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探讨传统文化在河道景观治理工程中的应用。首先,分析了国内有关河道景观设计的研究现状,引出了基于传统文化的河道景观治理理念;其次,以泗河---曲阜段的河道景观治理为例,依托其深厚的地域特色文化底蕴,以孔子提倡的儒家文化为纽带,以儒家“中庸”思想作为设计理念和依据,以“儒风”、“书院”、“英杰”、“六经”等史迹、史料为线索,借由抽象的方式表达出儒家“中庸”的思想本质,展现孔子时期传承教化的历史画卷以及先贤的古朴遗风,同时塑造出自然与人文和谐共存的标志性景观图式;结果表明:将传统文化的延续性与都市生活的现代性有机地融合,重现了河流原有的、多姿多彩的自然风情,实现了河流“生态性”和”城市性”的平衡统一,打造了“充满活力和文化的河流”,赋予了河流“生命和灵魂”。  相似文献   
This article examines how jurisdictional fragmentation has been addressed in Ontario’s governance of the Great Lakes Basin from 1912 to 2012. The water resources literature has frequently lamented fragmentation in water governance and called for integration; however, it infrequently specifies how and what to integrate. By examining key moments in water quality and quantity governance, this study provides insight on how the presence or absence of particular institutional arrangements in the context of jurisdictional fragmentation produced different governance patterns and outcomes. Specifically, to determine governance patterns the study focused on four elements: an institution that facilitates coordination, agreement on roles and responsibilities, agreement on the issue management plan, and the scope of the issue. Combinations of these elements can produce governance patterns that are cooperative, conflictual or reactive and outcomes that are innovative, stagnant, or piecemeal. The study results suggest that when governing in the context of jurisdictional fragmentation efforts may best be directed at particular institutional arrangements. Further, it suggests that jurisdictional fragmentation be understood as a feature of the institutional complexity of water management that can be mobilized to develop unique solutions to multi-scalar water governance challenges.  相似文献   
在分析卫星导航应用的治理难题的基础上,从国内与国际视角提出解决思路,卫星导航信号的提供国应根据本国国情来选择单一或混合的管理模式,统筹规划各部门的职责。国际上,各国既要进行双边谈判与磋商,也要在全球导航卫星系统国际委员会、国际民航组织与国际电信联盟的框架下进行协调与合作。  相似文献   
随着数字技术的日渐兴起和发展,地方日常生活实践不可避免地受到数字技术的干预,社会空间组织也因此受到复杂的数字化影响。然而,尽管当前地理学研究已呈现出“数字转向”的趋势,但有关数字技术对乡村社会文化空间的研究议题仍有待进一步拓展。基于此,论文通过梳理数字技术地理的研究理论演化,探讨在数字乡村建设背景下社会文化地理的重要价值,围绕空间治理、地方营造和时间性3个主要的研究议题梳理了面向数字技术应用的乡村社会文化地理研究路径,探讨数字技术对乡村发展可能存在的干预潜力。论文的主要目的在于探讨未来数字技术相关研究议题在社会文化地理研究中的拓展方向,以期呼吁学界更多地审视数字技术嵌入而引起的乡村社会空间重构,为乡村全面振兴的未来发展战略提供建议和参考。  相似文献   
中国是人类命运共同体理念的倡导者和建设者,其话语的国际传播需要坚实的理论支撑。新冠肺炎疫情给全球公共卫生安全带来了严峻挑战,也严重威胁着全球的政治、经济、社会等领域的安全。在全球抗击新冠肺炎疫情的关键时期,全社会亟需以人类命运共同体理念凝聚国际战疫共识,维护全球公共卫生安全。基于地缘政治学与共同体的视角,笔者从科学内涵、历史演进和时代价值方面,对人类命运共同体理念进行理论解析;采用案例分析法从国内抗疫实践、中国抗疫方案、西方抗疫实践方面,诠释人类命运共同体理念在抗疫中的应用,并论证其在传播与实践中的双重价值及困境问题;最后基于人类命运共同体理念的后疫情时代治理与担当,提出世界各国应当在诸如促进全球合作、维护世界公共卫生安全、防止全球衰退、消除疫情次生衍生灾害、变革全球治理以及重构国际关系等方面发挥巨大作用。  相似文献   
乡村空间治理是国土空间治理的重要组成部分,全域土地综合整治是实施乡村空间治理的重要手段。乡村空间治理从要素上是对山水林田湖草等自然资源要素的治理,从功能空间上是对生态空间、生产空间和生活空间的治理。以山东省沂源县流水片区为例,探讨基于全域土地综合整治的乡村空间治理路径和方式。乡村生态空间治理,首先构建乡村生态空间网络,强化重要生态空间保护,注重山体、水系等生态空间修复;其次,优化产业发展布局,促进特色产业规模化发展;再次,优化村落空间结构形态、完善街巷空间组织、增加公共活动空间、营造温馨庭院空间,使得人们能够“望得见青山,看得见绿水,记得住乡愁”。  相似文献   
On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, this principal supra-national institution remains paramount to the project of planetary climate planning and governance. Reflections on this anniversary should serve to recall the contestations through which this foundational institution was formed, and the delegate dynamics that continue to be reproduced in its wake. The contentious debates and political dynamics that afflicted the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee tasked with crafting the Framework Convention on Climate Change, as well as dissension in the periphery, remain as relevant today as they were three decades ago. Reprising these dynamics through detailed historical and archival analysis, this article excavates the negotiations of the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, which met in 5 sessions during 1991–1992. The aim is to identify key fault-lines and conflicts in the lead-up to the finalization of the 1992 Convention, in order to demonstrate whose epistemic and normative commitments came to be reflected in the final outcome and to show how the legacy of this process endures to date. I seek to render visible actors and proposals peripheralized in the formation of planetary climate governance to extrapolate normative boundaries and proffer heterodox lessons from the margins.  相似文献   
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