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This article examines the role of early female academics at the University of Cambridge in the production and dissemination of knowledge between 1926 and 1955. A statistical comparison of women's use of academic leave of absence with that of their male colleagues reveals that, across disciplines, women were less integrated into (inter)national knowledge networks and thus less visible in their epistemic communities than men because women focused their academic leaves more on research, rarely attended conferences, traveled overseas less often than men, and went more frequently to destinations within Europe than the United States as the new economic hegemon. Biographical case studies of these early female academics demonstrate the importance, variously, of their upper middle-class background, academic excellence, and familial and nonfamilial patronage in developing their careers, overcoming multiple hurdles, and producing intellectual contributions of equal quality to that of their male peers. Conceptually, this article calls for the inclusion of academic travelers from disciplines other than geography into feminist histories of geographical knowledge and argues that rather than stereotyping gender differences, greater comparative research on the experiences of female and male academics is needed to understand the mechanisms of gender inequality within the university.  相似文献   
德国是近代自然地理学的发源地,也是人文地理学的故乡。近代德国地理学不仅助推了德国社会经济的发展,还为世界各国地理学的发展奠定了理论基础,推动了地理学的科学化、系统化与全球化。本文运用文献计量法综述国内外1975—2019年关于近代德国地理学的539篇文献,从年度载文量、研究者国别、研究方向和研究方法四方面入手,突出时间顺序与空间差异,系统梳理与凝练近代德国地理学家的理论与重要贡献,结果表明:近代德国自然地理学与人文地理学的经典理论,尤其是地质地貌、地学革命,以及区域、景观与环境三大学派、区位理论、地缘政治等领域对人类做出了卓越的贡献,近代德国地理学的理论与研究方法值得我们借鉴与思考。  相似文献   
汤茂林  孙俊 《地理科学进展》2018,37(11):1581-1585
世界人文地理学的学术写作丰富多彩,有专著、指南、手册、教材、期刊论文、评论、书评、科普评论等。我们目前只重视论文和专著。在这种背景下,唐晓峰的非专著写作很独特,很吸引人。以《阅读与感知:人文地理学笔记》为例,分析了唐老师写作的特色。我们应当重视学术写作的多样性,尤其是教材和科普作品。  相似文献   
This report analyses a decade of geography scholarship student entry and achievement data (n = 10,205) to reveal patterns and trends of high‐achieving school students. The study is an exploratory analysis, the aim of which is to describe where the greatest scholarship success has occurred, as well as attendant demographic characteristics of New Zealand's most capable geography students and their schools. Emerging from the regions is a localised story of students from an extremely narrow number of schools achieving disproportionate scholarship success. This raises questions in the wider geography teaching community about the possibility of a broader constituency achieving scholarship awards.  相似文献   
汤茂林 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1673-1682
论述政治地理学在人文地理学中的重要地位和此前中文世界的政治地理学教材建设情况。从教材内容、特点和新意、译著品质、值得改进之处、结论五个方面,对刘云刚所译的《政治地理学》教材进行全面评述。该书是英美政治地理学最经典的教材之一,关注的话题从地缘政治、民族国家、后冷战时期的地缘政治转变、全球化到现在的帝国和恐怖主义,几乎涵盖了西方政治地理研究近五十年来的所有经典话题。该教材特点有六:紧跟时代脉搏,不断更新;从全球到个人多种尺度;一根红线“世界体系理论”贯穿始终;师生两代人密切合作,成为学林佳话和典范;大量使用案例;基于学术研究成果写作,诚实地引证同行著述。  相似文献   
中国城镇化发展的地理学贡献与责任使命   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
城镇化是中国全面建成小康社会和实现现代化的必由之路,中国城镇化不仅决定着中国的未来,而且决定着世界城镇化的进程。近35 a来中国地理学家对中国城镇化发展做出了重要贡献,主要表现在:首次提出了城镇化的概念,推动城镇化上升为国家战略;率先将Northam提出的城镇化发展三阶段论修正为四阶段论;提出了中国城镇化发展合理进程并被《国家新型城镇化规划》采用;研制了中国新型城镇化综合区划,构建了中国新型城镇化合理格局;率先研制了城镇化发展质量定量测度方法与系统,为提升城镇化发展质量提供了技术支撑;较早发布了《中国新型城镇化发展报告》,提出了新型城镇化发展的通用模式和差异模式;首次提出了城镇化与生态环境耦合圈理论与技术图谱。中国地理学家在城镇化这一多学科研究的重大领域中经常扮演着组织者角色,并担当重任,主要是:综合分析城镇化发展面临的问题及国际经验,探索城镇化发展的驱动机制与基本规律,辨析城镇化发展的空间格局和差异模式,揭示城镇化发展与资源环境的耦合关系,模拟预警城镇化发展的多种情景与风险,选择城镇化发展质量提升的可持续之路。今后一段时间内,创新国家新型城镇化高质量发展理论,优化“一带一路”背景下中国城镇化发展的空间格局,揭示中国城镇化与生态环境交互耦合机理及规律,研制中国城镇化发展的智能决策支持系统与引导政策,是中国城镇化发展的地理学使命。  相似文献   
