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结合上海海岸带地质环境实际情况和相关监测经验,本文介绍了海岸带地质环境监测体系建设和管理的设想和思路,提出了全国海岸带地质环境监测体系建设和管理的建议。  相似文献   
本文对南设得兰群岛乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛周围现代和上升海岸地貌进行了研究。认为现代海岸地貌有三类:碎屑海岸、基岩海岸和冰崖海岸。对碎屑海岸受负载浮冰的波浪作用造成的各种现象进行了成因和类型研究。系统研究上升海岸之后得出结论,该区上升海岸地貌以海拔20米为界,上下分别属较老组和较新组。海岸平均上升速度为10毫米/年。  相似文献   
姚江春  姚华松 《热带地理》2012,32(4):437-443
为适应大珠三角地区由粗放低效增长向集约精明发展的转型需求,打造高品质人居环境、吸引高端人才和要素集聚成为本地区提升区域竞争力的关键。基于本地海岸带的复合型优势,提出建设大珠三角"阳光海岸",使之成为生态环境优美、多元文化交融、休闲景观多样、公共交通可达、设施配套完善、新兴产业集聚的地区,具体措施包括:环珠江口阳光休闲湾区建设、"公共通廊+滨海社区"的休闲海岸开发、文化海岸建设、统筹海岸带开发的合作机制建设等。  相似文献   
郗敏  张晓云  袁军  孔范龙 《湿地科学》2012,10(3):371-377
山东寿光滨海国家湿地公园中,湿地类型多样,动植物资源丰富,珍稀濒危物种和特有种多,具有很高的保护价值.该湿地公园中的湿地为典型的人工湿地,在经历了人类活动的高强度干扰后,人工湿地明显退化,亟需通过生态技术或生态工程对退化的湿地进行恢复和保护.通过分析区域现有湿地水文、水质条件以及湿地类型、资源现状和目标保护物种分布,综合考虑水源地,以湿地资源有效保护为根本出发点,运用生态保护规划的理论和方法,通过水系贯通、湿地功能恢复、水质和动植物生境改善等一系列生态重点工程和措施,优化该湿地公园的湿地生态环境,使该公园的湿地充分发挥它的多种功能,为该公园的湿地保护与恢复规划提供科学依据.  相似文献   
位于长江口的崇明东滩是东亚一澳大利西亚候鸟迁飞路线上一个重要的候鸟迁徙停歇地。保护区的环志工作始于1986年,自2002年,每年春季和秋季都进行较系统的环志工作。至2010年底,已环志鸺鹬类46种36800余只,其中超过95%的鸟佩带了代表长江口地区标识的黑白色足旗。其中大滨鹬、黑腹滨鹬和翘嘴鹬是崇明东滩环志数量最多的3种鸟类,环志数量分别为10631、3056和2746只。为了便于野外个体识别,保护区于2006年起在环志时尝试使用编码足旗,到2010年,共有9种1758只鸟佩戴了编码足旗。在环志过程中,总计有20种441只来自不同国家地区的环志鸟被回收。回收鸟中超过一半的鸟为大滨鹬,而且70%的回收鸟是在西北澳洲被环志的,表明崇明东滩与西北澳洲对于迁徙涉禽的保护上有非常紧密的联系。崇明东滩环志研究所获得的数据对于了解东亚一澳大利西亚迂徙涉禽的迂徙研究提供了宝贵资料。  相似文献   
Namalycastis tiriteae, a new species of polychaete (Nereidae: Namanereinae) is described from a freshwater stream in New Zealand. Morphologically it possesses some features intermediate between Namalycastis Hartman and Namanereis Chamberlin as denned by Hartman (1959), but it is placed in the former on the basis of parapodial structure. Notes on physical and chemical conditions in the worm's habitat are also given.  相似文献   
Eucypris pratensis sp. nov. is described from Wellington. It is considered conspecific with the one previous record of the genus from North Island, New Zealand.  相似文献   
Specimens of Congericola from a New Zealand conger eel, Conger verreauxi, which were previously described as Congericola pallidus Beneden, are placed in a new species, Congericola kabatai, on the basis of the possession of a four‐segmented first antenna, a two‐segmented exopod in the third pereiopod, the presence of spines on the fourth pereiopod, and other differences in ornamentation of the pereiopods which separate it from the closely related species Congericola pallidus.  相似文献   
The water chemistry, flora, and fauna of Lake Ngahewa are described. Its waters are coloured by humic material from a flax swamp and the mean carbon: nitrogen ratio of the sediments lies in the range for dystrophic lakes. Thermal stratification is very weak or absent during summer, although deoxygenation occurs at depths below 3 m in late summer. The lake is highly productive and has a diverse phytoplankton and zooplankton population, which is different in species composition from other nearby eutrophic lakes; some algal species common in nearby eutrophic lakes are absent, and there is a high ratio of rotifers to cladocerans and copepods.

The high levels of dissolved phosphorus (42.2 mg.m‐3) and nitrogen (up to 36.1 mg.m‐3 NO3‐N) in the lake waters, and the differences in the flora and fauna compared with neighbouring lakes give only weak support to its tenuous classification as a dystrophic lake on the basis of water colour and sediment carbon values. The concept of dystrophy is discussed.  相似文献   
The wave climate at the Maui site off the west coast of the North Island and off the east coast of Great Barrier Island to the east of the North Island are examined. This is done by means of average wave spectra derived from a 2‐year database, acquired from Waverider buoy measurements made over 1980 and 1981. The average spectra provide information about the individual sea states which characterise the wave climate, and show that on average the sea state on the east coast is less energetic than it is on the west coast. Further, it is seen that this difference results largely from a dominant and persistent long‐period south‐westerly swell of 12.4 s period which is present at the Maui location but absent from the Great Barrier Island seas.  相似文献   
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