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郭慧  江娃利  谢新生 《地震地质》2011,33(3):506-524
1976年河北唐山MS7.8地震发生之后,诸多资料报道了唐山市南侧展布的长8~11km的地震地表破裂带.该地表破裂带由10余条NE方向、具右旋走滑特征的地表破裂呈左阶形式组成,总体走向N30°E,最大右旋位移2.3m,多数地段的垂直位移为0.5 ~0.7m.近年有学者提出,在更大范围内出现的地表破坏现象.分辨这些地表破...  相似文献   
在地震危险性分析和预测研究中,随着数值模拟技术的进步和对地球动力学过程认识的不断深入,有可能发挥越来越重要的作用.数值模拟一个区域内部的构造变形,在正常时期与观测结果应该是比较接近的,而当局部地方处于孕震临界失稳状态时,其实测结果就有可能与模拟结果不协调,据此有可能为地震的中期至短期预测提供有价值的信息;应用数值模拟方...  相似文献   
A study on the effect of the solar ultra-violet radiation on the human skin fibroblast cells revealed that the production of matrix metalloproteinase-2 was inhibited by the radiation.A CO2 incubator connected by optical fibers to a reflector telescope for collecting the solar light was built at Syowa station by the 49th Japanese Antarctica Research Expedition.The direction of the telescope was continuously controlled by a sun-tracker to follow the movement of the Sun automatically.The intensity of the collected light was monitored by a portable spectrophotometer housed inside.The human skin fibroblast cells were incubated in the CO2 chamber to investigate the effect of the solar radiation at Syowa station and were compared with those reference experiments at a laboratory in Japan.The results showed cell damage by strong UV radiation.The production of matrix metalloproteinase-2 was prompted by the moderate UV-B,but was inhibited by the strong UV-B radiation,as studied under laboratory conditions in Japan.The effect of strong solar radiation at Syowa station involving the radiation of UV-B region was estimated to be of the same extent of the radiation caused by an artificial UV-B light with the intensity more than 50 mJ/cm2.  相似文献   
Cataclysmic variables are special celestial bodies because they have particular light curves and spectra.The mechanisms for generating emission lines radiated from dwarf novae in their quiescent phases are studied.We assume that the incident radiation field which is emitted by a hot source(white dwarf and boundary layer)irradiates the gaseous layer evaporated from the accretion disk,and the emission lines are radiated from the gas.We model the fluxes of emission lines by using the photoionization code CLOUDY.Using this method,we input some reasonable parameters and get a series of simulated spectra.In order to find a simulated spectrum which is the best fit to an observed spectrum,we use a cross-correlation method to match them.After the calculation,we use the approximation that the parameters of the simulated spectrum can simulate the observed spectrum.Finally,we learn more about the physical conditions of the system.  相似文献   
2013满载着"中国梦"呼啸而来,神州大地律回春晖渐,万象始更新。中华民族在新一代领导集体带领下踏上了实现"中国梦"的新征程。2013年,是全面深入贯彻落实党的十八大精神的开局之年,是实施"十二五"规划承前启后的关键一年,是为全面建成小康社会奠定坚实基础的重要一年,也是每个人充满期盼和希望的一年。面对它,每一个中国人都会扪心自问:在这历史性的一年,应该怎样做,才能无愧于一  相似文献   
正金菊吐艳,枫叶飘红,又是一年国庆节。红红的国旗,红红的灯笼,红红的衣服,红红的中国结。红色充满了喜庆,充满了热情。红色的国庆节,全国上下,万众欢腾,喜悦的表情写满人们的脸上。"红",形声字,从糸(表示与线丝有关),工声。《说文》这样解,"红,帛赤白色也。"白居易《忆江南》有诗句:"日出江花红胜火",可见红色是生机勃勃的。红色代表着激情,代表着希望,红色是中华民族特别钟情的色彩。自中  相似文献   
正五月红似火,五月歌之多。五月是首劳动的歌。劳动是神奇的,劳动者用勤劳的双手和智慧,编织了这个五彩斑斓的世界。渔村起大厦,高峡出平湖,天路连珠峰,卫星上天穹,正圆着中华民族伟大的复兴梦。劳动最光荣,劳动者虽平凡,形象却巍峨。劳动是伟大的,是劳动健美了人的体魄,净化了人的心灵,滋养了众生。是劳动创造了世界,创造了人类的文明,创造了幸福的生活。五月是首青春的歌。青春红似火,青年最蓬勃。伟人曾说过,青年是早上八九点钟的太阳。年少懵懂,风华正茂。青春就像五月的风,鼓满风帆,催促远航。我  相似文献   
正告别2013,拥抱2014!当中华巨人的脚步伴随着新年的钟声踏入2014时,当2014年的第一轮红日从东方冉冉升起时,我们聚首雀跃,唱起2014首颂歌,奏响2014支管炫,献上2014个祝福,放飞一个个新的希望。在这个沸腾的时刻,欢歌与彩球伴着中华健儿的捷报飞升,巨龙与雄狮伴着党的十八届三中全会的胜利召开而翩翩响起一声声真诚的祝福——"新年好",从每个人的口中涌出。拥抱2014。一元复始,万象更新。多少失败、多少挫折、  相似文献   
特征提取是说话人识别系统中非常重要的一部分,是否能提取有效的特征决定了系统的识别效果。MFCC是目前主流的特征提取方法之一,能够在噪音环境下保持良好的鲁棒性。在MFCC的基础上提出一种改进的特征提取方法,该方法主要构造了一种MFCC与翻转梅尔频率倒谱系数(IMFCC)相结合的混合特征参数。实验结果表明,新特征参数在相同的环境下比传统的MFCC特征参数的识别率高。  相似文献   
正近日,辽宁省有色地质局勘查总院院长朱建华携副院长王长刚专程来到辽宁省矿业权交易中心,将一面绣有"严谨高效,热情服务"的大红锦旗送到该中心,对其周到细致的服务表示感谢。"由于工作原因,我们单位经常来送地质报告,以前报告评审时间要75天,不仅矿山业主着急,我们地质勘查单位也非常着急。自从群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,交易中心简化了审批流程,提高了工作效率,现在大大缩短了评审时间,仅需35天,这让矿山业主和我们都非常高兴。"王长刚感慨着对记者说。"打铁还需自身硬"。为进  相似文献   
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