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In natural waters inorganic mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) are complexed with a variety of inorganic and organic ligands, such as OH^-, Cl^-, sulfide, thiols, and dissolved organic matter (DOM). The bioavailability and toxicity of Hg and MeHg are related to their speciation, instead of their total concentrations. Among these species, Hg-DOM and MeHg-DOM complexes are the least known, due to the complexity and site-specificity of DOM in natural waters. Here we report the complexation between DOM and Hg or MeHg using fluorescence spectroscopy. The Suwannee River fulvic acid, peat humic acid, amino acid typotophan, and natural organic matter from the Suwannee River, Nordic River, and Delta Marsh were studied at their respective excitation/emission maxima,  相似文献   
河流对阿哈水库汞迁移转化过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿哈水库是贵阳市饮用水源,二十世纪九十年代之前阿哈水库流域的煤窑废水污染是其主要污染源;之后,矿山煤窑废水经集中治理,状况得到很大改善,生活水排放成为主要污染源。阿哈水库入库河流总汞浓度为7.1~47.9 ng/L;甲基汞浓度为0.16~2.50 ng/L;活性汞浓度为0.25~2.43 ng/L,且随季节变化明显,枯水期<丰水期。阿哈水库入库河流汞的主要存在形态为颗粒态汞,总汞与颗粒态汞呈显著正相关。阿哈水库唯一的出湖河流小车河中,各种形态的汞均较入湖河流中的汞含量大大减少,这表明水库的沉淀和拦截净化作用相当显著。  相似文献   
Concentrations and fluxes of mercury (Hg) species in surface waters of forested watersheds are affected by hydrological events. The mechanisms of Hg transport during these events are poorly understood and yet may influence Hg bioavailability and exposure to aquatic biota. Three storm events with varying magnitude and intensity were investigated (June, September and November 2005) at a forested watershed in the Adirondack region of New York State, USA. Concentrations of Hg species increased during these events, both above and downstream of wetlands in the watershed. While Hg flux was higher from wetland drainage, the Hg flux from the upland site exhibited a greater relative increase to elevated runoff. Hg flux was controlled by discharge; however, Hg species concentrations were not well correlated with discharge, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), or total suspended solids (TSS) through the duration of events. A counter‐clockwise hysteresis response of DOC with increasing runoff contrasted with the clockwise response for total Hg, suggesting different contributions from source areas for these solutes. Correspondence with elevated total K and NO3? (α < 0·05) during the rising limb of the hydrograph suggests rapid delivery of throughfall Hg, potentially enhanced by hillslope hollows, to the stream channel. As the watershed saturated, stream Hg appears to be derived from the soil Hg pool. Results suggest that particulate Hg did not contribute substantially to total Hg flux during events (<25%). These results emphasize the role of watershed attributes and storm characteristics in Hg transport and bioavailability. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We relate fish biological and ecological characteristics to total and organic mercury concentrations to determine whether accumulation is influenced by trophic level, Hg concentration in the diet, and vertical distribution. Levels of total mercury and methylmercury were determined in the muscle tissue of eight species of fish: Pagellus acarne, Trachurus picturatus, Phycis phycis, P. blennoides, Polyprion americanus, Conger conger, Lepidopus caudatus and Mora moro, caught in the Azores. All such fishes are commercially valuable and were selected to include species from a wide range of vertical distributions from epipelagic (<200 m) to mesopelagic (>300 m) environments. Methylmercury was the major form accumulated in all species, comprising an average of 88.1% of total mercury. Concentrations of mercury (total and methylmercury) increased with age, length and weight. Based on data from other studies, mercury concentrations in fish diet were estimated. Mercury levels in food ranged from 0.08 to 0.32 ppm, dry weight. Hg concentrations in the food and in muscle tissue from different species were positively correlated. Total Hg levels in the muscles were approximately nine times those estimated in food. Total mercury concentrations in muscle were positively correlated with both trophic level and median depth. Such enhanced mercury bioaccumulation in relation to depth appears to be determined primarily by concentrations in food and ultimately by water chemistry, which controls mercury speciation and uptake at the base of the food chain.  相似文献   
