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Glen Roy, Lochaber is a key UK site for understanding Late Devensian environmental change, as it contains an annually-resolved glaciolacustrine varve record. This paper develops our understanding of varve sedimentation within Glen Roy through the examination of a new varve sequence located in a more proximal position on the Allt Bhraic Achaidh Fan, one of a series of major fans within the valley. This new varve record consists of c. 203 annual layers, much fewer years than at other sites in the Lochaber area probably due to five significant hiatuses within the record. Varve sediment characteristics and thickness are comparable to, but not statistically correlated with, other varve series that were used to construct a consolidated varve record for the area, the Lochaber Master Varve Chronology. Sedimentological characteristics, analysed by thin section micromorphology, suggest that varve thickness changes within the basin are controlled mainly by distance from the valley sides rather than the position of the ice margin during the Loch Lomond Readvance, as previously proposed.  相似文献   
The sediment budget, which links sediment sources to sediment sinks with hydroclimatic and weathering processes mediating the response, is applied to the analysis of sediments in three alpine lakes in British Columbia. We provide two ways of using the sediment budget as an integrating device in the interpretation of mountain geomorphology. These approaches differ in their resolution and ability to budget the major components of the fine-sediment cascade in glaciated environments. Taken together, they provide an integrated index of landscape change over the Holocene. The first example compares the hydroclimatic controls of lake sedimentation for the last 600 years (A.D. 1370–1998) preserved in varved sediments from two of the lake basins. This hydroclimatological approach incorporates contemporary monitoring, air photo analysis, and detailed stratigraphy of sedimentation events within a single varve to infer the timing, sources, and preferred pathways of fine-grained sediments reaching the lake basins. The results indicate that glaciers, hillslope, and channel instability within the major subbasins are the principal sediment sources to the lake basins. Transitory sediment storage of glacially derived sediments within the channels is believed to modulate the episodic and more frequent delivery of sediments from adjacent hillslope and fluvial storage sites and direct routing of glacial rock flour during years of prolonged glacial melt. The second example, relying on the phosphorus geochemistry of sediments in an alpine lake basin, considers the evolution of phosphorus forms (from mineral to occluded and organic fractions) as a function of the soil development, inherent slope instability, and repeated cycles of glaciation and neoglaciation over the Holocene. This geochemical approach demonstrates that both neoglaciation and full glaciation have essentially zeroed the system in such a way that a high proportion of mineral phosphorus remains in the present lake sediments and the bioavailability of phosphorus (a key to ecosystem development) is low. Both examples illustrate the importance of variable sediment sources; the seasonality, frequency, and magnitude of sediment transfers; and the profound influence of ice cover over contemporary, neoglacial and Pleistocene time scales. They also signal the value of including both clastic and dissolved components in the sediment budget.  相似文献   
Most of the sediment components that have accumulated in ElkLake, Clearwater County, northwestern Minnesota, over the past 1500 years areauthigenic or biogenic (CaCO3, biogenic SiO2, organicmatter, iron and manganese oxyhydroxides, and iron phosphate) and are deliveredto the sediment–water interface on a seasonal schedule where they are preservedas distinct annual laminae (varves). The annual biogeochemical cycles of thesecomponents are causally linked through the carbon pump, and are recapitulatedin longer-term cycles, most prominently with a periodicity of about 400 years.Organic carbon is fixed in the epilimnion by photosynthetic removal ofCO2, which also increases the pH, triggering the precipitation ofCaCO3. The respiration and degradation of fixed organic carbon inthe hypolimnion consumes dissolved oxygen, produces CO2, and lowersthe pH so that the hypolimnion becomes anoxic and undersaturated with respectto CaCO3 during the summer. Some of the CaCO3 produced inthe epilimnion is dissolved in the anoxic, lower pH hypolimnion and sediments.The amount of CaCO3 that is ultimately incorporated into thesediments is a function of how much is produced in the epilimnion and how muchis consumed in the hypolimnion and the sediments. Iron, manganese, andphosphate accumulate in the anoxic hypolimnion throughout the summer.Sediment-trap studies show that at fall overturn, when iron-, manganese-, andphosphate-rich bottom waters mix with carbonate- and oxygen-rich surfacewaters, precipitation of iron and manganese oxyhydroxides, iron phosphate, andmanganese carbonate begins and continues into the winter months.Detrital clastic material in the sediments of Elk Lake depositedover the last 1500 years is a minor component (<10% by weight) that ismostly wind-borne (eolian). Detailed analyses of the last 1500 years of the ElkLake sediment record show distinct cycles in eolian clastic variables (e.g.aluminum, sodium, potassium, titanium, and quartz), with a periodicity of about400 years. The 400-yr cycle in eolian clastic material does not correspond tothe 400-yr cycles in redox-sensitive authigenic components, suggesting that theclastic component is responding to external forcing (wind) whereas theauthigenic components are responding to internal forcing (productivity),although both may ultimately be forced by climate change. Variations in theoxygen and carbon isotopic composition of CaCO3 are small but appearto reflect small variations in ground water influx that are also driven byexternal forcing.  相似文献   
