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基于易学与堪舆学的人地关系和谐论思辨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孙峰华 《地理学报》2012,67(2):266-282
易学是哲学也是人文地理学研究“人地关系”的一种哲学方法论。本文探讨了易学大成之周易的科学性质,附带着研究了李约瑟难题并给出答案。文章指出“易历四世”是易学认识“人地关系”发展规律不断升华的哲学嬗变,探讨了连山易、归藏易、周易哲学思想对“人地关系”规律的认识。着重研究了作为人文地理学的一种哲学方法论——周易对“人地关系”的解释。堪舆学胎生于易学,没有易学就没有堪舆学。现代堪舆学与中国人文地理学关联密切,其原因是:① 自然地理环境要素是堪舆学的基础;② 大量的地理知识和方法是堪舆学研究的支柱;③ 堪舆学研究的核心是人地关系。探究了易学、堪舆学与人地关系协调论的辩证关系,揭示了易学和堪舆学在研究、协调人地关系中的重要作用。对堪舆学的认识,可谓“仁者见仁,智者见智”。中国现代人文地理学应该用历史的、客观的、科学的、辩证的观点解读其独特领域——堪舆学。以“青海黄河果岭国际旅游度假区总体规划”布局为案例,探讨了现代堪舆学的实践过程。堪舆学含有一定的迷信成分,但也含有极为重要的科学思想。既不要用其科学性掩盖其伪科学性,也不要用其伪科学性否定其科学性。无论是学院派还是民间派,只要研究、应用堪舆学的人,都树立了科学的堪舆学思想,真正的现代堪舆学也就建立起来了,风水迷信也就荡然无存了。中国人文地理学研究易学、堪舆学,应与西方相关的人文地理哲学、学科紧密的结合起来,去粗取精,去伪存真、古为今用、洋为中用,共同推动中国人文地理学的发展,建设有中国特色的人文地理学。中国的堪舆学、人文地理学正处在转型的关键时期,需要更多的关怀、宽容和空间。  相似文献   
1996-2005年中国沿海地区土地利用转换时空分析   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
Based on the acquaintance of the regional background of urban-rural transforma- tional development and investigations on the spot, this paper discusses the holistic situation, dominant factors and mechanism of arable land loss and land for construction occupation in the coastal area of China over the last decade, with the aid of GIS technology. Conclusions of the research are summarized as follows: (1) the arable land had been continuously de- creasing from 1996 to 2005, with a loss of 1,708,700 hm2 and an average decrement of 170,900 hm2 per year; (2) land for construction increased 1,373,700 hm2, with an average increment of 153,200 hm2 per year; (3) total area of encroachment on arable land for con- struction between 1996 and 2005 was 1,053,100 hm2, accounting for 34.03% of the arable land loss in the same period, the percentages of which used for industrial land (INL), trans- portation land (TRL), rural construction land (RUL) and town construction land (TOL) are 45.03%, 15.8%, 15.47% and 11.5%, respectively; and (4) the fluctuation of the increase of construction land and encroachment on arable land in the area were deeply influenced by the nation's macroscopic land-use policies and development level of regional economy. The growth of population and advancement of technology promoted the rapid industrialization, construction of transportation infrastructures, rural urbanization and expansion of rural set- tlements in the eastern coastal area, and therefore were the primary driving forces of land-use conversion.  相似文献   
Based on the acquaintance of the regional background of urban-rural transforma-tional development and investigations on the spot, this paper discusses the holistic situation, dominant factors and mechanism of arable land loss and land for construction occupation in the coastal area of China over the last decade, with the aid of GIS technology. Conclusions of the research are summarized as follows: (1) the arable land had been continuously de-creasing from 1996 to 2005, with a loss of 1,708,700 hm2 and an average decrement of 170,900 hm2 per year; (2) land for construction increased 1,373,700 hm2, with an average increment of 153,200 hm2 per year; (3) total area of encroachment on arable land for con-struction between 1996 and 2005 was 1,053,100 hm2, accounting for 34.03% of the arable land loss in the same period, the percentages of which used for industrial land (INL), trans-portation land (TRL), rural construction land (RUL) and town construction land (TOL) are 45.03%, 15.8%, 15.47% and 11.5%, respectively; and (4) the fluctuation of the increase of construction land and encroachment on arable land in the area were deeply influenced by the nation’s macroscopic land-use policies and development level of regional economy. The growth of population and advancement of technology promoted the rapid industrialization, construction of transportation infrastructures, rural urbanization and expansion of rural set-tlements in the eastern coastal area, and therefore were the primary driving forces of land-use conversion.  相似文献   
