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3维模型越来越广泛地应用于众多领域里,但有限的图形显卡的处理能力和网络带宽严重阻碍了这种媒体的传播。单纯依靠增加硬件设备的投入不足以解决问题,必须采用相应的算法对3维模型数据进行压缩。首先将3维模型数据压缩算法进行分类;然后结合不同的分类情况比较分析了近几年来有代表性的几种压缩算法;最后对该技术今后应着重研究的几个方面进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   
张圣  王列辉 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2616-2632
随着《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》的签署,亚洲一体化进程进入新的阶段。作为一体化核心区的“亚洲地中海”港口间的互联互通随着时间变化有什么特点、贸易一体化进程中港口连通具有什么规律,均有待明确。本文利用1890—2008年航线数据构建长时段的航运网络,从港口功能和航线连通两个维度研究该区域的航运连通特征,并结合波特的钻石模型分析演化机制。主要结论为:① 从港口的联系强度和广度看,第二次世界大战(简称二战)前,日本港口崛起,二战后,新加坡和香港长期维持枢纽地位,中国改革开放后,特别是加入世界贸易组织后,中国港口得到快速发展;② 从港口的中转功能看,二战前,各港口的转运能力差距不大,二战后,新加坡、香港和釜山先后成为三大中转枢纽;③ 长时段的港口联通经历航运线路松散布局(19世纪90年代—20世纪20年代)、航运网路形成与发展(20世纪30年代后)、多枢纽港提升(20世纪50年代起)、港口群聚发展(20世纪90年代起)4个阶段;④ 生产要素和管理者的政策促进港口长期稳定发展,需求条件和外部机遇推动港口繁荣,管理者的变化深刻影响港口组织模式,企业战略和港口间竞争影响港口连通性。长时段的演变规律表明,该区域港口网络从分裂到融合是大势所趋,少数港口因海陆地理位置优越,长期位列第一梯队,那些后期开发和非枢纽型港口要主动融入航运网络的一体化中去,充分发挥体制机制改革的效应。  相似文献   
城市网络结构韧性是影响区域可持续发展的关键因素之一。分析城市网络结构韧性,找到结构薄弱环节,调整网络结构和优化区域资源配置,对促使区域稳定协调发展具有重要意义。以成渝城市群为研究对象,基于2014年与2018年的公路、铁路客运班次数据和百度指数大数据分别构建交通和信息联系网络,运用复杂网络理论借助Ucinet网络分析工具从网络整体完备度、网络结构特征、网络聚集性3个方面,网络密度、平均路径长度、度分布曲线斜率、“核心-边缘”结构拟合度、局部聚类系数和平均聚类系数6个指标对城市群网络韧性演变进行分析。结果表明:在研究时段内,交通联系网络的初始韧性弱于信息联系网络,后期韧性能力有所提高并强于信息联系网络,网络结构由松散、单极的弱连接状态演化为联系紧密、均衡复杂的稳定状态;信息联系网络的韧性能力相对于2014年大幅减弱,网络完备度下降,核心区域封闭性加剧,信息流传输路径单一,网络联系分布不均衡,网络结构抗干扰性弱;成渝城市群网络整体仍处于发展阶段,网络化程度较弱,韧性能力不足。最后对成渝城市群网络韧性现状进行了讨论,进而提出优化建议。  相似文献   
A Natural active oil seepage occurs at the intersection of the NW-oriented rift coastal fault and a NE-oriented cross fault which bound the southwest dipping Little Zeit tilted fault block at the southwestern side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Detailed surface geological mapping followed by subsurface mapping using aeromagnetic, seismic and borehole data of Ras El Ush oilfield (the nearest oil field to the seepage) provide a reliable hydrocarbon migration pathway model of the area.The proposed model suggests that hydrocarbons migrated upward at the intersection of a NE-oriented and the NW-oriented rift coastal faults where they found their way to the surface. The Nubia Sandstone occurs south of Ras El Ush oilfield in a trap door structure and probably entrapped some of the migrating hydrocarbons while a probable oil-water-contact at −1000 m which resulted into the migration of hydrocarbon through the damage zone of the northeast fault.The original oil in place of the predicted reservoir is estimated to be more than 47.5 MMBO which encourages the design makers for more investigation of this reservoir to increase its certainty and putting it in the plan of the future investments.  相似文献   
River boundaries extraction from SAR imagery is valuable for flood monitoring and damage assessment. Several rivers, parts of which include dammed lakes caused by landslides and rock avalanches triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, were taken as a case study for robust extraction. In this paper, a novel state-of-the-art approach for automated river boundaries extraction using high resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) intensity imagery is presented. The key of our approach lies in the combined usage of local connectivity feature of the river and a region-based active contours model (ACM) in a variational level set framework to differentiate between river and the background. First, sub-patched intensity thresholding segmentation is applied to SAR imagery. Pixels with intensities below the threshold are selected as potential river pixels while the others are potential background pixels. Second, potential river pixels are divided into several connected regions, considering that the river is a big connected region, only relatively bigger regions with similar contrast value are retained as the regions of interest (ROI) while others are noise due to pixel-level decision approach in the first step or shadows due to mountains terrain. Third, the