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Characteristics and formation causes of Qingdao Cold Water Mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work,the main characteristics of the Qingdao Cold Water Mass were studied by using“the comparison analysis method”based on 1980 temperature,salinity and dissolved oxygen data on the western South Yellow Sea.The formation cause of the water mass was analyzed based on February of 1959 temperature and salinity data for this area and on some other authors’studies.The results showed that the Qingdao Cold Water Mass has growing and vanishing processes:appears in the last ten days of March;has stable pattern in April;is biggest in its area in May;becomes small in its area in June;vanishes in July.It comes from the northem Shandong Coastal Water and is characterized by low temperature and salinity and high disolved oxygen.The mass is formed under the joint effects of anticyclonic circulation and solar radiation.  相似文献   
青岛市海洋与渔业局以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕蓝色经济区建设大局,扎实推进"环湾保护、拥湾发展"战略实施,着力推进全省领先、全国一流的海域使用管理示范区、海洋生态文明示范区和现代渔业发展示范区建设,连续四年被评为"全国海域使用管理先进单位""全国海洋环保先进集体""国家级海域使用管理示范区",荣获"全国海洋综合管理特等奖"。2008 年因海域管理和海洋环保工作成效显著,被中共中央、国务院授予北京奥运会残奥会先进集体。2009 年完成主要海洋产业总产值1500亿元,比2008年增长3.5%,居山东省城市之首。2010年以来,根据中央和省、市关于加快转方式、调结构工作部署,青岛市海洋与渔业局党委带领广大干部职工进一步解放思想、振奋精神,科学务实、积极作为,努力推动海洋开发与管理新跨越,促进海洋经济新发展。  相似文献   
Aerosol samples were collected at two coastal suburban stations, Qingdao (China) in 1995-1996 and Liverpool (U.K.) in 1995, respectively. The samples were analyzed to determine the concentrations of trace metals (Cr, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, V, and Cd) as well as A1, Fe and Mn. Data were examined to understand the difference of trace metals in aerosols between coastal zones downwind the developing area (near the Yellow Sea) and developed region (near the Irish Sea). The results show that most elements at Qingdao have levels 4-5 times higher than those at Liverpool, particularly for the crust-dominated elements (e.g. Al, Fe and Mn). Moreover, the aerosol composition at Qingdao is higher in spring than in summer, underlying the influence of westerlies and local emissions in combination, whereas seasonal change of aerosol composition is not significant at Liverpool. The enrichment factors for the crustal source elements (EFcrust) at Liverpool are much higher than those at Qingdao. The contributions from the pollutant source (Rp) for some trace metals like Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd are 〉90% at Qingdao and Liverpool, suggesting overwhelming anthropogenic contributions to these metals. The contributions from crustal source (Re) for trace metals tend to increase with higher aerosol levels and Al concentration at Qingdao, indicating a good correlation between the crust-dominated component and the air mass. At Liverpool, the Rc values for trace metals are positively correlated with Al concentrations instead of with aerosol mass, suggesting that Al in aerosols represents the crustal component even though the aerosols come from different sources.  相似文献   
为提高青岛市城阳区村级干部国土资源法律法规知识水平,增强自觉保护耕地、节约集约用地和合理开发土地资源的责任意识,城阳区委组织部、宣传部、司法局、教育局、电视台、国土资源分局联合组织对全区8个街道230个社区的312名党组织书记、居委会主任进行了国土资源法律知识宣传教育培训。此次培训,村干部们系统地学习了党的十七大精神和中央以及省、市关于国土资源管理的大政方针,尤其是保护耕地和合理开发利用国土资源的重大意义;普及了与基层干部群众生产生活和实际工作密切联系为国土资源法律法规知识;详细讲解了本地区各种违反国土资源法律法规的行为及其法律责任,增强了广大村干部学法、懂法、守法、执法和依法维权的意识和自觉性。  相似文献   
近日,青岛市国土资源房屋管理局成功调处了一起历时35年的跨县域土地权属纠纷案,避免了重大群体性事件发生。城阳区城阳街道大周村与即墨市环秀街道李家西城西村的村界纠纷,是自1972年以来的一个历史遗留问题,当时的烟台专区就专门处理过此事,但是由于当时的文件资料没有遗留下来,再加上村领导的交替,致使两个村的界线一直不是很明确。至2006年12月3日,李家西家西村围起院墙建厂房时,大周村部分村民上前制止,与该厂部分工人发生了械斗。事后,大周村“两委”领导访至青岛市国土资源房管局,反映位于204国道北、青银高速路东、红领路南,约3000平方米的耕地被李家西城西社区侵占。  相似文献   
在分析研究青岛市黄岛区潮河流域水文地质条件基础上,建立了水文地质概念模型和地下水流数值模拟模型,利用地下水水位动态监测资料对模型进行了识别,并预测了三枯一丰一平条件下地下水最大开采量以及水位、降深分布情况。结果表明,模型验证拟合结果较好,地下水最大开采量为2.4万m3/d,地下水开采不会引起地面沉降、海水入侵等问题。  相似文献   
2010年5月6日,山东省人民政府下达了《山东省人民政府关于青岛市崂山区2010年第一批次城市建设用地的批复(鲁政土字[2010]631号),标志着山东省探索出了用地置换方式的新程序、新路子。青岛市崂山区中心城区一宗土地急需出让,但由于该地块未列入中心城区报国务院批准范围内,  相似文献   
Mass concentrations of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) and size-segregated particles were obtained from July 2001 to June 2002 in Qingdao to characterize the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols and to show the impact of dust events on the air quality in Qingdao. Data on size-segregated aerosols show that 73.74% of the TSP mass concentration is contributed by particles with diameters less than 11 μm. Particles with diameters less than 1.1μm have a higher concentration during the winter. In spring, larger particles tend to have higher mass concentrations. Bimodal particle size distributions have been observed, with maxima around 4.7-7 μand 0.43-0.65 μm in the winter season, and 7-11 μm and 0.65-1.1 μm in the autumn season. Measurements made during the dust events in March 2002 show high concentrations of particles in the size range 2.1-7μm.  相似文献   
青岛是我国缺水城市之一。但本已紧缺的水资源却存在着水质污染、开采漏斗、海(咸)水入侵及高氟水等一系列水环境问题。文中分析了其发生原因、危害程度及发展趋势,并提出了综合治理建议。  相似文献   
我们用两天时问开了一次非常重要的会议。首先,我们要对山东省委、省政府,青岛市委、市政府,山东省国土资源厅、青岛市国土资源和房屋管理局对会议召开给予的大力支持表示衷心感谢!对中央办公厅、中组部等有关部门的同志到会指导表示感谢!同时,也对同志们克服各种困难、为推动国土资源管理工作付出的辛勤劳动表示敬意!  相似文献   
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