Change Programme adopted in 2000 and its delivery, and it also looks at the 5-year Climate Change Programme Review published in March 2006. It conducts a quantitative assessment of the UK's performance by looking at emissions data, and it also provides a qualitative analysis, by looking at the UK policies and measures within their political and institutional context. The article concludes that Labour has been actively promoting climate policy since coming to power and has played a strong leadership role internationally. The UK is on track to meet and surpass its Kyoto target, meeting its international commitments. Between 24.1 and 29.1 million tonnes of carbon savings per year are expected by 2010. Policies and measures in the industrial sector are delivering real emissions reductions, in addition to the reductions made through fuel switching. The Government has found it more difficult to make some of the tough choices necessary to deliver emissions reductions in the transport and the household sectors. The article seeks to explain why the Labour Government has found it uncomfortable, politically, to implement stronger measures in these parts of the economy. The article highlights the changing dynamics within UK politics and concludes that there are two possible avenues for taking more stringent measures in the future. The first involves the development of a cross-party consensus on climate change. The second is to change the way that climate change is framed, so that it is no longer seen as an ‘environment’ issue but one with which voters and decision-makers can immediately connect. Only then will it be possible to implement the necessary policies and measures across the whole economy.  相似文献   
康雍乾时期河北地区水旱农业灾害爆发频繁,影响了农民正常的经济生活,加强了农民贫困化的趋势。但由于河北地区政治经济地位重要,政府重视该地区的抗灾工作,通过灾前预防和灾后减灾等措施,使传统农民具有了一定的抗灾能力,抗灾减灾工作取得了显著效果。在传统封建小农经济下,农民很难完全依靠自身力量抗御水旱灾害,为了达到恢复稳定生产和生活的目的,良好的社会与制度环境是必不可少的。  相似文献   
Following the devastating tsunami of 26 December 2004 in the Indian Ocean, there was a need to give a voice to the affected population. Hence a survey was conducted in the tsunami-affected regions of India. The tsunami mainly affected the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh and the Union Territory of Pondicherry, all in south India, as well as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India in the Bay of Bengal. For various logistical reasons, no survey was conducted in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The survey was conducted during 21 January to 19 February 2005 and from 1 March to 8 March 2005. A total of eight people, arranged into four teams, simultaneously conducted the survey based upon a prepared questionnaire comprising a total of 16 questions. The total number of villages surveyed was 161, and the overall results of the survey are reported here. Among many observations, capacity building during the construction process, relocation and housing issues and tsunami education and awareness were prominent.  相似文献   
美国是电子政务发展最早的国家,建设理念由原先的注重具体项目、业务与资金配给的特别管理向通过引入绩效管理、制定业务规范、明确技术标准而将电子政务纳入制度化运行轨道的例行管理转变;模式采用联邦政府组织架构框架(FEA);具有层次分明的门户整合、三位一体的服务和四阶段的实施策略三个特色;在信息立法方面有多部信息法出台,本文介绍了其建设模式并提出我国电子政务建设值得参考和借鉴的地方。  相似文献   
以SSH协议为基础,探讨在SSH协议上如何加强我国政府机关的信息化安全,尤其是如何加强处理敏感、涉密数据的业务系统服务器的安全。  相似文献   
杨丽娟 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040030-67040030
中国地质调查事业始于民国。1913年地质调查所正式成立,直至1950年裁撤,30余年间一直是中国地质学家的大本营。1916年初,地质调查所重新改组为地质调查局,并在行政上直接隶属农商部。同年夏天,地质研究所学生毕业后入地质调查局工作,成为地质调查局主要成员。1916年底,地质调查局被裁撤,又恢复地质调查所,但此后工作形式与机构管理均与调查局时期无太大变化。地质调查局因存在时间较短,加之史料不多,以往著述着墨不多。本文以《农商公报》、《政府公报》及地质调查局相关原始材料为基础,考察地质调查局成立始末、机构设置、人员组成及早期进行的地质调查工作。认为地质调查局的成立是中国地质学者建立独立地质调查专门机构的一次尝试。  相似文献   
耿丽 《内陆地震》2008,22(3):282-288
随着中国地震局“十五”数字地震观测网络项目的建设完成,新疆维吾尔自治区地震局在网络信道和软件系统方面都对现有系统进行了重新设计和建设,新疆地震局电子政务系统各项硬件条件已经具备,如何发挥这些已经建成的各项电子政务系统的作用,已经成为急待解决的问题。本文中从电子政务组成及发展趋势、电子政务在防震减灾工作中的作用、电子政务在新疆防震减灾事业中的应用现状和对本单位电子政务的几点设想与建议几个方面,就电子政务建设如何促进防震减灾事业发展进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
该文分析重庆市地质、地貌、矿产、气候、水文、生物、土壤等自然地理背景和行政区划、人口、科教、城镇、工农业、交通、通讯、商贸、旅游等人文地理背景 ,总结重庆市地理区位的七大特征。并提出重庆市带动西部经济发展的若干建议。  相似文献   
Environmental policy is touching on ever more aspects of corporate and individual behavior, and there is much debate over what combinations of top-down (government-imposed) and bottom-up (voluntary private sector) measures to use. In democratic societies, citizens’ preferences over such combinations are crucial because they shape the political mandates based on which policymakers act. We argue that policy designs that involve private-public co-regulation receive more citizen support if they are based on inclusive decision-making, use strong transparency and monitoring mechanisms, and include a trigger for government intervention in case of ineffectiveness. Survey experiments in Switzerland (N = 1941) provide strong support for these arguments. Our research demonstrates that differences in co-regulation design have major implications for public support. Another key finding is that there seems to be a contradiction between inclusiveness and democratic accountability for policy outcomes. The findings are surprisingly consistent across two very different green economy issues we focus on empirically (decarbonization of finance, pesticides). This suggests that our study design offers a useful template for research that explores public opinion on green economy policy designs for other issues and in other countries.  相似文献   
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