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充分肯定我省土地整理开发工作取得的成效 在各级党委、政府的正确领导下,在省耕地保护和造地改田领导小组成员单位的大力配合支持下,我省土地整理和标准农田建设取得了显著成绩.至2004年底,全省通过土地整理等方式建成标准农田1194.38万亩,新增耕地达182.07万亩,为我省连续9年实现耕地占补平衡提供了重要保障.核拨土地整理折抵指标131.09万亩,使用折抵指标批准的耕地104.26万亩,占全部批准建设占用耕地179.27万亩的58%,大大缓解了我省建设用地计划指标严重不足的矛盾.同时,通过土地整理和标准农田建设,提高了耕地质量,改善了农业生产条件.通过农村居民点综合整治,改善了农村的交通环境、生态环境、生活居住环境,开辟了村级集体经济收入财源,壮大了村级经济,为村民办了一些实事、好事,既调动了基层干部的工作积极性,又增强了村级班子的凝聚力,促进了农村基层建设.  相似文献   
4月27日,椒江区章安街道西洋村造田造地项目通过区级验收,为该街道补充耕地202.75亩。该项目于今年1月份经椒江区土地开发整理领导小组椒土垦【2006】1号文件批准立项,于2月初开始,清理老化桔树,修筑机耕道路。经过3个多月的艰苦作业,完成了造田造地工作,形成了田块平整、田埂整齐,田成方、路成网,渠相通的农业园区格局。达到了旱涝保收的标准,改善了农业生产条件,极大地提高了粮食产量,增加了农民收益。并为章安发展扩大了用地空间。  相似文献   
This paper examines the effect of ploughing depths (A -- 60 cm, B -- 45 cm and C -- 30 cm) on the growth and yield of Heracleum candicans Wall (Apiaceae), a threatened medicinal herb of the Himalayan region. This less-explored plant is being suggested as a potential crop for the mountain agriculture. The study was carried out in an orchard in Himachal Pradesh, India at 2500 m altitude, for two successive growth years. During the first year, all plants remained in juvenile state; in the second year, nearly 65 % plants produced flowers only under 60cm ploughing depth. Among its morphological traits, plant height, collar diameter and aboveground flesh weight were found to be strongly correlated (P 〈 0.01) with the belowground biomass during the first year (r =0.968, 0.925 and 0.973, respectively) and during the second year (r=0.945, 0.928 and 0.775, respectively). Increase in the ploughing depth was significantly correlated (P〈0.01) with all growth parameters, including the belowground dry weight, marketable portion of the produce. The belowground biomass (commercial yield; 16.28 Qt/hec) at depth A was about 2.6 and 4.7 times higher than those recorded at depths B and C, respectively. The results clearly justify the importance of deep ploughing and this paper strongly recommends it for economically sustainable cropping.  相似文献   
In order to determine the degree of returning-to-zero of temperatures of deformed calcite, a series of rock-breaking experiments were designed to test calcite-rich limestone samples under fixed confining pressures and different temperatures. The consolidated deformed samples in their initial state were observed under a microscope and the microscopic indicators in different zero-returning states were put forward, thus providing a microscopic foundation for evaluation of reliability of dating values of deformation in calcite. At last, the correction of dating values of deformation for samples whose temperature has not yet returned to zero is discussed.  相似文献   
刘阳 《山东国土资源》2006,22(10):67-67
9月15日上午,峄山省级地质公园揭碑开园仪式在邹城市峄山举行。山东省国土资源厅领导及济宁市、邹城市有关领导和部门负责同志出席了揭碑开园仪式,并参观游览了峄山地质公园。峄山省级地质公园位于邹城市市区东南部,总面积约80平方千米。主要包括“七山一水”为主的自然地质景观和人文历史景观。作为主要标志、第一高峰的峄山,海拔582.8米,素有“邹鲁灵秀”、“岱南奇观”之美誉,被誉为“神州怪石第一山”、“天下第一奇山”。区内纵横交错的花岗岩节理,直插天表的花岗岩奇峰,  相似文献   
太康县位于豫东平原,是一个典型的农业大县、财政穷县。全县总人口131.9万人,其中农业人口115.8万人,耕地面积171.4万亩,人均耕地约1.3亩,低于全国人均耕地平均数。因而切实保护耕地,合理利用土地资源对太康经济发展至关重要。1999年,太康县将原属于乡(镇)管理的国土所上收,实现了县、乡土地管理机构垂直管理,并且在理顺体制和提高素质上狠下功夫,较好地发挥了基层国土资源所的作用。  相似文献   
近年来,由于受诸多因素的影响和制约,宾县没有突破以传统农业为主的经济发展格局,致使农业大而不全、工业弱小、第三产业不发达,与周边市县的发展差距不断加大。为了从根本上实现经济的跨越发展,从解放思想入手,在大调研、大考察、大讨论的基础上,确定了“工业强县、牧业富民、旅游带动、外力牵动”的经济发展思路。把招商引资,借外力发展壮大工业经济做为主攻目标和突破口,以工业经济的率先发展带动整个县域经济的快速发展。因此,借宾西镇的区位优势,辟建了宾西经济开发区。2002年9月,经  相似文献   
农业自然资源据其在农业利用过程中的地位可分为两类:一类是生成农业自然资源的环境,另一类为可资直接利用的自然生成物(即狭义的农业自然资源)。陕西秦巴山区自然环境的主要特点是:复合山体高峻庞大,地跨暖温带和北亚热带,垂直分异明显。区内有:森林、草场、野生生物、林特产与农作物等多种农业自然资源。据此,提出了本区农业自然资源的开发利用途径。  相似文献   
A number of different lahars have been recognized from a systematic survey of a mapping project. The high setting temporamre feature of the deposits indicates a relationship between the lahar and the Millennium eruption event of Tianchi Volcano. The lahars caused a dramatic disaster. Recognize of the huge avalanche scars and deposits around Tianchi Volcano imply another highly destructive hazard. Three types of different texture of the avalanche deposits have been recognized. There was often magma mixing processes during the Millennium eruption of Tianchi Volcano, indicating a mixing and co-eruption regime of the eruption.  相似文献   
对广西岩溶区三个铅锌硫化物矿床风化带观测结果表明,中低山岩溶区硫化物矿床具有更强烈的风化淋滤作用,但次生晕面积较小;岩溶平原区硫化物矿床风化与元素表生迁移特征较相似于非岩溶区的情况,表现在可产生较宽的pH偏低带和较大面积的次生晕  相似文献   
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