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Recent technical advances in remote sensing data capture and spatial resolution lead to a widening gap between increasing data availability on the one hand and insufficient methodology for semi-automated image data processing and interpretation on the other hand. At the interface of GIS and remote sensing, object-based image analysis methodologies are one possible approach to close this gap. With this, methods from either side are integrated to use both the capabilities of information extraction from image data and the power to perform spatial analysis on derived polygon data. However, dealing with image objects from various sources and in different scales implies combining data with inconsistent boundaries. A landscape interpretation support tool (LIST) is introduced which seeks to investigate and quantify spatial relationships among image objects stemming from different sources by using the concept of spatial coincidence. Moreover, considering different categories of object fate, LIST enables a change categorization for each polygon of a time series of classifications. The application of LIST is illustrated by two case-studies, using Landsat TM and ETM as well as CIR aerial photographs: the first showing how the tool is used to perform object quantification and change analysis; the latter demonstrating how superior aggregation capabilities of the human brain can be combined with the fine spatial segmentation and classification. Possible fields of application are identified and limitations of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   
Spatio-temporal variability of pollutants in the environment is a complex phenomenon that requires a combined approach for its analysis. Whereas data on measured levels of contaminants in various environmental compartments is essential, it is not always possible to monitor at the necessary frequency and with the adequate spatial sampling distribution to capture this variability. Therefore a modelling approach able to complement experimental data and close the gaps in the monitoring programs is useful for assessing the contaminant dynamics occurring at different time scales. In this work a 1D water column fate model has been developed and tested for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The model has been coupled with a simple ecological model that includes a bioaccumulation module. Afterwards, the model has been used to study the temporal variability of contaminant concentrations as well as the fluxes between compartments. The results evidence the complex coupling between spatio-temporal scales and its influence on environmental concentration levels.  相似文献   
地下水和土壤环境中雌激素运移和归宿的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境内分泌干扰物已成为引起全球关注的环境问题;地下水和包气带土壤中雌激素的富集、运移和归宿关系到人类和生态健康。本文通过对环境雌激素的性质、分类、检测方法等方面进行综述,揭示其对生物体乃至环境的多种危害和风险,针对地下水和土壤环境特征分析其迁移转化过程、理解其控制和治理技术方法,进而为降低雌激素的生态和环境风险提供指导。通过论述研究环境雌激素的重要意义,提出对雌激素对地下水系统污染防控可能研究领域进行系统展望。  相似文献   
二甲基亚砜(DMSO)是海水中的主要溶解态甲基硫化物,DMSO在二甲基硫(DMS)的生物地球化学循环中起着重要的作用。它能通过DMS的光化学氧化和细菌氧化生成,可作为DMS的1个汇,也可以通过生物直接合成或其它途径产生。DMSO同时又可以被酶、细菌、植物等还原为DMS,因此,DMSO又可充当DMS的1个源。DMSO除了能被还原为DMS外,还可能会被细菌氧化为SO42-,在氯过氧化物酶作用下被H2O2氧化为DMSO2等。海洋中DMSO的测定通常采用还原剂NaBH4将其还原为DMS后,再利用气相色谱进行测定。海水中DMSO的分布不均匀,高浓度区是那些温度较高,光照充足、浮游植物较多、生物活性较高的表层水或近岸水。  相似文献   
黄渤海有机碳的分布特征及收支评估研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陆架边缘海是陆海相互作用研究中最为关键的区域,也是全球重要的碳储库,在区域物质循环过程中发挥着重要的作用。基于2012年5月和11月对黄渤海海域的综合调查,对该海域水体和沉积物中有机碳的含量与分布进行了分析,并结合相关文献资料对黄渤海有机碳的收支进行了估算。主要结论为:黄渤海溶解有机碳和颗粒有机碳均呈近岸河口区域高、离岸低的分布趋势;有机碳的组成以溶解有机碳为主,颗粒有机碳由海洋自生的有机碳和陆地来源的有机碳组成;黄渤海沉积物有机碳高值区主要分布在河口和泥质区,其组成也是由海洋自生和陆源混合而成,其中渤海以陆源为主,而黄海以海源为主。黄渤海有机碳收支评估表明,有机碳的主要来源为初级生产力产生的有机物,其贡献为(6 760±971)×104t/a,占有机碳输入总量的(74±10)%,沉积物再悬浮的通量为(884±200)×104t/a,东海向黄海输入的通量为(679±107)×104t/a,河流及陆源输入的通量为(643±63)×104t/a,大气干湿沉降的通量为(141±39)×104t/a,其贡献分别占有机碳输入总量的(10±2.2)%,(7.5±1.2)%,(7.0±0.7)%和(1.5±0.4)%;黄渤海有机碳的主要支出为呼吸消耗,其贡献为(5 190±746)×104t/a,占有机碳输出总量的(57±8.2)%,黄海向东海输出的通量为(2 150±370)×104t/a,有机碳沉积通量为(1 030±225)×104t/a,有机碳降解通量为(737±191)×104t/a,其贡献分别占有机碳输出总量的(24±4.1)%,(11±2.5)%和(8.0±2.1)%。有机碳收支评估表明黄渤海有机碳以海洋自生来源为主,且具有潜在碳的"汇"的特性,水体中外源输入和海洋自生有机碳的(1.6±0.3)%埋藏于该海域内。  相似文献   
