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全新世以来南阳盆地的新石器文化以中原类型为主导,但源于汉水中下游的屈家岭文化和石家河文化深刻影响了南阳盆地史前文化演变的内容和过程。除石家河期遗址集中分布于盆地南缘的低地外,仰韶文化、屈家岭文化和龙山文化的人类遗址均分布于100~200 m地势和缓的岗地区。盆地内史前文化相互角逐的动力源于中原型和江汉型两种原始农业的消涨,因而旱作农业快速发展期对应仰韶文化和龙山文化的南扩;粟作农业的衰落对应屈家岭文化和石家河文化的北进。南阳盆地史前时期的生业模式序列表现为:仰韶文化早期的采集捕捞业、仰韶中晚期的粟作农业、屈家岭时期的稻作农业和石家河—龙山时期的稻粟混作业。其中,屈家岭文化后期生产工具的精细化、家庭畜牧业的规模化改变了先民的食谱结构。  相似文献   
江汉平原钟桥遗址地层揭示的史前洪水事件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过野外考古调查研究,利用对钟桥遗址疑似古洪水层和研究区现代洪水沉积物的锆石微形态、粒度、磁化率、Rb/Sr等地球化学指标的比较、AMS14C技术和考古器物断代,发现钟桥遗址在4800~4597 cal. a BP、4479~4367 cal. a BP和4168~3850 cal. a BP分别经历了三次古洪水事件并相应堆积了古洪水沉积层;结合江汉平原及其周边地区众多遗址的古洪水沉积层时代对比证据,揭示了屈家岭文化中晚期(4900~4600 cal. a BP)和石家河文化末期至夏代(4100~3800 cal. a BP)两次大洪水事件在江汉平原地区非常普遍。对史前洪水发生环境背景的进一步分析,反映江汉平原在5000~4500 a BP及4000 a BP前后的时段气候表现得不稳定,古洪水事件与气候环境变化驱动的江汉平原湖群扩张存在一定的联系,并影响区域新石器文化兴衰过程。同时,其它证据也表明该区社会发展过程和环境变化过程特别是古水文过程的矛盾在石家河文化末期已特别突出,发现具有全球意义的4000 a BP前后气候异常引起的大洪水事件是江汉平原地区石家河文化消亡的重要环境因素;而石家河文化末期该区内部或同中原以及其它地区间的冲突,都加速了石家河文化的崩溃。这些研究成果,提供了可靠的大禹时代史前洪水证据来说明其对新石器文化兴衰的社会影响,对于揭示4000 a BP气候事件中区域气候水文变化的响应规律,亦具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
The Holocene Megathermal is divided into early,middle and late periods,each having different impacts on the Neolithic cultures due to their different climate changing trends.This study is based on a comparative analysis of the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qinghai Lake,the western edge of the Loess Plateau and Zoige and the spatial distribution of Neolithic sites of the Gansu-Qinghai region.Results show that the early and middle periods towards warm and humid promoted the development o...  相似文献   
The Holocene Megathermal is divided into early, middle and late periods, each having different impacts on the Neolithic cultures due to their different climate changing trends. This study is based on a comparative analysis of the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qinghai Lake, the western edge of the Loess Plateau and Zoige and the spatial distribution of Neolithic sites of the Gansu-Qinghai region. Results show that the early and middle periods towards warm and humid promoted the development of Neolithic cultures with agriculture as the main sector in the Gansu-Qinghai region, furthermore a heyday of Yangshao Culture prosperity emerged. The Holocene entered the late period after the cold climate event at 5.9 ka BP in the Gansu-Qinghai region. Later the climate began to turn cold. However, at the 5.8–4.2 ka BP a relatively stable warm and humid climate created the conditions for the development of Majiayao Culture of the Neolithic Age in this region, thus the distribution of its cultural heritage sites expanded towards high altitudes and high latitudes. From 4.2 ka BP onwards, the climate became cold and dry, which had a significant influence on the Neolithic cultures of the Gansu-Qinghai region, leading to a dramatic change in the cultural characters and spatial distribution of Qijia Culture around 4.2 ka BP. After a nearly 300 years of cold and dry period, the unified Neolithic farming culture completely collapsed. Afterwards an industrial division of animal husbandry and farming and regional multiple cultures formed, and ultimately led to the end of primitive society and the starting of a civilized society.  相似文献   
New data suggest that dramatic environmental change in the Western Loess Plateau of China corresponded with substantial changes in human demography ca. 4000 cal yr B.P. These data demonstrate that a rapid climatic transition from wet to dry led to an ecologically devastated period between 4090 and 3600 cal yr B.P. The sudden reduction in the number of archaeological sites during this period, namely a reduction in the total number of sites and a contraction of the areal distribution of sites, points to declining agricultural productivity associated with widespread aridification beginning at 4000 cal yr B.P.  相似文献   