Mercury is an important pollutant in lakes. Methylmercury (MeHg), the most toxic mercury species, which can be formed from inorganic mercury in lakes, can be bioaccumulated into high concentration in food chain and result in a potential threat to human beings. Sediments play an important role for the Hg biogeochemistry in the aquatic systems: Mercury methylation has been shown to be fastest in the surfacial sediments, where the microbial activity is highest. The formation of MeHg in lakes suggests that sediments and/or near-shore wetlands can be the sources of MeHg in aquatic environments. The Baihua Reservoir, located in the suburb of Guiyang, was impounded in 1966. From the 1970s to the 1990s, Guizhou Organic Chemical Plant which used inorganic mercury as catalyst to produce acetic acid, was responsible for the discharge of waste water with high mercury content.  相似文献   
The cryosphere is one of the climate system component which plays an important role in the global biogeochemical mercury cycling. Anthropogenic mercury has been transported to remote cold and high regions worldwide through atmospheric circulation,and then transformed into methylmercury in the cryosphere. As one of the highly toxic environmental pollutants,methylmercury can be greatly bioaccumulated and biomagnified through the food web,which potentially poses threats to human and wildlife as well as the global cryospheric en⁃ vironments. In order to gain a full picture of research progress on methylmercury in the cryosphere,our study comprehensively summarized the concentration levels and analytical methods of methylmercury,and biogeo⁃ chemical processes such as the migration,transformation and fate of methylmercury in various cryospheric envi⁃ ronments including glacier,permafrost,snow ice and sea ice. We particularly made the literature review of mi⁃ crobial mercury methylation and evaluated the risk of methylmercury exposure to human and wildlife in the cryo⁃ sphere. Meanwhile,we focus on distribution,behavior,and environmental effects of methylmercury in the cryosphere against the backdrop of climate change,which is essential for assessing the exposure risk of methyl⁃ mercury to humans and wildlife. Perspectives of methylmercury researches in the cryosphere have also been highlighted in this review,though there is existing a knowledge gap of biogeochemical methylmercury cycling in the low temperature environments which merits further study. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   
为了解贵州高原水库浮游植物中汞和甲基汞的分布特征及浮游植物对汞及甲基汞的富集特点,于2012年12月对贵州省的5座高原水库中浮游植物和汞形态进行采样调查.研究结果表明:冬季贵州高原水库浮游植物群落主要是由硅藻组成,5座水库浮游植物丰度有明显差异.百花湖大坝处浮游植物丰度最高,为29.05×104cells/L;三板溪水库浮游植物丰度最低,仅为0.49×104cells/L.浮游植物中总汞和甲基汞的浓度分别在29.29~277.07 ng/g和1.12~10.93 ng/g之间,总汞含量以百花湖岩脚寨最高,甲基汞含量以百花湖大坝最高.总汞和甲基汞在浮游植物中的生物富集系数分别在1.42×104~9.78×104和3.10×104~4.43×105之间.在浮游植物富集无机汞及甲基汞的系数中,百花湖中浮游植物对无机汞生物富集系数最高,而红枫湖中浮游植物对甲基汞的生物富集系数最高.浮游植物种类组成不同对汞及甲基汞的生物富集有影响.浮游植物中的总汞与水体中的总汞、甲基汞和溶解态甲基汞都存在显著的相关关系,浮游植物中的甲基汞与水体中的总汞及甲基汞不存在显著相关性.甲基汞在浮游植物中富集不是简单的吸收,存在着影响甲基汞在浮游植物中富集的其它因素.浮游植物中的甲基汞与水体富营养化环境因子(透明度、总氮、硝氮)均呈负相关关系,表明水体富营养化的程度不同对浮游植物中的甲基汞浓度有影响.  相似文献   
海洋酸化背景下重金属对海洋生物的毒性效应是一个重要的生态毒理学研究问题。海洋酸化不仅直接影响海洋贝类的生理过程,也通过改变重金属的存在形式和生物可利用性进而影响其生物毒性。为研究海洋酸化背景下甲基汞(MeHg)对海洋贝类免疫和生物矿化的毒理效应,本研究将采集于野外的文蛤(Meretrix petechialis)置于不同pH水平(二氧化碳分压;pH 8.10/背景水平、7.70/中度酸化和7.30/高度酸化)和甲基汞质量浓度(对照、溶剂对照、0.1,1和5 μg/L)的海水中共同暴露21 d,研究文蛤内脏团和鳃组织内免疫应答和生物矿化相关的生物标志物对海水酸化和MeHg共同胁迫的响应。结果表明,海水酸化和MeHg均显著影响其免疫应答策略,不同胁迫水平对各类生物标志物具有组织差异性。具体而言,MeHg暴露诱导内脏团中碱性磷酸酶(AKP)和溶菌酶(LZM)活性,表明MeHg对免疫解毒机制有刺激作用,在一定程度上提高了其免疫应答。海水酸化抑制了鳃和内脏团中AKP活性,抑制其免疫应答。在生物矿化相关酶中,在海水酸化和MeHg共同胁迫下钙-ATP酶(Ca2+-ATP)活性显著下降,干扰其离子平衡和生物矿化。海水酸化加剧了MeHg胁迫对文蛤免疫应答和生物矿化的毒理作用。相关系数分析和主成分分析表明这些生物标志物可以协同防御环境胁迫对免疫应答和生物矿化策略的毒理作用。这些生物酶对海水酸化和MeHg胁迫响应比较敏感,可以作为评价海洋酸化背景下MeHg对文蛤两种生物组织免疫功能毒性效应的潜在生物标志物。研究结果为理解海洋酸化和重金属胁迫对贝类生理功能的影响提供新见解,为评估海洋酸化背景下贝类种群变动和资源管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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