Lamination thickness measurements in sediments from Lake Tuborg, northern Ellesmere Island, Canada document an increase in high-energy hydrologic discharge events from ∼1865 to 1962. The timing of these events corresponds with evidence for an increase in the amount of melt on the adjacent Agassiz Ice Cap, as recorded in ice cores. There appears to have been a non-linear change in depositional energy resulting from a dramatic increase in Agassiz meltwater discharge, particularly after ∼1908. A strong correlation between the Lake Tuborg varve thickness record, the amount of melting on the Agassiz Ice Cap and Eureka 900 mb air temperature records suggests that changes in the height of the freezing level in the atmosphere have affected the extent of summer melting on the Agassiz Ice Cap, leading to high volume discharge events and associated sediment flux to Lake Tuborg.  相似文献   
A 2200-yr long, high-resolution (∼5 yr) record of drought variability in northwest Montana is inferred from diatoms and δ18O values of bio-induced carbonate preserved in a varved lacustrine core from Foy Lake. A previously developed model of the diatom response to lake-level fluctuations is used to constrain estimates of paleolake levels derived from the diatom data. High-frequency (decadal) fluctuations in the de-trended δ18O record mirror variations in wet/dry cycles inferred from Banff tree-rings, demonstrating the sensitivity of the oxygen-isotope values to changes in regional moisture balance. Low frequency (multi-centennial) isotopic changes may be associated with shifts in the seasonal distribution of precipitation. From 200 B.C. to A.D. 800, both diatom and isotope records indicate that climate was dry and lake level low, with poor diatom preservation and high organic carbon: nitrogen ratios. Subsequently, lake level rose slightly, although the climate was drier and more stable than modern conditions. At A.D. 1200, lake level increased to approximately 6 m below present elevation, after which the lake fluctuated between this elevation and full stage, with particularly cool and/or wetter conditions after 1700. The hydrologic balance of the lake shifted abruptly at 1894 because of the establishment of a lumber mill at the lake's outlet. Spectral analysis of the δ18O data indicates that severe droughts occurred with multi-decadal (50 to 70 yr) frequency.  相似文献   
A multi-core, multidisciplinary palaeolimnological study of the partially varved sediment of a deep, meromictic, arctic lake, Kongressvatnet (Svalbard, Western Spitsbergen), provides a record of environmental and climatic changes during last ca. 1800 years. The chronology of sedimentation was established using several dating techniques (137Cs, 210Pb, varve counts, palaeomagnetic correlation). A multiproxy record of palaeolimnological variability was compiled based on sedimentation rates, magnetic properties, varve thickness, organic matter, geochemistry, pigments from algal and photosynthetic bacteria, mineralogy and biological assemblages (diatoms, Cladocera). The major features recognised in our master core K99-3 include a shift in sediment source and supply (magnetic measurements, geochemistry) probably caused by glaciological changes in the catchment around 38–32 cm core depth (AD 700–820). Additional environmental changes are inferred at 20–18, 8–4.5 and 3–2 cm (AD ca. 1160–1255; 1715–1880; 1940–1963, respectively). During the past ca. 120 years a prominent sedimentological change from brownish-grey, partly laminated silt-clay (varves) to black organic-rich deposits was observed. From AD 1350 to AD1880 the sediment is comprised of a continuous sequence of varves, whereas the earlier sediments are mostly homogeneous with only a few short intercalated laminated sections between AD 860 and 1350. Sedimentation and accumulation rates increased during the last 30 years (modern warming). Pigment concentrations are very low in the lower ca. 32 cm of the core (AD 820) probably because of the high turbidity high energy environment. The high sulphur content in the uppermost 32 cm of sediment has given rise to two horizontally stratified populations of sulphur anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria, as inferred from their specific carotenoids. These bacteria populations are much more abundant during the Little Ice Age (LIA) than during warmer periods (e.g., during the Medieval Warm Period and 20th century). Diatoms are lacking from the core base up to 18 cm (ca. AD 1255); at this level, species indicative of mesotrophic water are present, whereas from 17 cm to the top of the core, oligotrophic taxa such as Staurosira construens/S. pinnata complex dominate, indicating extended ice coverage and more oligotrophic waters during the LIA. The concentration of Cladocera subfossil remains (dominated by Chydorus) are relatively high in the deepest sections (54–32 cm), whereas the upper 32 cm are characterized by a very low concentration of remains, possibly because of the strongly anoxic conditions, and in this upper sediment section rotifer resting eggs become prevalent. We interpret these changes as responses to climate forcing through its impact on glacial melt water, lake ice cover duration and mainly redox conditions in deep water. The observed changes suggest that at least some of our recorded changes may parallel the Greenland Ice core, although our study added more details about the inferred climatic changes. Further aspects are discussed, such as catchment processes, glacial activity, duration of the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, local human activity, and limnology.  相似文献   
