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Regional development differentiation is a complicated spatial and temporal dynamic process. Recent developments in spatial statistics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have led to an increasing interest in quantitative analysis and visualization of the process. However, so far, few direct connections have been made between the newly developed methods and classic spatial development theories, which would be very helpful for the interpretation and understanding of regional spatiotemporal differentiation. Using basic concepts and academic principles of polarized growth theory and gradient transfer theory, this paper quantifies the concept of regional development space. It then proposes a method based on GIS to visually simulate and analyze regional development spatiotemporal differentiation through a case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region (BTHMR), China. The main research results are as follows. 1) The proposed method, built on classic theories and well-developed GIS technology, presents a good picture of regional development spatiotemporal differentiation. 2) The levels of regional development, in terms of per capita GDP across BTHMR, diminished significantly with increased distances away from city propers (which can be seen as the regional growth poles), leading to the appearance of development valley zones between different cities. The development valley zones between each city coincided with their boundary areas, which indicates that administrative boundaries have some impact on regional development, if the regional division is based on administrative boundaries. 3) From 1993 to 2007, the development level in the whole BTHMR improved significantly, of which polarized growth was dominant, especially for Beijing and Tianjin. However, as the two economic development engines in BTHMR, the pull effects of both Beijing and Tianjin on their peripheral areas were comparatively weak, except for those on Tangshan. 4) The structure and pattern of gradient transfer and balanced development in the BTHMR had not been completely developed yet, and the sustained polarized development of the regional economy in BTHMR was still going to be the main trend in the next 5–10 years.  相似文献   
近两年来,一些国家在南海大肆加紧石油开采活动:南海油气产值占越南国内生产总值的24%;马来西亚在南海开采的油气使其国内95号汽油价格长期保持每升约4元人民币;石油工业落后的菲律宾近来加紧对南海石油开采的招标。日  相似文献   
国务院新闻办22日发布的《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动(2011)》白皮书说,中国完成了“十一五”规划提出的节能目标,2010年单位国内生产总值能耗比2005年累计下降19.1%,实现节能6.3亿吨标准煤,相当于少排放二氧化碳14.6亿吨以上。  相似文献   
中国日前已向《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处通报了中国所宣布的应对气候变化国内自主减缓行动信息。中国将努力到2020年使单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%到45%,到2020年使非化石能源占一次能源消费的比重达到15%左右,森林面积比2005年增加4000万公顷.森林蓄积量比2005年增加13亿立方米。  相似文献   
3月2日,国家海洋局在京召开新闻发布会,对外发布《2015年中国海洋经济统计公报》(以下简称《公报》)。《公报》显示,2015年全国海洋生产总值64669亿元,比上年增长7.0%,海洋生产总值占国内生产总值的9.6%。海洋产业结构调整步伐加快,海洋经济在新常态下总  相似文献   
2011年3月3日,国家海洋局召开新闻发布会,发布《2010年中国海洋经济统计公报》。《公报》显示,2010年我国海洋生产总值38439亿元,比上年增长12.8%。海洋生产总值占国内生产总值的9.7%。其中,海洋产  相似文献   
文章采用2005-2009年辽宁省及其沿海6市的相关数据,分析其GDP、FDI概况,以柯布-道格拉斯生产函数理论为基础,构建回归模型,分析各市FDI对其GDP的影响.结果显示,辽宁省沿海6市的FDI与其GDP正相关,表明FDI对GDP有很强的拉动作用,进而可以引导辽宁省政府对沿海6市制定合理的吸引外商直接投资策略.  相似文献   
国家统计局24日发布的报告显示,中国国内生产总值(GDP)占世界的比重,从2005年的5.0%上升到2010年的9.5%。这份名为《国际地位稳步提高国际影响持续扩大》的“十一五”经济社会发展成就系列报告指出,“十一五”期间,中国GDP总量的国际排序实现“三连跳”:从2005年的第5位提升到2006的第4位、2007年的第3位、2010年的第2位。  相似文献   
欧洲联盟统计局最新数据显示,以人均国内生产总值计算,卢森堡是欧盟最富裕成员,保加利亚最贫困。  相似文献   
一般来说,国内生产总值等总量概念反映了一个国家或一个地区的整体经济实力和市场规模,但并不体现为国民的实际生活水平和福利状况,"国强"并不意味着"民富"。正因如此,在衡量一  相似文献   
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