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杨宇  刘毅  金凤君 《地理研究》2015,34(2):213-224
中亚与俄罗斯油气资源丰富,是中国未来开展国际油气资源合作,实现油气进口多元化和能源运输安全的重要战略区域。从俄罗斯、美国、中国以及中亚自身的战略需求方面刻画中亚地区大国博弈的能源地缘政治格局及其演变,并对中国与俄罗斯、中亚各国的能源合作特征进行详细分析。研究发现:中国与中亚各国之间的能源合作进展顺利,并呈现出多元化的发展趋势,已从单纯的油气贸易向油气产业的上下游进行拓展,但是中国与俄罗斯的合作因地缘政治战略、价格因素等一波三折,乌克兰危机之后,双方合作出现新的战略机遇。针对在中亚能源合作可能遇到的大国地缘政治博弈、俄罗斯的政策不确定性、中亚各国的局部冲突以及可能存在的资源国有化和来自国际石油公司的剧烈竞争,提出未来中国可以采取贷款换资源合作模式、双向合作模式与中亚国家石油公司联合经营模式、探索上海合作组织框架内的油气资源供求一体化模式以及油气经贸一体化合作模式,以尽可能地降低能源合作风险。  相似文献   
中美在南亚地缘影响力的时空演变及机制   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
南亚是中美两国重要的地缘战略区,无论是对中国海上运输的安全和西部边疆的稳定,还是对美国实施"亚太再平衡"战略,都有着十分重要的作用。如何解析中美在南亚地缘影响力的变化及演变机制,是需要解决的关键科学问题。结合地理学、国际关系学和政治学研究视角,采用数学建模方法,构建国家地缘影响力的指标体系和模型,选取南亚为研究区域,探讨中美在南亚地缘影响力的时空演变,探寻地缘影响力演变的影响因素以及驱动机制。结果表明:1近10年,中美在南亚的地缘影响力在小幅波动中呈逐年上升趋势。从增幅比率看,中国在南亚地缘影响力的增速要比美国快。2国家地缘影响力演变是一个缓慢过程。2003-2012年间,中美在南亚国家和地区的地缘影响力变化幅度不大。3硬实力、软实力、相互依赖力和摩擦力是地缘影响力演变的主要影响因素。其中,硬实力和软实力是主导因素,起拉力作用;相互依赖力是辅助因素,起推力作用;而摩擦力是弱化因素,起反向力作用。4中美在南亚地缘影响力演变的驱动力包括地缘区位、地缘政治、地缘经济和地缘文化。地缘区位是国家地缘影响力演变的制约力,地缘政治是主导力,地缘经济是驱动力,地缘文化是辐射力。5国家硬实力不等于地缘影响力,国家硬实力强并不能代表其对外的地缘影响力就高,两者是非线性关系。硬实力虽起主导作用,但不能决定地缘影响力变化的强度和速度。  相似文献   
陆俊元 《极地研究》2015,27(3):298-306
出于对在北极地区的地缘政治利益等因素考虑,俄罗斯积极推进其北极战略。在实施其北极战略过程中,俄罗斯采取了一系列措施,并取得了一定的成效。主要包括:强化对北极地区的战略控制能力,逐步建立对北极地区多层次地缘政治空间的控制权;积极推动北极"资源战略基地"建设,促进其北极地区的经济与社会发展,提高俄罗斯在世界能源格局中的战略地位;努力把控"北方海航道"交通枢纽,博取地缘战略主导权和国际关系主动权;通过科学、法律等领域的工作,积极向北极方向拓展俄罗斯的利益空间。  相似文献   
This paper offers a practice-based account of diplomacy given that diplomats are central to the production and circulation of geopolitics. We contend that there is a changing geography of diplomacy underway from state-centred to “integrative diplomacy”, prompting the need for reorganisation of the modalities that shape and regulate state presence. Such reorganisation brings with it the challenge of fashioning new pathways of diplomatic engagement to counter the disordering of routinized mundane diplomatic practices, alongside new possibilities for diplomatic space to be used by various actors and interests. In sum, the move to integrative diplomacy commands closer academic attention to the contemporary geographies of diplomatic practice, and how these practices are transacted in diverse spatial settings, sites and domains, under conditions of multiple contestation of state authority and legitimacy. Using extensive European empirical materials, we argue that the ways in which diplomats devise, trial, make claims and counter-claims about geopolitical representations are ripe for practice-based analysis. We do this through an exploration of diplomacy’s geographical dimensions, that is, its everyday spaces and places, orderings and transactions and show how practices can go awry in the move to integrative diplomacy.  相似文献   
余吉安  薛芮 《热带地理》2022,42(7):1190-1200
立足于中国哲学与地缘政治相融合的视角,通过解构地缘政治视角下的南海海洋治理问题,对比分析百家争鸣中墨家哲学对南海治理的价值作用,针对南海海洋治理提取墨家哲学的理念要点,尝试构建墨家哲学在南海海洋治理上的实践指导体系,研究表明:1)域内治理目标的不清晰和治理保障的不落地,以及域外大国的介入和国际组织发挥的作用有限,共同造成南海海洋治理的困境。2)南海海洋治理以自然海洋与人文海洋的统一为治理客体,以主权国家为最主要的行为主体,需要国家主体间的协同治理。3)从墨家哲学中提取1个核心要点、3个指导要义和4个关键要素,应用于南海海洋治理。在战略功能上以“兼爱非攻”和“义利一体”为价值取向,打破现实主义国际关系局限,以“功利主义”和“志功合一”为行为标准,促进新型国际关系合作;在实操路径上,要嵌入墨家哲学的“法”要素,以规范和标准为牵引,并嵌入墨家哲学的“求”“节”“巧”要素,以科技创新为驱动。  相似文献   
环南海地区是21世纪海上丝绸之路的起点和战略枢轴,其和平稳定对推动“一带一路”建设和区域发展繁荣具有重要作用。通过对环南海地区与域外国家军品贸易格局进行分析,探讨域内外军品贸易网络结构与格局特征。结果显示:①环南海地区军品贸易规模演化特征受到地区局势的影响显著,军品种类的进口与地缘战略和地理结构密切相关;②俄罗斯和美国作为环南海地区最大的两个军品输入国其军品分布与流向体现了遏制与突围的战略态势,军品贸易网络在多国主导下的收缩和去中心化的特点体现了地区局势趋向于缓和与稳定的态势;③中国对俄罗斯、法国和乌克兰等国的军品进口依赖程度呈下降趋势,并发展成为具有较大规模的军品出口国;④未来中国宜持续推进南海命运共同体建设,以战略智慧处理中美关系,充分利用强大的经济影响力加强与环南海地区域内外国家的国际合作,积极谋求主动与和平发展,携手各国共同将南海打造成和平之海、友谊之海、合作之海。  相似文献   
安宁  张博 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1119-1129
