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自2006年治理商业贿赂专项工作开展以来,我省各地区、各部门按照党中央、国务院和省委、省政府的部署和要求,紧紧围绕治理权钱交易、以权谋私等腐败行为,抓住关键环节、重要岗位和重点人员,集中力量突破了一批性质恶劣、情节严重、涉案范围广、影响面  相似文献   
一、概述 2002年7月1日,国土资源部第11号令《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定》正式实施后,各地交易中心都开始采用招标、拍卖、挂牌方式出让经营性用地,在优化配置土地资源、防治土地交易领域的不正之风和腐败行为方面发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
Litter decomposition is the key process in nutrient recycling and energy flow. The present study examined the impacts of soil fauna on decomposition rates and nutrient fluxes at three succession stages of wetland in the Sanjiang Plain, China using different mesh litterbags. The results show that in each succession stage of wetland, soil fauna can obviously increase litter decomposition rates. The average contribution of whole soil fauna to litter mass loss was 35.35%. The more complex the soil fauna group, the more significant the role of soil fauna. The average loss of three types of litter in the 4mm mesh litterbags was 0.3–4.1 times that in 0.058mm ones. The decomposition function of soil fauna to litter mass changed with the wetland succession. The average contribution of soil fauna to litter loss firstly decreased from 34.96% (Carex lasiocapa) to 32.94% (Carex meyeriana), then increased to 38.16% (Calamagrostics angustifolia). The contributions of soil fauna to litter decomposition rates vary according to the litter substrata, soil fauna communities and seasons. Significant effects were respectively found in August and July on C. angustifolia and C. lasiocapa, while in June and August on C. meyeriana. Total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) contents and the C/N and C/P ratios of decaying litter can be influenced by soil fauna. At different wetland succession stages, the effects of soil fauna on nutrient elements also differ greatly, which shows the significant difference of influencing element types and degrees. Soil fauna communities strongly influenced the TC and TP concentrations of C. meyeriana litter, and TP content of C. lasiocapa. Our results indicate that soil fauna have important effects on litter decomposition and this influence will vary with the wetland succession and seasonal variation. Foundation item: Under the auspices of State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (No. 2009CB421103), Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40830535/D0101), Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-BR-16, KSCX2-YW-N-46-06)  相似文献   
人类活动是引起青藏高原生态环境发生改变的重要因素。很多学者对青藏高原史前人类活动和近几十年的人口分布格局与人口流动开展了大量研究,但有关人群时空分布的精细尺度研究相对缺乏。海量的位置大数据为认识高原人群短期的动态变化提供了新途径。本文利用手机定位数据、人口迁徙数据等高时空分辨率的位置大数据,通过时间序列分解方法和基于统计检验的异常判别方法,分析了2017年国庆期间青海与西藏的人群分布时空变化特征,并探讨了假期旅游行为及人口迁徙与变化特征之间的关系。研究结果显示:① 在省级和城市整体尺度上,定位请求量的假期变化在时间上呈现先降后升的“潮汐”变化模式;② 在精细网格尺度上,西宁和拉萨城市及周边地区的人群分布变化在空间上呈现中心跌、周边涨的“离心化”变化模式。国庆假期人们向城市周边热门景点移动聚集的旅游行为和城市之间的人口迁徙都是导致西宁和拉萨周边地区定位请求量上涨的重要潜在原因,而两座高原城市中心定位请求的下跌不仅与人口迁徙有关,还与假期人类日常行为及定位请求频次的变化等因素有关。通过位置大数据挖掘节庆假期人群分布的时空变化,不仅加深了对高原人口分布格局与流动变化的认识,也为高原城镇化与生态保护的精细化管理与决策提供支撑。  相似文献   
