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Porphyroblast inclusion fabrics are consistent in style and geometry across three Proterozoic metamorphic field gradients, comprising two pluton-related gradients in central Arizona and one regional gradient in northern New Mexico. Garnet crystals contain curved ‘sigmoidal’ inclusion trails. In low-grade chlorite schists, these trails can be correlated directly with matrix crenulations of an older schistosity (S1). The garnet crystals preferentially grew in crenulation hinges, but some late crenulations nucleated on existing garnet porphyroblasts. At higher grade, biotite, staurolite and andalusite porphyroblasts occur in a homogeneous S2 foliation primarily defined by matrix biotite and ilmenite. Biotite porphyroblasts have straight to sigmoidal inclusion trails that also represent the weakly folded S1 schistosity. Staurolite and andalusite contain distinctive inclusion-rich and inclusion-poor domains that represent a relict S2 differentiated crenulation cleavage. Together, the inclusion relationships document the progressive development of the S2 fabric through six stages. Garnet and biotite porphyroblasts contain stage 2 or 3 crenulations; staurolite and andalusite generally contain stage 4 crenulations, and the matrix typically contains a homogeneous stage 6 cleavage. The similarity of inclusion relationships across spatially and temporally distinct metamorphic field gradients of widely differing scales suggests a fundamental link between metamorphism and deformation. Three end-member relationships may be involved: (1) tectonic linkages, where similar P-T-time histories and similar bulk compositions combine to produce similar metamorphic and structural signatures; (2) deformation-controlled linkages, where certain microstructures, particularly crenulation hinges, are favourable environments for the nucleation and/or growth of porphyroblasts; and (3) reaction-controlled linkages, where metamorphic reactions, particularly dehydration reactions, are associated with an increase in the rate of fabric development. A general model is proposed in which (1) garnet and biotite porphyroblasts preferentially grow in stage 2 or 3 crenulation hinges, and (2) chlorite-consuming metamorphic reactions lead to pulses in the rate of fabric evolution. The data suggest that fabric development and porphyroblast growth may have been quite rapid, of the order of several hundreds of thousands of years, in these rocks. These microstructures and processes may be characteristic of low-pressure, first-cycle metamorphic belts.  相似文献   
靖远曹岘黄土的形成时代及显微结构特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
雷祥义 《地理学报》1995,50(6):521-533
甘肃靖远曹岘剖面系黄河六级阶地上的黄土堆积。磁性地层学研究结果表明,曹岘黄土堆积始于1.40MaBP。其化学成分以SiO2和Al2O3为主,Fe2O3含量低,CaO含量高;原生碳酸钙颗粒几乎未发生淋溶作用,这些标明黄土堆积过程中的气候是干燥的。  相似文献   