"十一五"期间我国区域规划有关问题的思考和建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"十一五"规划期间,国家将把区域规划工作放在突出重要的位置。区域规划既不是国民经济和社会发展规划在区域上的细化,也不是行业规划在区域上的汇总,而是为解决特定区域的特定问题或达到区域内特定目标而采取或实施的战略、发展思路、政策等。区域规划的内涵决定了区域规划的特点和性质,"十一五"期间加强和重视区域规划工作具有重大意义,是促进我国区域协调发展、落实科学发展观、解决区域重大问题、加速与国际现代管理体制接轨、完善我国规划体系以及促进社会主义市场经济秩序建立的迫切需要。文章提出在"十一五"期间,要研究确定区域规划编制主体、编制程序及审批主体等问题,加强我国重点区域规划范围的研究,开展新的地区经济发展类型划分,统筹区域发展,完善区域发展政策,制定相应的法律法规。  相似文献   
河西走廊城市化与生态环境的动态耦合模型及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1 Introduction Since the 21stcentury,the urbanization tide has sweptacross the whole China.However,the urbanization in W est China, especially in Hexi Corridor, is severely restricted by eco-environment.There are various kinds of contradictions and intim …  相似文献   
促进社会和谐既是我国发展的重要目标和必要条件,又是我党执政能力的具体体现。当前我国社会诸多不和谐因素的存在,对于执政的中国共产党来说既是挑战也是机遇。和谐社会的创建,客观上要求提高中国共产党的执政能力,而提高党的执政能力又是实现我国社会和谐的重要条件和根本政治保障。执政能力的高低要靠执政实践来检验。所以,能否建成和谐社会,直接关系到中国共产党执政的成败。和谐社会的建设不是一蹴而就的,这将是一个长期的过程,中国共产党执政能力和执政水平的提高也将是一个渐进的过程。  相似文献   
运用区域科学相关理论和方法,以徐闻县角尾湾海域内的一墩、二墩、三墩和橹时墩四个旅游岛的开发为例,探索了当前无居民海岛开发热潮背景下的“岛、海、陆”联动开发的有机组合模式.避免了单岛规划就岛论岛的孤立开发的现象,为区域用岛规划的实施进行前期探索,对进行“岛-海-陆统筹、多层次发展”的区域协调的海岛开发模式研究有重要指导意义,可为广东省无居民海岛联动开发提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   
The study on relationship between eco-geographic environment (EGE) and regional development (RD) is of theoretical and practical significance to promote the comprehensive study on nature and human factors and regional coordination development. Based on the evaluation index system and models of EGE and RD, Quadrant Analysis Method (QAM) and the Coordination Degree and Coordinated Development Degree Model (CDCDDM) were applied to studying the relationship between EGE and RD in Xinjiang in this paper. The results show that Xinjiang can be divided into four type regions according to the relationship between EGE and RD, namely high coordination region (HCR), overloading development region (ODR), low coordination region (LCR) and potential development region (PDR). Most areas of Xinjiang belong to LCR which can not bear a larger population and support large-scale economic development. HCR, ODR and PDR, which are mainly distributed in piedmont oases and take basin as unit, should be focused on in the development of Xinjiang. The EGE has great influence on RD, and there is serious contradiction between them. Relevant suggestions on development strategies were put forward according to the character of different type regions, and the key regions of macro-layout of RD in Xinjiang were pointed out.  相似文献   
建设和谐图书馆是一项长期的战略任务,馆员的审美精神对于和谐图书馆建设意义深远。阐述审美精神的内涵和基本特征,分析审美精神与图书馆精神的关系,探讨了高校图书馆馆员审美精神对和谐图书馆建设的意义,指出培育馆员审美精神的基本途径。  相似文献   
基于调和分析法与ANFIS系统的综合潮汐预报模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
港口沿岸地区以及河流入海口等地区的精确潮汐预报对于各种海洋工程作业有着非常重要的意义。潮汐水位的变化受到众多复杂因素的影响,而且这些复杂的因素往往有着较强的实变性和非线性。为了进一步提高沿岸港口码头等水域的潮汐水位的预测精度,本文提出了一种基于调和分析模型与自适应神经模糊推理系统相结合的模块化潮汐水位预测模型;并采用相关分析确定整个预测模型的输入维数;模块化将潮汐分解为两部分:由天体引潮力形成的天文潮部分和由各种天气以及环境因素引起非天文潮部分。其中调和分析法用于天文潮部分的预测,ANFIS用于预测具有较强非线性的非文潮部分。模块化综合了两种方法的优势,即调和分析法能够实现长期、稳定的天文潮预报,ANFIS能够以较高的精度实现潮汐非线性拟合与预测。模型使用ANFIS模型和调和分析模型分别对潮汐的非天文潮和天文潮部分进行仿真预测,然后将两部分的预测结果综合形成最终的潮汐预测值。此外,本文选用三种不同的模糊规则生成方法(grid partition (GP),fuzzy c-means (FCM) and sub-clustering (SC))生成完整的ANFIS系统,并使用实测数据进行验证用以选取最优的ANFIS预测模型。最后将最优的ANFIS模型与调和分析模型相结合进行潮汐水位的最终预报。仿真实验选用Fort Pulaski潮汐观测站的实测潮汐值数据进行预报的仿真实验,仿真结果验证了该模型的可行性与有效性并取得了良好的效果,具有较高的预报精度。  相似文献   
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