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狼山群的层序划分与霍各乞矿区复式倒转向斜的厘定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
狼山群遭受了强烈的伸展、挤压、剪切多种变形体制和不同构造层次的变形,其变形构造序列可分为四期。在详实的构造解析以及区域对比基础上,狼山群的地层层序明确为三分,即从下到上分为三个岩组,它们与渣尔泰群的书记沟组、增隆昌组、阿古鲁沟组可以对比。结合构造填图确定狼山北坡霍各乞地区主体构造实为复式倒转向斜。  相似文献   
东升庙矿床狼山群二组含矿地层中石英钠长浅(变)粒岩类(Ⅰ类,w(SiO2)=70.47%~73.02%)、黑云钠—更长片岩类(Ⅱ1类,w(SiO2)=52.00%~54.43%)和钠—更长绿泥(角闪)片岩类(Ⅱ2类,w(SiO2)=47.44%~48.86%)具如下特征:(1)稳定呈层产出,并与上、下相邻地层一道褶皱、变形;(2)含有变余斑晶和晶屑;(3)轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损;(4)多种岩石化学图解一致表明它们是正变质岩;(5)Ⅰ类与Ⅱ1类呈上、下层关系连续产出等特征,确认它们都是变质火山岩夹层,并具有“双峰式”组合.研究表明本矿床形成于元古宙大陆边缘的裂谷盆地.  相似文献   
内蒙古狼山造山带构造演化与成矿响应   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10  
狼山造山带位于华北地台北缘西段,它经历了新太古代和古元古代结晶基底形成与变形、中元古代被动陆缘裂陷槽裂解→沉积→闭合、新元古代晚期开始的活动陆缘、海西期→中生代以来的挤压造山并伴有大量中酸性岩浆侵入的漫长构造演化与发展过程。该造山带有丰富的锌、铅、铜、铁、金等矿产资源,矿床(化)类型、矿床规模与时空分布规律都与其成矿地质背景、构造演化有密切的耦合关系,在不同构造演化阶段有不同的矿床形成:在新太古代主要形成了海底火山环境热水沉积条带状铁矿、在中元古代主要形成了与被动陆缘裂解过程相关的海底啧流.沉积铅锌铜铁硫化物矿床、而在海西期—中生代以来挤压造山过程中的岩浆热液活动,既形成了中小型的斑岩型铜金矿床、又对中元古代等先成的喷流-沉积矿床产生了明显的改造和叠加成矿作用。东升庙、炭窑口和霍各乞矿床的部分铜矿是造山过程中叠加成矿的结果。  相似文献   
内蒙古狼山山前台地成因及其新构造运动意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内蒙古狼山地处阴山造山带西段、河套断陷带的西北缘,晚新生代以来狼山山前断裂广泛发育、构造抬升强烈。研究晚更新世以来狼山的构造隆升对深入了解河套断陷带的形成演化机制及其隆升过程对河套盆地古地理格局的影响具有重要的意义。狼山山前翁格勒其格和乌兰敖包台地的沉积学、地貌学和年代学研究表明,T1台地形成于47.4 kaB.P.,其沉积物为晚更新世河套古大湖沉积;T2台地形成于69 kaB.P.,其沉积物可能为黄河流经狼山山前的冲积物。台地特征的分析显示,狼山山前台地主要由构造抬升形成,两级台地记录了狼山晚更新世晚期(Qp3-2)以来的构造隆升过程。69 kaB.P.到47.4 kaB.P.翁格勒其格和乌兰敖包地区的隆升速率分别为1.34 m/ka和1.25 m/ka,47.4 kaB.P.以来分别为0.81 m/ka和1.18 m/ka,狼山南段(翁格勒其格地区)构造抬升有减小的趋势。晚更新世晚期(Qp3-2)以来由于狼山的快速隆升,导致黄河河道不断东迁,河套平原的古河道是其迁移的证据。狼山山前湖岸阶地的研究进一步证实晚更新世晚期河套地区发育统一古大湖。  相似文献   
高兆富  朱祥坤  张衎  罗照华  包创  唐超 《岩石学报》2015,31(12):3725-3731
东升庙多金属硫化物矿床是狼山成矿带最大和最典型的铅锌多金属硫化物矿床,目前该矿床硫的来源及成矿过程仍存在争议。本文对矿区常见硫化物矿石和最重要的赋矿围岩——绢云石墨片岩中的硫化物分别进行硫同位素分析。结果显示东升庙矿床的硫化物普遍富集硫的重同位素,且矿石与围岩中的硫化物的硫同位素分布范围均较为集中。绢云石墨片岩中的黄铁矿的δ~(34)S值在+19.4‰~+23.4‰之间,具有和当时海水硫酸盐相似的硫同位素组成,指示围岩中的不规则黄铁矿是孔隙水(海水)中的硫酸盐被完全还原后形成的。矿石硫化物的δ~(34)S值在+28.3‰~+31.3‰之间,相比围岩中的黄铁矿明显富集硫的重同位素,指示两者具有不同的硫源。矿石中的硫可能源自基底地层中蒸发岩的溶解,由此形成的硫酸盐占主导的热液流体可萃取大量铅、锌等金属,当遇到狼山群地层中富含有机质的沉积岩时发生热化学还原反应,从而造成硫化物的大量卸载,形成金属硫化物矿床。  相似文献   