桂西北明山金矿是滇黔桂地区代表性的卡林型金矿之一,矿体受平行于区域性断裂右江断裂的北西西向次级断层控制,赋存于二叠系灰岩之上的中三叠统钙质细砂岩、碳钙质泥质粉砂质岩中。地质、岩相学特征和阴极发光、背散射电子影像、电子探针等分析研究表明,明山金矿发育了3个成矿阶段的热液矿物组合,不同热液矿物普遍具有多世代的特点。热液矿物中见有波状消光、带状消光、毕姆纹、压溶劈理、位错滑移等韧性剪切带粒内应变特征,坑道中也见有黄铁矿石英脉发生韧性变形、又被后期石英脉切断的现象,说明矿床经历了多次的脆-韧性变形。不同矿化期(阶段)的黄铁矿中Au和As的含量表明:沉积期黄铁矿Au、As的含量较低;成岩期黄铁矿中Au的含量高但As含量不高;而成矿期3个阶段的热液黄铁矿中都含较高的As和Au;热液黄铁矿核部包裹的交代残余黄铁矿Au、As含量较高,但变化范围较大,可能是变质成因。紧邻矿体的围岩中成岩黄铁矿从中心向外Au和As的含量逐渐降低,说明其中的As和Au在后来的构造和(或)热液事件中发生了活化迁移,越靠近颗粒边缘元素的活化迁移越强,这表明成矿物质来自于围岩。根据这些事实,推断明山矿区可能在成岩期发生了金的预富集,变形变质早期富含有机质的变质流体活动又使As发生了富集,主变质期流体的广泛渗透交代、活化出先存含金富砷黄铁矿中的Au和As,形成成矿流体。当成矿流体遇到富含活性铁的炭钙质泥质粉砂岩时,形成黄铁矿的同时发生Au的沉淀。  相似文献   
臼齿构造(Molar tooth structure,MTS)是指主要由微米级微亮晶方解石充填的、具有肠状褶皱等特殊形态和结构的前寒武纪沉积构造。具有臼齿构造的这类前寒武纪碳酸盐岩称为臼齿碳酸盐岩(Molar tooth carbonate,MTC)。MTS具有全球分布、时代限定、形态多样、由微米级微亮晶方解石组成及早期成岩等基本特征,该认识早已得到学界广泛认同。在系统归纳MTC的地理分布、发育时限、宏观形态和微观组构的基础上,再次总结性地剖析了物理作用、生物作用和生物-地球化学作用3类主要成因假说的基本论点及其局限性。长期以来,作为一种大量出现于中—新元古代、具全球性分布的特殊碳酸盐岩类或沉积构造,研究关注的焦点和热点是MTS形成与消失的机制。尽管MTS成因还有争议,但其所具有的早期成岩特征,使越来越多的研究者将其作为前寒武纪海洋地球化学环境重建的重要研究对象。MTC的兴衰与前寒武纪海洋化学性质演化和前寒武纪一系列全球性事件密不可分。在此基础上提出MTC进一步研究的方向:一是探索MTC事件与相关全球性事件(如叠层石、冰川事件等)相互响应、促进或消长的关系,MTS的兴衰如何协同Columbia和Rodinia超大陆的聚散过程; 二是从MTS微亮晶方解石微观组构出发,采用行之有效的地球化学方法,将MTC的形成、演化、更替与前寒武纪海洋性质以及大气圈、生物圈的演化相结合,进一步完善MTC成因理论,为前寒武纪诸多重大科学问题的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
以前的微生物岩识别和分类只根据裸眼可见的中观结构,而对显微镜下的微观结构未予使用。微生物的显微结构有什么基本特征,是否可以用于微生物岩的识别和分类是本文关注的焦点。作者从微生物岩形成机制和实际材料的观察来探讨这个问题。在诱导钙化实验中观察到,蓝藻鞘丝藻Lyngbya的胶鞘表面有碳酸盐矿物形成: 先是在胶鞘表面形成点状碳酸盐颗粒,后来碳酸盐几乎包裹整个丝体,形成一个矿物壳。微生物岩形成的模式推演表明,微生物岩一般都有微生物留下的孔(模孔)和包围模孔的矿物壳2种基本单元。对3个地点的现代微生物碳酸盐岩和1个地点的古代(寒武纪)微生物岩的观察,发现在显微尺度上都具有模孔,此外还可能有矿物壳或胶结物。模孔的形状、大小、排列方式是微生物碳酸盐岩显微结构研究的核心内容,在今后的研究中可以用于微生物岩的识别和分类,以及作为分析形成机制和形成环境的基础。  相似文献   
颗粒材料的剪胀模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究了颗粒材料的剪切变形机制,建立了颗粒体在变形过程中应力与组构量的相互关系,论证了产生剪胀的微观组构条件,推导出各向异性组构颗粒体剪胀方程。做了相应的单剪试验,理论结果与试验结果相当吻合,从而验证了理论模型的正确性。  相似文献   
The Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation, near Jixian, northern China, contains thick beds of vertically branched, laterally elongate, columnar stromatolites. Carbonate mud is the primary component of both the stromatolites and their intervening matrix. Mud abundance is attributed to water column ‘whiting’ precipitation stimulated by cyanobacterial photosynthesis. Neomorphic microspar gives the stromatolites a ‘streaky’ microfabric and small mud flakes are common in the matrix. The columns consist of low‐relief, mainly non‐enveloping, laminae that show erosive truncation and well‐defined repetitive lamination. In plan view, the columns form disjunct elongate ridges <10 cm wide separated by narrow matrix‐filled runnels. The stromatolite surfaces were initially cohesive, rather than rigid, and prone to scour, and are interpreted as current aligned microbial mats that trapped carbonate mud. The pervasive ridge–runnel system suggests scale‐dependent biophysical feedback between: (i) carbonate mud supply; (ii) current duration, strength and direction; and (iii) growth and trapping by prolific mat growth. Together, these factors determined the size, morphology and arrangement