ROI and their contours are regarded as local region and the initial contours to refine the river boundaries, which are used to reduce the scene complexity of ACM and its sensitivity to initial situation, respectively. A novel ACM driven by local image fitting (LIF) energy is presented and used for river boundaries extraction for the first time, which is not only robust against inhomogeneity widely spread in SAR imagery but also can work with efficiency without the need of re-initialization during iteration compared to traditional ACM. The proposed approach was tested on numerous high resolution airborne SAR images containing connected rivers or dammed lakes obtained by Chinese domestic radar system after Wenchuan Earthquake. For the overall dataset, the average commission error, omission error and root mean squared error were 6.5%, 3.3%, and 0.51, respectively. The average computational time for 4000 by 4000 image size was 21 min using a PC-based MATLAB platform. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is robust and effective.  相似文献   
随着数据库更新技术和方法的出现,对土地调查数据库的应用越来越多,更多地体现出土地调查数据库的缺陷和错误,以及由于数据精度不同造成的碎线、碎面、缝隙、线面拓扑关系和线状地物穿越图斑,由于检查软件不同造成的数据库汇总面积和表格汇总面积的差别等问题。为了更好利用土地调查数据库生成变更成果,满足更新上报软件的检查,本文提出了快速解决土地调查数据库的拓扑错误、汇总表格错误、数据库椭球面积计算和平差、数据库属性值错误的解决方1法。  相似文献   
针对森林资源二类调查内业流程,利用空间拓扑分析,解决图斑面属性赋值的难题,并且分析其一一对应关系,记录查错信息。在VB编程环境下,采用ArcEngine组件库,提出林地图斑拓扑查错算法流程,按照空间包含关系,将属性点记录的属性信息一一赋值到满足条件的图斑面内,自动获取包含属性信息的林地图斑面数据。  相似文献   
Stream temperature (Ts) is a key water quality parameter that controls several biological, ecological, and chemical processes in aquatic systems. In forested headwaters, exchanges of energy across air-water-streambed interfaces may influence Ts regimes, especially during storm events as the sources of runoff change over space and time. Analysis of the hysteretic behaviour of Ts during storm events may provide insights into rainfall-runoff responses, but such relationships have not been thoroughly investigated. As such, our objectives were to (a) quantify the variability of stream temperature hysteresis across seasons in different sub-regions and (b) investigate the relationship between the hysteretic response and catchment characteristics. Ts hysteresis during storm events was assessed based on the hysteresis index (HI), which describes the directionality of hysteresis loops, and the temperature response index (TRI), which indicates whether Ts increased or decreased during a storm event. We analysed Ts data from 10 forested headwater reaches in two sub-regions (McGarvey and West Fork Tectah) in Northern California. We also performed a clustering analysis to examine the relationship amongst HI, TRI, topographic metrics, and meteorological characteristics of the study areas. Overall, the hysteretic behaviour of Ts varied across seasons—the greatest HI occurred during spring and summer. Interestingly, in the McGarvey streams the variability in Ts hysteresis co-varied strongly with topographic metrics (i.e., upslope accumulative area, average channel slope, topographic wetness index). Comparatively, in West Fork Tectah the variability of Ts hysteresis co-varied most strongly with meteorological metrics (i.e., antecedent rainfall events, solar radiation, and air temperature). Variables such as the gradient between stream and air temperatures, slope, and wetted width were significant for both sub-regional hysteretic patterns. We posit that the drivers of Ts response during storms are likely dependent on catchment physiographic characteristics. Our study also illustrated the potential utility of stream temperature as a tracer for improving the understanding of hydrologic connectivity and shifts in the dominant runoff contributions to streamflow during storm events.  相似文献   
优化国土空间开发格局和生态保护修复成为推进生态文明建设的重要举措,构建区域生态网络并识别其关键生态功能区域,是开展国土空间格局优化和生态修复工作的重要切入点.选择海坛岛为研究案例,利用遥感信息源和GIS空间分析等技术方法,辨识出区域潜在的生态网络功能结构.通过景观连接度的重要值评价,揭示海坛岛生态源地和生态节点的重要性...  相似文献   
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