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Summary of results from a high - resolution pan - Arctic ice - ocean model are presented for the northern North Pacific, Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. The main focus is on the mean circulation, communication from the Gulf of Alaska across the Bering Sea into the western Arctic Ocean and on mesoscale eddy activity within several important ecosystems. Model results from 1979 -2004 are compared to observations whenever possible. The high spatial model resolution at 1/12o (or -9 - km) in the horizontal and 45 levels in the vertical direction allows for representation of eddies with diameters as small as 36 km. However, we believe that upcoming new model integrations at even higher resolution will allow us to resolve even smaller eddies. This is especially important at the highest latitudes where the Rossby radius of deformation is as small as 10 km or less.  相似文献   
The occurrence percentage and abundance of General Aerobic Hetero- trophic Bacteria (GAB) were determined by using the method of MPN for 182 sub- samples from 10 sediment cores taken from the Canadian basin and the Chukchi Sea at two different culturing temperatures. The results showed that the general occurrence percentage of GAB was quite high, average abundanees of GAB at cultured temperatares of 4℃ and 25℃ were 4.46 ×10^7 and 5.47×10^7 cells·g^-1(wt), respectively. The highest abundance of GAB occurred at 20 -22 cm section in the sediment. GAB abundances changed among the section of sediments, but there is a trend : the a-bundances at the middle or lower sections were lower than those at upper section. Cultivation at 25℃ could improve the occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB, which suggests that the increasing of temperature may change the living circum-stances of GAB. The differences of GAB among the latitudes areas indicated that occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB in middle latitude areas were higher than those in the higher or lower latitude areas, and were more obvious at 4℃ than those at 25℃. The GAB abundances in sediment under the shallower water seemed to be low- er than those in sediments under the deeper water and this status was more obvious at 25℃ than that at 4℃.  相似文献   
An overview of the seasonal variation of sea-ice cover in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea is given. A coupled ice-ocean model, CECOM, has been developed to study the seasonal variation and associated ice-ocean processes. The sea-ice component of the model is a multi-category ice model in which mean concentration and thickness are expressed in terms of a thickness distribution function. Ten categories of ice thickness are specified in the model. Sea ice is coupled dynamically and thermodynamically to the Princeton Ocean Model. Selected results from the model including the seasonal variation of sea ice in Baffin Bay, the North Water polynya and ice growth and melt over the Labrador Shelf are presented.  相似文献   
2008年春节前夕,中国南方19个省(区、市)遭受了一场低温、雨雪、冰冻极端天气的自然灾害,造成了惨重损失,至今想起来还令人毛骨悚然。去冬今春,世界上多个国家和地区接连遭遇了多年甚至百年不遇的气候异常事件的袭击。恩格斯曾警告人们:"不要陶醉于对自然界的胜利,对自然界的每次胜利,自然界都会报复我们"。  相似文献   
2006年10月,平顶山市的领导干部和党代表都收到了一条短信,这个来自陌生号码的信息是辱骂时任平顶山市委书记邓永俭的。“短信是一首顺口溜,对市委书记本人进行谩骂,对他的政绩进行攻击,煽动党代表们不要再选举邓永俭任市委书记。”一位看过这条短信的干部说。这条短信发布时,距离平顶山市第七届党代会召开还有一个多月,而且这次会议是换届会,所以平顶山市上上下下都十分敏感。“短信事件”被迅速上报到公安部。  相似文献   
“今天要坚决拔掉这个钉子,否则,要我们政府干什么?要我们这些执法部门干什么?”日前,沁阳市人民政府在制止一起抢占宅基地事件过程中,副市长董红倜的话语铿锵有力。  相似文献   
人类目前的知识水平还不足以对地震作出准确可靠的预报,而且除了海洋地震引发的海啸(因为有较长的延迟)之外,各国极少根据地震预测启动应急机制。原因是,虽然有些预测事后被证明是对的,但在统计上,这些预测的可信度都不高,远没有高到足以说服行政当局愿意承受可能的错误决策所造成的社会后果。  相似文献   
曾有学者认为,大约在距今2亿年前左右,我国发生了一次大的地质碰撞事件,由此形成了一个与今天的青藏高原非常类似的“东部高原”。近日,南京大学地球科学系李祥辉教授等在《地质学报》发表论文,不仅进一步证实了上述说法,而且在时空分布上提出了新论点。  相似文献   
新密市国土资源局在全市国土资源系统开展“听民声、解民忧、迎奥运”信访集中活动中,成功地化解了一起恶性群访事件,从根源上遏制了越级上访事件的发生,有效地确保该地区在奥运期间的信访稳定工作。  相似文献   
An airborne oceanographic lidar, with a frequency-tripled Q-switched Nd: YAG laser of 355 nm, has been designed to measure chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in the sea surface layer by the Ocean Remote Sensing Institute, OUC. The field experiment was carried out in the bay which is located south of the Liaodong Peninsula on the 10th of September 2005. After the flight, the raw data were processed and analyzed by the fluorescence-to-Raman ratio method with seawater attenuation coefficients calculated from signal profiles. The results of Chl-a concentration sea water were also compared with those of Chl-a concentration by measurements by lidar are shown. The measurements in clear a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS).  相似文献   
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