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The history of variations in water level of Lake Constance, as reconstructed from sediment and pollen analysis of a sediment sequence from the archaeological site of Arbon-Bleiche 3, shows an abrupt rise in lake level dendrochronologically dated to 5375 yr ago (5320 yr relative to AD 1950). This event, paralleled by the destruction of the Neolithic village by fire, provoked the abandonment of this prehistoric lake-shore location established in the former shallow bay of Arbon-Bleiche, and was the last of a series of three episodes of successively higher lake level, the first occurring at 5600-5500 cal yr B.P. The dendrochronologically dated rise event was synchronous with an abrupt increase in atmospheric 14C. This supports the hypothesis of an abrupt climate change forced by varying solar activity. Moreover, the three successive episodes of higher lake level between 5600 and 5300 cal yr B.P. at Arbon-Bleiche 3 coincided with climatic cooling and/or changes in moisture conditions in various regions of both hemispheres. This period corresponds to the mid-Holocene climate transition (onset of the Neoglaciation) and suggests inter-hemispheric linkages for the climate variations recorded at Arbon-Bleiche 3. This mid-Holocene climate reversal may have resulted from complex interactions between changes in orbital forcing, ocean circulation and solar activity. Finally, despite different seasonal hydrological regimes, the similarities between lake-level records from Lake Constance and from Jurassian lakes over the mid-Holocene period point to time scale as a crucial factor in considering the possible impact of climate change on environments.  相似文献   
The precipitation climatology and the underlying climate mechanisms of the eastern Mediterranean, West Asia, and the Indian subcontinent are reviewed, with emphasis on upper and middle tropospheric flow in the subtropics and its steering of precipitation. Holocene climate change of the region is summarized from proxy records. The Indian monsoon weakened during the Holocene over its northernmost region, the Ganges and Indus catchments and the western Arabian Sea. Southern regions, the Indian Peninsula, do not show a reduction, but an increase of summer monsoon rain across the Holocene. The long-term trend towards drier conditions in the eastern Mediterranean can be linked to a regionally complex monsoon evolution. Abrupt climate change events, such as the widespread droughts around 8200, 5200 and 4200 cal yr BP, are suggested to be the result of altered subtropical upper-level flow over the eastern Mediterranean and Asia.The abrupt climate change events of the Holocene radically altered precipitation, fundamental for cereal agriculture, across the expanse of late prehistoric-early historic cultures known from the archaeological record in these regions. Social adaptations to reduced agro-production, in both dry-farming and irrigation agriculture regions, are visible in the archaeological record during each abrupt climate change event in West Asia. Chronological refinement, in both the paleoclimate and archaeological records, and transfer functions for both precipitation and agro-production are needed to understand precisely the evident causal linkages.  相似文献   
Abstract:  This paper examines how the cultural politics of resource management were played out on the North Kaipara beach between about 1900 and 1971 between Māori and the representative of the Crown, the Marine Department. Particular attention is devoted to how, after regulations were introduced to protect toheroa, the giant surf clam, Māori struggled to assert their rights through a range of transgressions. The paper argues that this illustrates how cultural politics works both from the top down (the Marine Department's implementation of policy) and the bottom up (Māori resistance). It concludes that through an examination of this particular 'culture war', the foreshore emerges as a contested domain where politics, culture and epistemology are inseparable.  相似文献   