为将耕地保护的政府问责制落到实处,依据《山东省市级政府耕地保护责任目标考核办法》的通知要求,经山道省政府同意,山东省国土资源厅日前将市级政府耕地保护责任目标2007年分解指标(过渡性指标)下达至各市级政府,作为2007年各市耕地保护责任目标自查、抽查和考核的依据。该次下达的分解指标包含耕地保有量、基本农田保护面积和土地开发整理复垦新增耕地面积3项内容,  相似文献   
正交子空间投影(OSP)方法广泛用于目标与背景的分离之中,对于高光谱影像,OSP可用于目标提取和混合像元分解,但缺点是需要端元的先验知识。针对这一问题,本文基于OSP的原理提出了一种非监督快速端元提取方法。实验使用模拟高光谱数据和由OM ISⅠ获取的真实高光谱数据,结果精度令人满意,证明了本文算法进行端元自动提取的可行性。  相似文献   
同步N-策略多重休假的M/M/C/WV排队   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑同步N-策略多重休假和工作休假M/M/c排队,简记为M/M/c(N-WV)。在休假期间,服务员并未完全停止工作而是以较低的速率为顾客服务。用拟生灭过程与矩阵几何解方法,给出了系统稳态队长和稳态条件等待时间的分布。此外,也得到了队长和等待时间的条件随机分解结构及附加队长和附加延迟的分布。  相似文献   
上海计算机产业转移及其对区域经济影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2008年全球金融危机之后,全球生产网络重组对中国区域经济的影响日益浮现。上海计算机制造业持续向重庆等地转移,重构了该行业全球生产网络的基本格局。利用上海市投入-产出表以及中国工业企业数据库、企业年报等,采用结构分解等方法分析上海计算机制造业产业变化,结合制造业多样性指数等指标,评估产业转移对区域经济的影响。研究发现:① 上海计算机产业被锁定在全球价值链低端的组装制造环节,2007—2012年,增加值率(增加值与总产出的比值)从7.38%下降为4.29%;劳动者报酬占增加值比例从22.06%上涨为67.97%,推动产业对外迁移。② 受上海市产业转移和国际市场低迷等因素影响,2007—2012年,上海计算机制造业总产出减少了483.9亿元。③ 制造业多样性指数较高的浦东新区受到计算机产业转移的影响较小,制造业多样性指数相对较低且计算机制造业占制造业总产值比例较高的闵行区、松江区在一定时期内仍然面临着计算机产业转移的负面影响。为了降低全球生产网络“去耦合”的冲击,提高区域经济的韧性,上海需要从全球生产网络的成熟产品生产平台转型为新产品研发创新枢纽,提高劳动生产率和产业增加值率,推动产业结构多样化。  相似文献   
针对地下水对混凝土分解性侵蚀指标pHs现行评价方法中存在水样间pHs横向没有可对比性和难以定量绘制pHs分解性侵蚀分区图等两大缺陷,推出了一个新的pHs分解性侵蚀判别式sk1,用编制的"地下水对混凝土分解性侵蚀判别式计算程序",完成了新定义的判别式sk1的计算,计算结果不但具备了水样间的每种分解性侵蚀横向对比的功能,而且还具备了定量绘制每种分解性侵蚀分区图和定量绘制3种分解性侵蚀综合评价迭加图的功能。通过实例应用,形象地印证了现行评价方法存在的缺陷及现推出的判别式、定量编绘侵蚀分区图的可行性。  相似文献   
From the analyses of the satellite altimeter Maps of Sea Level Anomaly(MSLA) data, tidal gauge sea level data and historical sea level data, this paper investigates the long-term sea level variability in the East China Sea(ECS).Based on the correlation analysis, we calculate the correlation coefficient between tidal gauge and the closest MSLA grid point, then generate the map of correlation coefficient of the entire ECS. The results show that the satellite altimeter MSLA data is effective to observe coastal sea level variability. An important finding is that from map of correlation coefficient we can identify the Kuroshio. The existence of Kuroshio decreases the correlation between coastal and the Pacific sea level. Kurishio likes a barrier or a wall, which blocks the effect of the Pacific and the global change. Moreover, coastal sea level in the ECS is mainly associated with local systems rather than global change. In order to calculate the long-term sea level variability trend, the empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method is applied to derive the trend on each MSLA grid point in the entire ECS. According to the 2-D distribution of the trend and rising rate, the sea level on the right side of the axis of Kuroshio rise faster than in its left side. This result supports the barrier effect of Kuroshio in the ECS. For the entire ECS, the average sea level rose 45.0 mm between 1993 and 2010, with a rising rate of(2.5±0.4) mm/a which is slower than global average.The relatively slower sea level rising rate further proves that sea level rise in the ECS has less response to global change due to its own local system effect.  相似文献   
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