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珠三角外围地区农村回流劳动力的就业选择及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨忍  徐茜  张琳  陈燕纯 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2305-2317
在农村劳动力持续外流的同时,农村地区的劳动力存在着弱回流,农村回流劳动力对乡村振兴与重构极为重要。基于珠三角外围地区不同地域类型的15个村的问卷调查资料,采用Logistic回归模型,对农村回流劳动力的就业选择特征及非农就业的影响因素进行综合分析。研究发现:① 外出务工的工资性收入的资本积累,是返乡从事零售、杂货、服装和个体修理等个体经营的基础,非农就业在空间选择上倾向于中心镇或县(区)。② 农村人口外流致使农村地域的人地关系发生显著变化,农地生计保障性功能弱化,农地规模经营的租种成本降低,部分农村回流劳动力选择从事农业生产,主要以种植经济果林、药材为主,助推了农用地非粮化。③ 农村回流劳动力的非农就业受到个人特征、家庭特征、村庄特征等多元因素影响。在个人特征方面,年龄越小、受教育程度越高的回流者从事非农职业的倾向性越大;在家庭特征方面,家庭务农人数与务工人数越少、农田面积越小的回流劳动力倾向于从事非农职业;在村庄特征方面,不同县域的农村劳动力就业倾向差异较大,距离县城越近的农村劳动力从事非农职业的几率越大。县域村镇体系的中心地发展与规划建设是乡村转型发展的关键地域节点。  相似文献   
Rural energy consumption in China has increased dramatically in the last decades, and has become a significant contributor of carbon emissions. Yet there is limited data on energy consumption patterns and their evolution in forest rural areas of China. In order to bridge this gap, we report the findings of field surveys in forest villages in Weichang County as a case study of rural energy consumption in northern China. We found that the residential energy consumption per household is 3313 kgce yr-1(kilogram standard coal equivalent per year), with energy content of 9.7 × 107 kJ yr-1, including 1783 kgce yr-1 from coal, 1386 kgce yr-1 from fuel wood, 96 kgce yr-1 from electricity, and 49 kgce yr-1 from LPG. Per capita consumption is 909 kgce yr-1 and its energy content is 2.7 × 107 kJ yr-1. Due to a total energy utilization efficiency of 24.6%, all the consumed energy can only supply about 2.4 × 107 kJ yr-1 of efficient energy content. Secondly, household energy consumption is partitioned into 2614 kgce yr-1 for heating, 616 kgce yr-1 for cooking, and 117 kgce yr-1 for home appliances. Thirdly, the associated carbon emissions per household are 2556 kgC yr-1, including1022 kgC yr-1 from unutilized fuel wood(90% of the total fuel wood). The rest of emissions come from the use of electricity(212 kgC yr-1), coal(1301 kgC yr-1) and LPG(21 kgC yr-1). Fourthly, local climate, family size and household income have strong influences on rural residential energy consumption. Changes in storage and utilization practices of fuel can lead to the 10%-30% increase in the efficiency of fuel wood use, leading to reduced energy consumption by 924 kgce yr-1 per household(27.9% reduction) and 901 kgC yr-1 of carbon emissions(35.3% reduction).  相似文献   
开展农村集体土地所有权确权登记发证工作,是为了进一步确定土地所有权,维护农民集体合法权益,促进农村社区和谐稳定的现实需要。该文在结合崂山区农村集体土地所有权确权登记发证工作的基础上,介绍了崂山区集体所有权用地的现状,指出了当前存在的问题,提出了加强组织领导和技术指导、广泛宣传、加强争议调处、加强已有成果的应用、强化督查的对策建议。  相似文献   
房屋代码的管理是房地产登记工作的基础和核心之一。房屋代码管理模块定位是基于GIS的房产管理信息系统的功能模块之一,主要用于房屋代码的管理,功能包括生成代码、检验代码、修改代码、查询分析代码等。利用本模块能够降低编码工作重复的压力,提高编码的效率和准确性。  相似文献   
在农村土地整治工作中,土地权属管理是保护权利人合法权益、保证农村土地整治顺利进行的基础。因此,理顺土地权属关系、加强农村土地整治权属管理至为重要。该文对山东省66个土地综合整治项目和2006-2011年城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目涉及的土地权属管理工作进行了调研,全面分析了土地权属管理现状,结合工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策建议,以期为今后土地整治权属管理方面的深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   
In 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck southwest China less than 100 km north of Chengdu, the booming capital of Sichuan Province. The city government undertook a massive reconstruction project in its rural hinterlands that was guided by existing policies to develop rural areas through coordinated urban and rural planning. Planners sought to avoid replicating urban settlements in rural areas by developing recognizably “pastoral” villages, an approach that is being widely echoed in the relatively new discipline of rural spatial planning in China. This paper argues that such design concessions evade the key feature of the new villages: the concentration of rural residents. The Chengdu government, though this symbolic and actual de-peopling of rural landscapes, has recast rural space as an environmental amenity and an abstract stock of arable land. Drawing on interviews, site visits, and policy and media documents, the paper analyzes the metropolitan plans that provided the framework for rural reconstruction in post-quake Chengdu, and connects these to a model village site in Chengdu’s rural periphery. The case illustrates the need to understand site-level village planning in the context of regional political economies of land, and highlights the new role that metropolitan governments are playing in rural development strategies.  相似文献   
乡村空间治理是国土空间治理的重要组成部分,全域土地综合整治是实施乡村空间治理的重要手段。乡村空间治理从要素上是对山水林田湖草等自然资源要素的治理,从功能空间上是对生态空间、生产空间和生活空间的治理。以山东省沂源县流水片区为例,探讨基于全域土地综合整治的乡村空间治理路径和方式。乡村生态空间治理,首先构建乡村生态空间网络,强化重要生态空间保护,注重山体、水系等生态空间修复;其次,优化产业发展布局,促进特色产业规模化发展;再次,优化村落空间结构形态、完善街巷空间组织、增加公共活动空间、营造温馨庭院空间,使得人们能够“望得见青山,看得见绿水,记得住乡愁”。  相似文献   
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