内蒙古狼山地区晚第四纪泥石流发育特征及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古狼山山前断裂活动强烈,致使泥石流灾害发育,研究狼山山前泥石流的发育特征对深入了解晚第四纪以来狼山的构造抬升具有重要意义。通过对狼山山前泥石流堆积特征和地貌特征的调查,发现研究区内泥石流沉积物颗粒粗大,分选磨圆均较差,胶结及风化程度随年代的变老而变强,山前堆积台地从老到新由上到下呈阶梯状排列。利用光释光(OSL)对厘定的4期古泥石流堆积进行测年,4期泥石流分别形成于113.33±12.31ka BP、65.33±6.71ka BP、34.67±3.52ka BP、5.00±0.57ka BP,进而计算出4期构造活跃期狼山中段的平均下切速率分别为0.44m/ka、0.93m/ka、1.11m/ka、2.8m/ka。水流下切速率的增加来源于构造隆升的驱动,由此表明狼山晚第四纪以来可能处于一个加速隆升的阶段;113.33ka以来水流下切速率的空间分布揭示了狼山中段存在隆升速率由西高东低向东高西低转换的特点。本研究对重建晚第四纪阴山西段隆升过程和河套盆地古地理格局具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The interaction between the continental-continental collision of the Indian-Eurasian plate and the westward underthrusting of Pacific plate is generally considered to be the cause of the destruction of North China Craton. At present, there are still doubts in the researches worldwide about the dynamic mechanism of the formation and evolution of the Ordos peripheral fault-depression system and the contemporary tectonic stress field.
The Hetao Basin is a Cenozoic fault basin located between the Ordos block and the Yinshan Mountains. Due to the effect of uplift of the Tibet Plateau and the continuous subduction of the Pacific plate, graben faulting of different intensities occurred in different periods of Cenozoic around the Ordos block. Late Quaternary lacustrine facies sedimentary strata are widely developed in Hetao Basin. The Haolaigou profile, Bianqianhao profile and the Langshan profile in this study are all located in Hetao Basin. According to the lithology and structural analysis of the upper Pleistocene series in the three profiles, angular unconformities of phase 1-2 are recorded in the lacustrine facies sediments with a thickness of about 10m. The dating results of the Haolaigou profile, Bianqianhao profile and Langshan profile show that the formation time of both unconformities is 80ka BP.
Using the tectonic geology, Quaternary geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and a variety of dating methods, we also carry out a comprehensive study and obtain the following results:
(1)The analysis of lithological and structural features of Haolaigou profile, Bianqianghao profile and Langshan profile in the Hetao Basin shows that multi-phase angular unconformities events are recorded in the lacustrine strata of a thickness of nearly 10m. These unconformities represent the tectonic movement in the late Pleistocene period since the 80ka BP and they may be widely distributed in the North China region. They are probably the direct products of the latest tectonic movement in the Quaternary period.