Issues surrounding gender equality are—and should be—front and centre in the water resources community, and other science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Very necessarily, the focus tends to be on recruitment, offering support for students and early career academics. The leaky pipeline concept used to describe the incremental loss of women from STEM fields with career duration describes a disproportionate loss of senior women, creating a parallel problem where highly qualified, top tier academics are lost from the system after significant financial and personnel investment by institutions. Ultimately, the leaky pipeline undermines the extensive investment of the hydrology and other STEM communities in equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA) recruitment and retention programmes by cutting short career ambitions and the trajectories of diverse top performing individuals, resulting in no net benefit of EDIA policy investments and a lack of diversity with seniority. Addressing this critical gender gap requires the attention and support of the hydrology community of practice with specific focus on generating opportunities for advancement, confronting systemic and structural biases and improving education around allyship. Institutions and professional organizations need to consciously grow diversity in leadership and recognize and outwardly manage the perception of academic excellence around slow research and education that attracts increased diversity. Supporting allyship, reducing competitiveness among community members and reinforcing collaboration will not only attract, but retain, a higher proportion of diversity in the hydrology community, academia and STEM professions in general. It is time for the water resources (and other STEM) communities to demand broader accountability and recognition of the barriers to women, implement and reward more diverse definitions of research excellence, and offer allyship training to the community of practice at large.  相似文献   
关于高校学报青年编辑培养的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了紧跟时代步伐,成为与时俱进,新世纪优秀的出版人,从职业素质的培养、出版业务知识的培养、专业知识的培养及综合知识的培养、人际关系的培养5个方面对高校学报青年编辑的培养进行了探讨。  相似文献   
周亮  张亚 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1749-1763
院士作为国家高端的科研领军人才,在创新发展、人才培养,科研引领,国家重大战略和核心技术突破方面挥着重要作用。以中国科学院755名院士为例,运用核密度分析与流动指数等空间分析方法,系统分析了中国顶尖学术型人才的空间分布特征及求学、就业与工作地变更三种空间流动规律。结果表明:① 院士出生地或籍贯集聚分布在经济条件良好、文化底蕴深厚的东部沿海地区;学历取得地主要集中在北京、上海与江苏等985、211高校聚集省区;初次工作地点在不同时代表现各异;最终工作地呈现向北京、上海等特大城市聚集的特征。② 求学(出生地—大学)流动由东部多个省份向北京、上海等国家中心城市近距离流动。毕业首次就业流动空间聚集程度小,且流向随院士所处时代的不同而变化。③ 46.23%的院士有工作地变更流动趋势。变更一次的院士其流动呈现“孔雀东南飞”的特点,具有明显的向东指向性和空间聚集性;变更两次及两次以上的院士,除最后一次流动外无明显空间指向性。④ 流动指数分析表明,北京与上海作为经济发达区既是强流入中心也是强流出中心,双向流动量大;而西藏、海南、澳门、内蒙古及广西等省份流动指数为0,属于附属型省份。  相似文献   
基于文献计量的新世纪中国自然地理学国际影响力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以美国科学情报机构、科学引文索引数据库(SCI-E)为数据源,通过文献计量方法从总发文趋势、文章引用率、一流学术机构、核心作者分布、发文热门期刊以及关键词等方面,对中国自然地理学在国际学术界的发展情况、学术地位以及面临的问题与挑战进行分析。结果显示:新世纪中国自然地理学在国际领域发展迅速,在自然地理学领域能够发挥特长并贡献力量,在学术界占有一席之地。文献成果方面,至2016年底,中国在自然地理学权威机构的发文量占比达18.96%,位居世界第二。高质量文章占有率增长十余个百分点,文献累计被引量从0次跃升至2万余次,研究成果逐渐受到国际学术界认可。研究力量上,研究机构数量(排名第八)与学者数量(第四)均位居世界前列且发展趋势良好,中国自然地理学在其发展过程中,于多方面表现出了质和量的突破;从国际形势看来,中国自然地理学者通过多年不断努力,能够紧跟研究潮流,把握研究热点方向,但在理论创新及全球环境问题的研究等方面,仍有一定的提升空间。  相似文献   
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