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青海省互助北山国家地质公园地质 遗迹及其综合评价   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4  
重要的地质遗迹是国家的宝贵财富, 是生态环境的重要组成部分。青海省互助北山国家地质公园位于青藏高原和黄土高原的过渡带, 地质遗迹丰富多样, 保存完好, 对我国西部环境演变研究具有很高的科研价值。本文分析了北山地质公园内的地质遗迹类型及分布, 并对其进行了详细的综合评价。  相似文献   
五大连池世界地质公园的老黑山、火烧山是我国有详实史料记载的喷发时间最新的活火山,公元1720—1721年喷发距今已300年.火山地震与火山喷发关系密切,但在熔岩台地上较难区分熔岩流动造成的岩石变形与地震造成的构造变形.前人利用地震台网记录和史料记载,对老黑山和火烧山地震的活动特征、火山喷发与地震的关系做过大量研究,但迄...  相似文献   
西部地质公园建设与保护的意义及应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地质遗迹是不可再生资源,建立地质公园是充分利用地质资源的一种创举,对于保护地质遗迹、恢复生态环境具有重要的意义。西部地区由于种种原因,地质公园的建设工作还存在很多问题,针对这些问题,本文指出了中国西部地质公园建设与保护工作应注意的问题。  相似文献   
四川省绵竹市清平一汉旺国家地质公园是以地质灾害链遗迹及治理工程为资源特色的地质公园,具有极高的科学科普和美学价值。对公园典型地质遗迹资源进行调查的基础上,结合其形成的区域地质背景资料进行分析,参考国家标准和前人分类方法,对其地质遗迹资源进行分类、评价,提出保护建议,以期促进地质遗迹资源的保护及地质公园的长足发展。  相似文献   
青海省贵德国家地质公园地质遗迹及综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地质遗迹综合评价是保护和利用地质遗迹的重要科学依据。本文在系统阐述青海省贵德国家地质公园地质遗迹类型与特征的基础上,依据国土资源部《中国国家地质公园建设技术要求和工作指南》地质遗迹(景观)评价系统和改进后的菲什拜因-罗森伯格模型,对贵德国家地质公园地质遗迹进行综合评价研究。结果表明:公园地质遗迹丰富多样、形态典型、景观奇特、保存良好;地质遗迹可分为8个大类,16个亚类;地质遗迹具有较高的科学价值、科普价值、美学价值、康体价值以及旅游开发价值,其中尤以水体景观、峰丛地貌和黄河奇石最为典型,属于国家级资源。研究结果不仅为地质遗迹的评价提供了一种新的模式,而且对于正确认识贵德国家地质公园地质遗迹状况,深入进行地质遗迹保护、开发利用和管理等工作具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
This discussion paper addresses the role of geomorphology in designating UNESCO World Heritage properties. Two of the defined criteria employed in the process are explicitly relevant to geomorphology. Criterion (vii) emphasizes the occurrence of superlative natural phenomena, while criterion (viii) directly refers to landforms and on‐going surface processes, along with historical geological values. Superlative natural phenomena may be singular features, but in recent nominations the focus has tended to be on geomorphic diversity over limited areas. Overall, this is a criterion significantly influenced by subjective judgement. The significance of landforms, as included in the wording of criterion (viii), may be considered in three ways. Landforms may be significant for the science of geomorphology itself, and/or for other natural science disciplines, particularly biology and ecology, and/or be of wider cultural significance, including for history, architecture, general landscape aesthetics, art, or religion, underpinning cultural developments. To better determine the conditions to be fulfilled by a property to be considered as geomorphologically significant at the highest global level required for World Heritage listing seems a timely and useful exercise. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地质遗迹景观的评价对于地质公园的有效保护及合理开发具有重要的指导意义。在确定研究区域范围的基础上,对兴文世界地质公园主要地质遗迹景观进行了简要介绍,并对小岩湾石海、泰安石林、天坑、溶洞、瀑布等几个重要地质遗迹景观进行了定性和定量评价,进而提出了地质公园旅游开发与地质遗迹保护的对策,为其进一步发展提供有益思路和支持。  相似文献   
在地质遗迹区,旅游业的健康发展离不开独特的文化旅游资源,如何整合地质遗迹景观与文化旅游资源,实现自然景观与文化景观的优势互补,是地质公园旅游业可持续发展最关键的因素之一。兴文世界地质公园拥有丰富的喀斯特景观与焚苗文化资源,有强烈的神秘色彩和吸引力,但旅游业发展相对滞后。通过分析地质公园旅游开发中存在的问题,在整合开发策略的基础上,提出了“一核心、三个旅游产品生命周期延长区”的整体开发模式。  相似文献   
Ichnofossils, although small-scale geological features, can be of geoheritage significance. The Western Australian soldier crab (Mictyris occidentalis Unno 2008) presents an unusual and unique association between the crab and its ichnology because, as the species progresses through life, its behaviour becomes more complex and its traces commensurably more varied. The links between crab ichnology, life stage, behaviour, and environment are so direct that where traces are preserved they can be used to interpret fossil crab sizes, population structures, behaviour and paleo-environment. In this context the ichnofossils comprise important paleo-ecological and paleo-environmental indicators. Middle Holocene soldier crab ichnofossils occur in 5000 year-old beach rock at Port Hedland, Western Australia. The ichnofossils include rosettes, pustules, pellet-roofed tunnels, back-filled burrows and swirl lamination, air cavities and tidal-current-degraded discard pellets. They provide information on soldier crab population sizes and behaviour, and the nature of the environment along middle Holocene shores. The ichnofossils are of geoheritage significance in their own right for the paleontological and paleo-environmental information they present, however, given the rarity of their preservation, and the location of well-developed beach rock largely restricted to the arid Pilbara Coast, these ichnofossils are an uncommon and significant geological tool for use in paleo-environmental, paleo-ecological and paleoclimate reconstructions. They are of geoheritage significance because of their diagnostic signatures and rarity of occurrence. The limitations of current classifications of traces and ichnofossils, owing to restricted definition of terms, are highlighted by these ichnofossils as several ichnological products in the complex range of soldier crab traces are not possible to classify.  相似文献   