(2)The present tectonic movement initiates at about 80ka BP. It not only causes multiple angular unconformity events, but also leads to the disappearance of the Hetao ancient lake. The rapid regional epeirogenetic uplifting of the Ordos block since 76.4ka BP should also be the specific manifestation of this tectonic movement. Because of the influence of the accelerated uplifting and eastward spreading of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in the late Quaternary, the NEE thrusting effect of the Ordos block is enhanced and affected.  相似文献   
内蒙古狼山地区新元古代狼山群变形特征及区域构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
狼山群作为阿拉善地块东北部重要的前寒武系地层单元,记录了复杂的构造变形演化历史。本文通过对狼山西南段出露的新元古代狼山群进行构造地质试点填图、剖面测制等方面的研究,总结了狼山群构造变形特征,并对其变形时代和期次进行了初步划分。研究表明狼山群第一期构造变形特征表现为一系列同斜倒转褶皱构造(D1),第二期为近东西向的韧性右行走滑剪切(D2),第三期为北东向巴彦乌拉山—狼山断裂活动对狼山群构造变形进行改造(D3)。结合该地区前人研究成果及年代学资料认为:新元古代狼山群同斜倒转褶皱主要受到古亚洲洋向南俯冲,在古生代晚期沿恩格尔乌缝合带与阿拉善地块北缘拼合,导致近南北向的构造挤压,在狼山地区形成了早期枢纽NEE-EW向的褶皱;晚古生代末期-中生代早期古亚洲洋关闭后发生的板内变形在狼山地区形成韧性右行剪切;三叠纪中晚期韧性左行剪切形成北东向走滑断裂,并使早期形成的褶皱枢纽走向转为北东,奠定了狼山地区现今的构造格局。  相似文献   
This study describes a previously unidentified Neoproterozoic mafic dyke emplaced in the northern flank of the Langshan Tectonic Belt. This dyke intruded into the micaquartz schist of the Zhaertaishan Group, and yielded an age of 908 ± 8 Ma. The youngest U-Pb ages of micaquartz schist from the Zhaertaishan Group in the Langshan area were 1118 ± 33 Ma,1187 ± 3 Ma and 1189 ± 39 Ma,suggesting that the depositional age of the protolith of the schist was between 908 ± 8 Ma and 1118 ± 33 Ma. In addition, 436 U-Pb age data and 155 Lu-Hf isotopic data from six samples in the Langshan Tectonic Belt and one Permian greywacke from the Wuhai area show distinct differences between the northern and southern flanks of the Main Langshan area. The U-Pb ages of the northern flank are primarily Meso-Neoproterozoic; similar ages have not been identified in the southern flank to date.Moreover, two-stage Hf model ages of the northern flank feature three age peaks at ~900 Ma,~1700 Ma and ~2600 Ma; this differs from Hf model ages of the southern flank, which feature one strong age peak at ~2700 Ma. These results suggest that the northern and southern flanks of the Main Langshan area have different geochronologic characteristics and should be divided further. Based on the U-Pb ages and Hf model ages, the northern and southern flanks of the Main Langshan area are named the North and South Langshan Tectonic Belts. Comparison of the U-Pb age and two-stage Hf model age distributions from the North Langshan Tectonic Belt, South Langshan Tectonic Belt, Alxa Block and the North China Craton(NCC) reveal that the North Langshan Tectonic Belt is similar to the Alxa Block and that the South Langshan Tectonic Belt is similar to the NCC. In addition, the zircon U-Pb age of 860 ±7 Ma commonly observed in the Alxa Block was detected in the Permian greywacke from the Wuhai area of the NCC, which suggests that the amalgamation of the North and South Langshan Tectonic belts(i.e.,the amalgamation of the Alxa Block and the NCC), occurred between Devonian and late Permian.  相似文献   
阿拉善地块东北缘的狼山地区新生代发育有3期构造,分别为中新世NW-SE向挤压形成的逆断层,NNE向挤压形成的左行走滑断层以及晚新生代NW-SE向伸展形成的高角度正断层。结合阿拉善地块东缘的新生代构造,认为狼山地区新生代断层的活动与青藏高原东北缘的逐步扩展、应力场逐渐调整有关。狼山山前正断层目前是一条贯通的断层,其演化基本符合恒定长度断层生长模型,断层中间部位滑动速率最大,向断层两侧逐渐递减。从不同方法得出的滑动速率来看,进入全新世以来,断层滑动速率有逐渐变小的趋势。结合阿拉善地块内部及东缘断层震源机制解以及断层的几何学、运动学特征,认为河套—吉兰泰盆地和银川盆地属于两个性质不同的伸展盆地,两者通过构造转换带相连,转换区内断层表现为右行走滑。转换区5级以上地震可能是受区域性NE-SW向挤压,近南北向右行断层活动的表现。  相似文献   
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