卫星遥感探讨杭州湾跨湖桥古文化消失原因   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
 8000 a前产生于杭州湾南部的跨湖桥史前灿烂文化,在辉煌了1000多a后,却神秘地消失了。针对这种消失,考古界还没有发 现确凿的原因。本文从卫星遥感角度,分析跨湖桥所处的地理、地貌特征,提出了钱塘江天文大潮冲毁跨湖桥文化的假说,希望这种 观点能够对跨湖桥这个难以用常规考古方法解决的史前文化消失问题提供一种有益的研究方法和思路。  相似文献   
西拉沐沦河流域地处中国地貌大势三大台阶之中台阶与低台阶的过渡区。该区的中度抬升和下切,造成了西拉沐沦河流域考古文化遗址在空间上的垂向迁移;频繁的迁移也导致了考古遗址在堆积形态上主要表现为单一型,体现了不同考古文化之间“间断”的,不稳定的传承方式。位于中国地貌大势之低台阶上的汶泗流域,属自下古生代以来就十分稳定的剥蚀区,这些自然条件造成了汶泗流域遗址在堆积形态上主要表现为叠置型,考古文化在时空上,很少随着时间做空间上的改变,基本上在同一水平空间稳定不动,体现了不同考古文化之间“连续”、稳定的传承方式。两个流域的对比研究说明,不同地域、不同的自然条件,可以造成考古文化演替与传承模式的区域分异  相似文献   
Representing environments in flux: case studies from East Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant view in the ecology and anthropology of the 1950s saw populations harmoniously interacting in self-regulating systems; climax forests and stable societies were the ruling hypotheses. Now, however, ecology and social sciences are investigating nature and culture in flux. The flux paradigms of nature and culture describe a human–ecological relationship that is non-equilibrial, historically contingent and constantly negotiated at both material and ideological levels by unequal actors. In this paper, we examine the effect of changing ecological and cultural paradigms on interpretations of environmental change in three areas of East Africa: the North Pare Mountains, Tanzania, the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania and the Tsavo National Park, Kenya. We explore how discursive and materialist approaches can complement one another, by expanding the domains of ecological inquiry and demanding that analysts cross-check their data for unquestioned assumptions regarding stability, variability and spatial and temporal scales. Rather than testing a ruling hypothesis, we suggest that ecologists and social scientists work with multiple hypotheses, with the aim of understanding the interplay between ecological, environmental and social influences.  相似文献   
河南濮阳西水坡新石器时代遗址出土的瓣鳃类共有33种,其中31种组成了Lamprotula-Cuneopsis-Unio组合,称为西水坡丽蚌动物群,其时代为中全新世早期。据贝壳14C测年资料(6 465±45 a BP)和同层出土的陶器特征, 为仰韶文化早期(7 000~6 000 a BP)。该动物群与长江中,下游流域洞庭湖、鄱阳湖和太湖及其周围水域的现代丽蚌动物群组合特征非常接近,同属东洋界、中印亚界动物地理区, 亚热带湿热气候。根据该动物群反映的生态环境,仰韶文化早期该地区的古环境地处亚热带,气候湿热,雨量充沛,草木茂盛,河流成网,湖泊遍野,水质优良,水生生物丰富,优越的自然环境为先民提供了从事农耕、渔猎的生栖条件。  相似文献   
我国北方农牧交错带的环境演变   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:60  
中国北方农牧交错带在10~8.5kaB.P.经历了三次阶段性增暖后进入全新世暖期。8.5~8.0kaB.P.和4~3.5kaB.P.暖期的开始与结束事件中降水变化落后于温度变化300~500a;暖期盛期时的年均温较现代高2~3℃,降水多100mm左右;暖期中存在多次短期寒冷事件,年均温最冷时较现代低3℃以上。3.5kaB.P.以来冷干趋势之上叠加着大致由300a稳定与500a波动构成的约800a的周期性变化。全新世暖期原始农业文化的阶段性发展与暖期内环境波动相对应;暖期结束时发生了由农业向牧业文化转换的事件;暖期以后的冷干期为农牧交错文化时期,农业经济随冷干程度的变化而兴衰  相似文献   
太湖生态环境演化及其原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
太湖地处长江下游三角洲,水域面积为2338km2,平均水深1.9m,最大水深不足2.6m,为一典型的大型浅水湖泊。太湖流域地势平坦,河网密布,河湖水力关系复杂。其主要补给径流来自西南部的天目山区及西部的宜溧河流域。每年夏天,大部分入湖洪水通过位于东太湖的太浦河及东北部的望虞河分别排入黄浦江与长江,由于出入湖河道的特殊位置,使得太湖南部的换水周期较短而北部较长。近几十年来,太湖由于污染而逐步呈现富营养化特征,污染物主要来自北部的无锡市和常州市,通过河道排入太湖北部的五里湖与梅梁湾,因此上述两地的水质较南部差。在东太湖,水产养殖对水环境的影响很大,亦呈现出富营养化特征,并殃及该地区的供水,加之该地区为太湖主要的泄洪通道,因此泥沙淤积严重,而且水生植物生长旺盛,呈现出明显的沼泽化趋势;在太湖四周地区,由于湖泊围垦和水利工程建设,其污染净化能力将降低,从而加速水环境恶化的趋势。太湖所面临这些问题,有待于强化湖泊科学管理来解决。  相似文献   
文化与旅游互动机理探析--以腾冲县旅游发展为例   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
文化是旅游业发展的灵魂所在,是激发旅游者旅游动机的主要因素之一,文化差异越大,能为旅游业所利用的文化资源也就越多;旅游业的发展又能为文化的发展创造条件,文化与旅游业的发展在多个层面上存在着互动关系。从影响旅游业的文化层面出发,分析了文化与旅游业的相互关系,认为文化与旅游能够实现互动发展,通过腾冲的实证研究,对文化与旅游的互动关系作了进一步说明。  相似文献   
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