Two spectacular cliff lines occur along Australia’s south and west coasts: the Great Southern Scarp (new name) and the Zuytdorp Cliffs. Detailed measurements of their length show that they are exceptionally long and unusually continuous. The Great Southern Scarp is the southern edge of the Nullarbor Plain’s Bunda Plateau; it is cut into shallow marine sediments and extends for 820?km. Once a continuous sea-cliff, local uplift has isolated two sections from the ocean, so it now comprises the Bunda Cliffs (210?km of coastal cliff, 180?km of which is uninterrupted cliff line), Hampton Range (inland; 300?km), Baxter Cliffs (160?km of coastal cliff) and Wylie Scarp (inland; 160?km). The Zuytdorp Cliffs are coastal cliffs cut into eolianite, and extend for 210?km with an uninterrupted section of 120?km. The length of the Great Southern Scarp and the Zuytdorp Cliffs results from an unusual combination of circumstances. They are both composed of poorly jointed, relatively homogenous biogenic calcarenites, presented to high-energy ocean waves by regional uplift. The carbonates are sufficiently well cemented to maintain a steep vertical cliff face, but susceptible to disintegration under direct wave attack. Cliff retreat has been fairly uniform because of the broad spatial scale of both lithology and erosion. The arid climate, absence of nearby non-karstic catchments and karstic nature of the cliffs’ hinterlands has discouraged integrated drainage development, so no significant fluvial systems dissect the cliffs; this is a key factor in cliff edge preservation. In the case of the Great Southern Scarp, these processes have formed the longest continuous cliff line in Australia and probably the world. Referenced against criteria from Australia’s National Heritage List, the cliffs have potentially international/national levels of significance for the rarity of their scale, their demonstration of landscape evolution, and their spectacular beauty.
  2. Australia’s longest coastal cliffs, the Bunda (SA) and Zuytdorp (WA) cliffs, are equal in length (210?km, within defined confidence levels).

  3. The Bunda Cliffs are part of the Great Southern Scarp (new name), an 820 km-long feature of the Nullarbor Plain that also includes the coastal Baxter Cliffs (160?km in length) and two paleocoastal scarps.

  4. The unusual continuity of the cliff lines results from a landscape history specific to the Australian continent, and the Great Southern Scarp is likely to be unusual on a global scale.

  5. The Great Southern Scarp and the Zuytdorp Cliffs have potentially national and/or international levels significance for geoheritage values in the criteria of events and processes, rarity and aesthetics.

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