of the stromatolite columns and their laminae, as well as their branching patterns, alignment and ridge–runnel spacing. Ridge–runnel surfaces resemble ripple mark patterns, but whether currents were parallel and/or normal to stromatolite alignment remains unclear. The formation and preservation of Tieling columns required plentiful supply of carbonate mud, mat‐building microbes well‐adapted to cope with this abundant sediment, and absence of both significant early lithification and bioturbation. These factors were time limited, and Tieling stromatolites closely resemble coeval examples in the Belt‐Purcell Supergroup of Laurentia. The dynamic interactions between mat growth, currents and sediment supply that determined the shape of Tieling columns contributed to the morphotypical diversity that characterizes mid–late Proterozoic branched stromatolites.  相似文献   
The early (Devonian) collisional stage in SW Iberia has been investigated through the analysis of deformation in the Cubito‐Moura schists, the main lithology of an Allochthonous Complex putatively rooted in the suture between the Ossa‐Morena and South Portuguese zones. The first deformation in these schists (D1) is recorded as a S1‐L1 mylonitic fabric well preserved in early quartz veins. Subsequent D2 deformation caused the main folds and the main (S2) foliation. After restoration, the stretching lineation (L1) trends at a small angle with the Ossa‐Morena/South Portuguese suture. This trend, together with the top‐to‐the‐east kinematics determined from quartz microfabric is indicative of an oblique left‐lateral collisional scenario in SW Iberia. Chlorite–white K‐mica–quartz ± chloritoid multi‐equilibrium calculations yield P–T conditions in the range 0.9–1.2 GPa and 300–400 °C, during the first collisional stage. P–T conditions during D2 were 0.3–0.8 GPa and 400–450 °C, thus indicating an important stage of exhumation of the Allochthonous Complex during these two collisional events, after subduction of the Ossa‐Morena Zone margin under the South Portuguese Zone continental crust. In the general context of the Variscan orogen, dominated by dextral collision, the left‐lateral convergence in SW Iberia can be explained in terms of the Avalonian salient represented by the South Portuguese Zone, which would impinge between Iberia and Morocco.  相似文献   
土体微观结构的研究现况评述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴义祥  张宗祜 《地质论评》1992,38(3):250-259
本文回顾了土体微观结构的研究历史,介绍并评述了微观结构研究中各个方面的研究技术和方法,指出了微观结构研究的最新进展和发展趋势。  相似文献   
胡博  张岳桥 《地质通报》2007,26(3):256-265
张八岭隆起位于华南地块与华北地块碰撞拼接的构造转换部位,其西界为著名的郯庐断裂带,东缘属于扬子地块盖层前陆逆冲褶皱构造带。在张八岭隆起东缘来安地区基底变质岩中发现了一条宽达2.5km的走滑韧性剪切带,对其进行了详细的野外测量和岩石学、显微组构、变形运动学分析。结果显示,韧性剪切带由初糜棱岩带、糜棱岩带和超糜棱岩带组成;糜棱岩叶理近直立,叶理面上的拉伸线理向SW缓倾(倾伏角为10~30°);S-C组构和不对称旋转碎斑指示以左旋剪切为主。根据石英位错密度估算的差应力为65~75MPa。糜棱岩矿物成分和显微组构特征分析显示基底韧性剪切带的形成温度在250~400℃之间,形成深度为10~20km。该基底走滑剪切带的发现为张八岭地块的斜向走滑折返机制提供了重要的构造地质学制约。  相似文献   
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