The recent (1950–1996) varve record from the proximal sediments in Nicolay Lake, Cornwall Island, Nunavut, Canada (77°46′ N, 94°40′ W) contains distinct subannual rhythmites. Deposition of these subannual rhythmites is due primarily to nival snow melt, with additional sedimentary units resulting from major summer precipitation and subaqueous mass wasting events. In order to evaluate the potential hydroclimatic signal contained in the varves from the unglacierized catchment, the nival deposition record was estimated by delineating the initial subannual rhythmite within each varve. When the record is split into temporal segments based on two phases that exhibit different sediment deposition patterns in the lake, the nival rhythmites are significantly correlated to annual cumulative melting degree days (MDD) from the nearest weather station Isachsen (78°47′ N, 103°32′ W) (1950–1962 AD and 1963–1977 AD with r = 0.55 and r = 0.82, respectively). A similar analysis with data from Resolute (74°43′ N, 94°59′ W) yields slightly weaker correlations (1950–1962 AD, r = 0.60; 1963–1994, r = 0.59). The strong positive correlation with both the Isachsen and Resolute thermal records suggests that the paleoclimatic signal in the sediments reflects regional climate conditions. Notably, the signal is strongest when the entire melt season is considered; weaker correlations with instrumental weather records are associated with comparisons limited to the peak melt or early season melt periods. We attribute this to the ongoing supply of snowmelt through the season in this polar region and the availability of sediment for transport throughout the melt season. These results indicate that a high resolution hydroclimatic signal is present in the sediments from Nicolay Lake and can be used for paleoclimate reconstruction provided sedimentary depositional controls are taken into account.  相似文献   
Spatially variable sedimentation patterns are described for a small montane lake in southwestern British Columbia through the analysis of contemporary (20th century) varve sequences recovered from a high-density sediment coring program. Average, moderate, extreme, and localized depositional regimes, resolved at decadal to intra-annual scales, are differentiated for the Green Lake system from the stratigraphic record based on the volume and areal extent of the associated deposits. Average-regime sedimentation is mediated by the reliable annual freshet for the catchment. Moderate-regime events of the contemporary period (1930–2000) include periods of rapid glacial recession, extreme late-summer and autumn rainstorm-generated floods, and unusual snowmelt conditions. Only exceptional rainstorm events have led to extreme-regime sedimentation in the lake basin. Spatial sedimentation patterns are quantified by empirically derived surface models. Systematic differences are observed between both moderate and extreme sediment delivery events and the defined average-regime model. Substantial differences are observed between average and extreme regimes because of associated changes in sediment bypassing effects, intermediate sub-basin trapping, and sediment focusing mechanisms. Localized deposits coincide with isolated winter rainstorms in the region and anthropogenic disturbances along lake shorelines. Results indicate that the assumption of areal continuity in lacustrine sedimentation is not always appropriate for making comparisons between the identified depositional regimes. Sediment sampling programs that do not capture these spatially fluctuating sedimentation patterns may lead to biased accumulation chronologies and erroneous paleoenvironmental assessments of important hydroclimatic events.  相似文献   
Danish Journal of Geography 95: 92–96, 1995.

Three cores collected from a proglacial lake with an Axelsson corer are x-rayed. The stratification is interpreted as varves. The cores cover periods of sedimentation with a duration from 5—23 years. The average thickness of the varves vary from 1.9—20.0 mm indicating a tenfold variation in the sedimentation rate.

Geografisk Tidsskrift 96: 97–104, 1995.

In October 1990 a new automatic meteorological station was established at the Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), managed by the University of Copenhagen. It is the purpose of this note to draw the attention to the existence of this meteorological station, the character of climate parameter monitored and to the environment in which the station is functioning.

Examples of climate data measured during 1994 are presented, and general trends in the fluctuation of the selected parameters are annotated. Furthermore, it is mentioned how users may obtain the climate data. In the years to come we plan to publish a similar status of the climatic development at the Arctic Station in this periodical.  相似文献   
To investigate the response of a remote boreal lake to recent climate warming, a 200-year varved sediment record from Rainbow Lake A (RLA), located in the northern boreal forest of Wood Buffalo National Park, straddling northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories (Canada), was investigated using diatom assemblages and biogenic silica concentrations. Diatom community composition, trends in diatom-inferred total phosphorus (TP) and biogenic silica levels all showed significant changes beginning between circa 1830 and 1840, coincident with the onset of increasingly warm June/July temperatures in northern Canada. We evaluated several hypotheses which may have caused these nutrient changes, including local anthropogenic disturbances, forest fires, increased atmospheric deposition of nutrients or pollen, and internal sources of nutrient regeneration. We concluded that TP is likely increasing as a result of enhanced internal cycling of phosphorus due to either increased thermal stratification in response to warmer summer temperatures and/or decreased meromictic stability. The results presented here, in combination with other recent paleolimnological research in northern latitude regions, suggest widespread aquatic response to increasing temperatures beginning in the 19th century.  相似文献   
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