The lower reaches of the Minjiang River and its adjacent areas were among the most active prehistoric archaeological areas in Fujian Province. The accumulation types of Neolithic archaeological strata are roughly divided into dune sites and dune/shell mound sites. The sites can also be roughly divided into estuarine, coastal, and sea-island sites based on their geomorphic features. The cultural development of these prehistoric sites is of great significance for understanding the migration and spread of Austronesian civilization. Based on luminescence dating of typical Neolithic sites on Haitan Island, their quartz-OSL (optically stimulated luminecesence) burial ages were determined. Synthesizing previously published results, the temporospatial distribution characteristics of the sea-island sites on Haitan Island are discussed, and the relationship between Neolithic human activities and regional geomorphic processes is analyzed. The results show that: (1) the spatial and temporal distribution of the Haitan Island Neolithic sites are closely related to small-scale geomorphic features and are controlled by mesoscale geomorphic processes. The sites were mainly distributed in the foothills of two high hills along an NNE-SSW trend. With an increase in altitude, the features were distributed as “single site (I) - superimposed site - single site (II)” and appear successively. Single type sites (I) mainly appeared at low sea level, whereas single type sites (II) mainly appeared at high sea level. Superimposed sites were not subject to sea level changes. The relative elevation of the superimposed sites in the study area indicates the optimal residential area for human activities in the region. The single site with an elevation lower than the optimal residential area was mainly restricted by the lowest residential area, whereas the single site at a higher elevation than the optimal residential area was mainly affected by livelihood patterns. (2) High sea level caused by the “backwater effect” in low latitude areas in the southern hemisphere, and coastal aeolian sand activity influenced by sea level fluctuations in the middle Holocene correspond well with human activities recorded in the cultural stratigraphy of sea-island type sites. The altitude of coastal aeolian sand accumulation can be used as an indirect index to estimate the age of coastal dunes.  相似文献   
娅怀洞遗址是广西近年又一项重要考古发现,是一处石器时代洞穴遗址,文化遗存分为4期,第一至第三期属于旧石器时代晚期,第四期属于新石器时代晚期.本文以该遗址出土动物遗存为研究对象,鉴定其种属、部位、死亡年龄和性别等信息,观察遗存保存状态和表面痕迹,对其进行尺寸和重量测量.在此基础上,对其进行可鉴定标本数、最小个体数和骨骼发现率的统计,并依据统计结果进行自然环境的复原、人类行为和生业经济的初步分析.遗址出土动物包括软体动物(瓣鳃纲和腹足纲)和脊椎动物(鱼纲、爬行动物纲、鸟纲和哺乳动物纲),计27科19种(属).分析结果显示:自旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期,遗址出土的主要动物,都包括有扁蜷螺科、方形环棱螺、斜口环棱螺、梨形环棱螺、高大环口螺、塔锥短沟蜷、佛耳丽蚌、刻纹丽蚌、三型矛蚌、圆顶珠蚌、河蚬、鲤鱼、青鱼、鳖科、龟科、钝吻鳄科、鸭科、雉科、猕猴、猪獾、野猪、牛亚科、羊亚科和不同体型的鹿科动物等,这表明自旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期,遗址附近的自然条件没有发生大的改变,一直都存在有茂密的森林和相对广阔的水域,各种动植物资源都非常丰富;动物构成始终以哺乳动物纲中的鹿科和猪科数量最多,说明自旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期,先民一直以狩猎鹿科和猪科为代表的野生哺乳动物来获取主要的肉食资源,同时也采集野生植物、捕捞水生的螺类、鱼类和爬行类作为食物资源的补充;从保存数量最多的鹿科和猪科骨骼发现率来看,存在有部分长骨骨骼缺失的现象,说明遗址并非先民宰杀肢解动物的主要场所,遗址中的动物多为先民宰杀肢解后带来的;鹿科动物掌/跖骨及与之相连的腕跗部骨骼发现率普遍较高,且要明显高于同时期的猪科动物,可能与先民有意识选择鹿科动物该部位的骨骼来制作骨器的行为有关;大量出土螺类存在壳顶缺失的现象,这应该与先民对螺肉的取食有关,与娅怀洞遗址的年代相当的柳州白莲洞遗址也存在类似的现象.从旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期的纵向演变来看,先民对哺乳动物的利用程度是在逐渐增加的,对鱼的利用程度是大幅度减少的,对腹足动物的利用也有一定程度的减少,遗址动物群构成的这种变化体现了新石器时代晚期先民生活方式和生业经济选择(定居和农业)的变化.  相似文献   
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