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3月19日,伦敦奥组委公布了伦敦奥运火炬在英国境内的具体传递路线和7300名火炬手名单。奥运火炬于5月18日由希腊运抵伦敦,火炬传递将于5月19日从英格兰最西南端的兰兹角开始,并于7月27日奥运会开幕式当天到达奥运会主会场  相似文献   
A nickel laterite deposit occurs in the Vatera area of Lesvos Island,Greece ,and is transgressively developed on serpentinized basic rock (norite).The overlying sedimentary rocks include marls and marly limestones with sandstone intercalations and belong to the Pliocene sed-iments.The following alteritic zones are defined from the bottom to top layers:a)bedrock (norite);b)serpentinized zone;c)goethitic zone.The bedrock consists of the following pri-mary minerals:basic plagioclase,orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes.The serpentinized zone includes clinochrysotile,lizardite,antigorite clinoenstatite,calcite and dolomite while in the goethic zone there are goethite,quartz,pyrite,chromite,dolomite.Al2O3 ,Fe2O3,CaO,Na2O,K2O,Ba,Sr,Ni,C and S are enriched in the goethitic zone .Nickel enrichment is re-lated to the formation of nickeliferons minerals substituting for Mg or/and Fe in the goethite and pyrite.Enrichment of Ni in the matrix may be due to the presence of amorphous Ni-sili-cates(pimelite).There is a significant change(decrease)in the concentration of Ni from the top to bottom parts of the laterite formation,indicating that there was no tendency to migrate downwards(immature laterite).A second support of the immaturity of the Vatera laterite is the incomplete oxidation of ferrous iron to form ferric iron hydroxides.Under tropical/subtropical conditions,which dominated from the end of Miocene to the Pliocene the norite rocks of the Vatera area altered in response to reaction with acid solutions enriched in CO2.Due to hydrolysis and oxidation of pyroxenes,Mg^2 ,H4SiO4 and Ni^2 were removed in the continental acid solutions.  相似文献   
The Oxia mineralized granite is the product of differentiation in the external parts of the Florina magmatic mass. Acidic hydrothermal solutions either of magmatic or of meteoric origin reacted with the upper tectonically fractured parts of the Florina granite and became enriched in iron, thorium, uranium, zircon and rare-earth elements. The most abundant alteration minerals are sericite and quartz, while the minerals of the mineralization bands include magnetite, hematite, thorite, monazite and zircon. The outer parts of the Oxia granite made it easy the percolation of hydrothermal solutions from the deeper heater to the upper cooler parts of the granite which acted as a hot spot.  相似文献   
In the present study, the mean annual sediment inflow into Vistonis Lake (Thrace, northeastern Greece) was calculated. The sediment quantity originates mainly from the basins of Kossynthos, Kompsatos and Travos (Aspropotamos) Rivers. The whole basin area (mountainous part) contributing to the lake amounts to about 845 km2. The above mean annual sediment quantity was compared with the mean annual sediment accumulation in the lake. The latter quantity was estimated from the mean annual decrease of the lake water volume for a period of 22 years, which was determined by means of older and newer topographic maps (isobath contours). For the calculation of the mean annual sediment yield at the outlets of the three above mentioned basins, a mathematical model consisting of three submodels was used: a rainfall-runoff submodel, a soil erosion submodel and a sediment transport submodel for streams. The comparison of the computational results by means of the mathematical model with the estimation results by means of the topographic maps is satisfactory and encouraging.  相似文献   
综合介绍了90年代以来国际上对VAN小组预报研究的评价和争论,包括评价的基本方法、三类评价意见以及评价中的几个主要争论问题等。  相似文献   
蔡天新 《地图》2009,(1):142-143
地中海几乎是一个内海,适宜于古代商船的航行,加上温暖的天气,这·才产生了欧洲历史上第一个伟大的文明——希腊文明,由此引发了“古典的地中海”的昌盛。后来,这一文明(在克服了微寒的气候以后)又延伸到了“北方的地中海”,即波罗的海、北海和拉什芒海峡(英吉利海峡),并且在十九世纪末二十世纪初随着航海技术的改进进一步发展成为了“大西洋文明”。而在东方,在中国海的右侧,在日本和台湾、菲律宾之间的海面上,  相似文献   
作为“交替性诗人”的弗罗斯特熟谙古希腊文化,善于从古希腊文学中吸取创作素材。从弗罗斯特诗歌中最基本的意象“泉水”出发,力图展现弗罗斯特对古希腊神话的艺术主题再现和超越,揭示弗罗斯特诗歌艺术的不朽意义:实现真正的现代性和谐。  相似文献   
欧洲理事会常设主席范龙佩在2010年敦促马其顿尽快解决与邻国希腊的国名纷争,为其加入欧盟扫除障碍。此前,北约秘书长拉斯穆森也曾表示,马其顿要加入北约,应尽快解决与希腊的国名纷争。国名之争,成为眼下马其顿加入北约与欧盟的一道坎儿。  相似文献   
雅典的流浪狗有时会为了人的一个眼神而尾随很长的距离.当人显示出要继续赶路无暇顾及它们时.就自动转身离去……希腊人以一种复杂的心情来看待他们过去无比辉煌的文明,和今天的罗马人相比.他们缺乏一种自豪感.虽然他们有比任何人都值得自豪的祖先。  相似文献   
经济合作与发展组织(OECD)目前共有成员国30个,其中北美地区成员国包括美国、加拿大和墨西哥;太平洋地区成员国包括日本、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰:欧洲地区的成员国有23个,为奥地利、比利时、捷克、斯洛伐克、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其和英国。  相似文献   
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