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通过对南海深海区硝酸氮、活性磷酸盐垂直分布的研究,分析了南海垂向耗氧和贫氧水体中硝酸氮、活性磷酸盐和表观耗氧量之间的关系.结果表明垂向上次表层、中层和深层水团中氧的消耗与营养盐再生比值均小于理论值,由此推断水体的混合为有机物再矿化提供氧的补充,但水团混合对水柱中硝酸氮、活性磷酸盐的影响不大,在次表层和中层水团中造成营养盐浓度变化主要是由于有机物再矿化的结果;在深层水团中有机物再矿化对水柱中营养盐梯度变化已不占主导地位.  相似文献   
把鹧鸪菜藻体切成大小不同的切段、以及任意切碎,培养于添加氮、磷素的消毒海水中,后者分10℃、15℃、20℃、25℃四种不同温度条件培养,结果全部切段、切碎片都很快再生出假根附着于基质,并再生出一至多个叶状体;叶状体长大后从基部长出新的假根成为完整的幼苗(再生苗)。试验表明,大的切段其再生苗生长快、长度大,但出苗率(一定长度的藻体长出再生苗数量)低。培养温度较高时(20—25℃),藻体任意切碎片再生速度快、附着速度快、数量多且较牢固。利用藻体切碎片来培养鹧鸪菜幼苗是可行的;培养的适宜温度为20℃以上、海水比重为1.010左右。本文还对鹧鸪菜损伤藻体再生的情况(繁殖生殖学)进行一些观察和描述。  相似文献   
羊栖菜茎部愈伤组织再生苗的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片法对羊栖菜纵裂主枝上愈伤组织再生苗的发生过程进行了形态解剖学观察。发现此种成苗方式是在主枝 (茎 )或假根处由外皮层分裂形成愈伤组织 ,再由愈伤组织分化成苗的一种无性繁殖方式。愈伤组织形成再生苗有望成为羊栖菜人工养殖种苗的来源之一。  相似文献   
植物已被广泛用于改善岩土设施的服役性能。然而,植物生长对填埋场多层覆盖系统防渗性能的影响尚不清楚。本研究通过在深圳下坪固体废弃物填埋场开展为期两年的现场试验,并利用数值模拟进行对比与参数化分析,旨在量化湿润气候下植物生长对土体水力性质以及三层覆盖系统防渗功能的影响。经研究发现,土体饱和渗透系数(ks)随根长密度(RLD)的增加呈线性下降。相比裸露土,植草土ks、入渗量和入渗速率分别降低55%,18%和35%。这导致在现场监测期间植草覆盖系统中维持的吸力明显高于裸露覆盖系统,数值分析与实测结果相一致。然而,百年一遇降雨后两覆盖系统内吸力分布无显著差异。在两年的现场监测中,相比裸露覆盖系统,草类减少累积渗漏量达21%。通过裸露与植草覆盖系统的年均渗漏量均满足美国环保局建议的每年30 mm的设计要求,证明了没有土工膜的三层覆盖系统在湿润气候下的良好防渗性能。  相似文献   
实验证明,在没有任何干扰的情况下,再生25毫米的土表需要300年时间.这种再生速度对于迅速耗蚀的土地并没有多少补偿作用.  相似文献   
A group of coenocytic marine algae differs from higher plants,whose totipotency depends on an intact cell(or protoplast).Instead,this alga is able to aggregate its extruded protoplasm in sea water and generate new mature individuals.It is thought that lectins play a key role in the aggregation process.We purified a lectin associated with the aggregation of cell organelles in Bryopsis hypnoides.The lectin was ca.27 kDa with a pI between pH 5 and pH 6.The absence of carbohydrate suggested that the lectin was ...  相似文献   
Natural assemblages of marine bacteria were chosen in a batch culture experiments. The impact of varying nitrogen substrate concentrations and the substrate C:N ratios (C:NS) on the bacterial C:N ratio (C:NB), the bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) and ammonium regeneration was mainly examined. The C:NS ratios varied from 5:1 (carbon limitation) to 40:1 (nitrogen limitation) with varying combinations of glucose and NO3-. The C:NB ratio had positive relationship with the C:NS ratio (r=0.93, n=8), whose value was 3.77 when the C:NS ratio was 5:1 but increased to 6.47 when the C:NS ratio was 40:1. These results indicate that the C:NB ratio is a potential diagnostic tool for determining the bacterial growth in natural waters controlled by either, carbon or nitrogen. BGE decreased with the declining nitrate concentration and negatively related to C:Ns (r=-0.51, n=8). The average value of BGE was 0.20. This value was a little lower than other reports, which could be induced by the nitrogen source used in our experiments. Finally, regeneration time of ammonium delayed with the increasing C:NS ratio, which indicates that there were different metabolism mechanisms when bacterial growth was limited by carbon source and nitrogen source.  相似文献   
The Himalayan Yew (Taxus baccata subsp, wallichiana) is an endangered native high value medicinal plant of the Himalayan Region. The several medicinal properties of the bark and leaves of this species have increased its risk of extinction due to pressures for utilization. It is also subjected to harvest for fuelwood. The species does not regenerate well from seed and that is another risk factor. The objective of this research was to investigate the population ecology of the species as a foundation for its conservation. Six forest communities in the Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary where the species is present were sampled. The abundance of the species, impacts of harvesting and its current regeneration patterns indicate that it may soon be extirpated from the Sanctuary. A plan for conserving the remaining sub-populations is presented. It could provide a template for conservation in other locations where the species is at risk.  相似文献   
2009年4月利用植株枚订移植法在山东荣成天鹅湖海域开展大叶藻植株移植,于5~10月监测移植大叶藻植株的存活率,并逐月采集自然和移植大叶藻植株,比较了植株生长、叶绿素含量和类胡萝卜素含量的变化,分析了移植操作胁迫对大叶藻存活、生长、叶绿素含量和类胡萝卜素含量的影响。结果显示,移植后1~2个月,移植植株的平均成活率较高,至移植后4个月,平均成活率降至57.8%,之后保持稳定。移植后6个月内,叶长移植植株均极显著低于自然植株;根长和茎节长在移植后1个月时移植植株显著低于自然植株,移植2个月后与自然植株无明显差异,甚至显著高于自然植株;叶绿素含量和类胡萝卜素含量在移植后1个月时移植植株显著低于自然植株,移植2个月后则与天然植株无明显不同,甚至显著高于自然植株,但10月份移植植株的叶绿素含量明显下降。结果表明,移植操作对大叶藻植株的地上部分产生了严重的胁迫作用和较长的胁迫时间,而移植植株的地下部分及叶片叶绿素和类胡萝卜素在经过短期胁迫后,能够通过自身的补偿机制分别实现快速生长和显著增加,从而利于植株的扎根、固着和提高植株的光合作用能力。  相似文献   
在饲养条件下,对青岛辛岛湾潮间带的三崎柱头虫(Balanoglossus misakiensis)的栖息和再生进行研究。6条柱头虫沿生殖翼中后部自切为2段,后段失去摄食、钻洞穴等行为能力和再生前段器官的能力,生存约1个月后解体;前段在1、2天内恢复了摄食、钻洞穴等生活习性,2个月内完成了后段缺失器官的再生,最长存活时间达156d,体长能达到母体体长的一半。113个个体通过手术横切为2段、3段或4段,发现42%的含有吻、领及鳃区的前段虫体,也能够再生全部失去的其他器官;没有吻、领和鳃区的其它片段失去了再生能力。  相似文献   
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