在全球-地方频繁互动的今天,跨国/跨地方逐渐成为超高速流动的社会现实,移民与流入流出地的多元互动模糊了国与国、地方与地方之间的边界,在目的地不断重塑社会结构和空间,在物质和符号维度赋予了地方不同的意义。族裔社区不仅仅反映了不同的移民群体复杂的日常生活实践及其在空间上的互动,也将对多元化族裔空间的关注转移到社区、空间、领土政治甚至流动地缘想象,同时也将族裔社区空间纳入一个关系性的视角下。而传统上地缘政治视角对移民和族裔空间的关注相对有限。因此,本专栏主要讨论地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区。具体而言,专栏首先回顾了地缘政治研究及其对流动性的关注和移民研究中的地缘政治面向,其次通过8篇文章讨论了不同尺度下多元的跨境移民及族裔社区营造与建构的相关研究,希冀从理论、方法以及实证研究方面对现有知识进行补充,也尝试通过探索国内外相关研究的进展,为社会和国家治理的需求服务。  相似文献   
The exponential growth in global populations, economic activity and resource utilization means it is becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy global demand for a number of fundamental resources, while some key ecosystems services are under stress. The likelihood of future resource scarcities have begun to influence the positions taken within international climate change negotiations by fast-growing developing countries. When Brazil, South Africa, India, and China formed the BASIC group it took many by surprise. The coordination needed to align this heterogeneous group of countries cannot simply be understood in terms of a set of shared interests around climate policy. How the BASIC group emerged and the nature of its cooperation on climate change are examined within the broader context in which these increasingly powerful countries came to join forces. Although traditionally aligned with the G77 group of developing countries, recent strategising as a group of emerging economies reflects their realization that there are insufficient global resources available to follow the same development pathway as industrialized countries. Hence, they must seek alternative growth pathways, which requires establishing common ground while also keeping track of each others' positions on important global issues like climate change.  相似文献   
Previous studies of postage stamps noted their importance in promoting national identity and the objectives of the state. Neglected in this literature by geographers and others is a discussion of stamp themes and issues during political and economic transitions. A content analysis of issues during the Soviet Union's last three years and Russia's first three years revealed some significant changes. The Soviet Union issued many stamps and sets on a wide variety of topics, including nature, folk items and legends, international ties, and ideology. Russia issued fewer stamps: Nature was important, but religion and issues that promoted Russia's heritage replaced ideology and international themes. Early Russian stamps evoked an “inward” worldview that promoted a nascent nationalism. In its final years the Soviet Union noted evidence of these changes in priorities and themes with issues that depicted Soviet environmental disasters or honored the individuals killed in the failed Russian coup attempt in August 1991.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes Hungary's export linkages of the interwar and Cold War periods using gravity model and historical analyses. Hungary is a useful example of former Soviet satellites because it combines relative political stability (since 1956) and experimentation with the New Economic Mechanism (NEM) during the 1970s and 1980s. Historical analysis reveals seven events since World War I that changed Hungary's trade patterns. Gravity model analysis for 1955, 1965, 1975, and 1985 shows the dramatic cleavage of the “Iron Curtain,” the effect of the NEM, and particularly strong and weak linkages for Hungarian trade that may result from historical legacies, complementarity, or specific political contacts.  相似文献   
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