海洋微塑料污染与塑料降解微生物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塑料垃圾在近海、大洋水体和沉积物中均广泛存在,并不断累积,对海洋生态系统构成了重大威胁,引起了国际社会的高度关注。本研究从环境生态和塑料降解微生物两个角度回顾了近几年相关方向上的研究进展,包括国内外海洋塑料特别是海洋微塑料在近海与深海等环境中的分布与丰度,以及近海、大洋等环境中降解菌多样性及其降解机制。总体而言,微塑料广泛分布在多种海洋环境,特别是在河口和近海的海水和沉积物,近岸沙滩,以及大洋环流中心;目前已报道的塑料降解菌及其降解酶主要来自陆地土壤和塑料垃圾处理环境,并以聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(Polyethylene Terephthalate,PET)降解菌和降解酶的研究最为深入。当前,中国科学家已在近海、大洋深海(深渊)以及极地等大洋环境中,开展了微塑料分布特征和丰度调查,并在生态危害方面开展了研究,但在海洋塑料降解微生物方面还鲜有报道。塑料在海洋环境中的最终归宿以及微生物在塑料降解过程中的作用亟待评估,建议在大洋深海科考中整体布局、联合开展这两个方面的相关研究。  相似文献   
Distribution and Fate of Organochlorine Pollutants in the Pearl River Estuary   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Samples of surface sediment and suspended particulate matter (SPM) were collected from the Pearl River estuary, China, and the distribution and concentration of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), DDTs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were extensively studied. The concentration ranges of HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in the sediments were 0.28–1.23 ng g−1, 1.36–8.99 ng g−1 and 0.18–1.82 ng g−1, respectively. The concentrations of HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in the SPM varied both with the sampling locations and the season of collection. Higher concentrations were recorded in the SPM as compared with sediments. The distribution pattern of such organochlorine compounds (OCs), in the Pearl River estuary, showed that sources were some major river mouths and input from Shenzhen Bay. The concentrations of OCs were, however, low as compared with other estuaries and seas. The environmental fate of the OCs during estuarine mixing was determined, in part, by physicochemical and biochemical properties. The absorption and sedimentation of SPM were also considered important factors. Marine sediments may, therefore, be regarded as an important reservoir of hydrophobic and persistent OCs.  相似文献   
Huge amounts of organic chlorine pesticides (OCPs) had been applied to agricultural area in China during 1950s―1980s, and resulted in serious environmental pollution because of their tendency to accumulate in organisms and persistence in the environment, which caused highly risk potential to the ecosystem and long-term residue in the polluted area. There are still higher HCHs residues in the environment even 20 years after the prohibition of HCHs from 1984[1,2]. It is necessary to investi…  相似文献   
本文在现场情况下,研究了自然条件下受污染海岸带沉积物中的7种多环芳烃(Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons,简称PAHs)的解吸动力学行为。结果表明,7种PAHs)的解吸动力学行为。结果表明,7种PAHs的解吸动力学行为可以用二元模型模拟。文中并将所得数据与文献报道的数据进行了比较。  相似文献   
A model framework is presented for simulating nitrogen and carbon cycling at the sediment–water interface, and predicting oxygen consumption by oxidation reactions inside the sediments. Based on conservation of mass and invoking simplifying assumptions, a coupled system of diffusive–reactive partial differential equations is formulated for two-layer conceptual model of aerobic–anaerobic sediments. Oxidation reactions are modeled as first-order rate processes and nitrate is assumed to be consumed entirely in the anoxic portion of the sediments. The sediments are delineated into a thin oxygenated surface layer whose thickness is equal to the oxygen penetration depth, and a lower, but much thicker anoxic layer. The sediments are separated from the overlying water column by a relatively thin boundary layer through which mass transfer is diffusion controlled. Transient solutions are derived using the method of Laplace transform and Green’s function, which relate pore-water concentrations of the constituents to their concentrations in the bulk water and to the flux of decomposable settling organic matter. Steady-state pore-water concentrations are also obtained including expressions for the extent of methane saturation zone and methane gas flux. A relationship relating the sediment oxygen demand (SOD) to bulk water oxygen is derived using the two-film concept, which in combination with the depth-integrated solutions forms the basis for predicting the extent of oxygen penetration in the sediment. Iterative procedure and simplification thereof are proposed to estimate the extent of methane saturation zone and thickness of the aerobic layer as functions of time. Sensitivity of steady-state solutions to key parameters illustrates sediment processes interactions and synergistic effects. Simulations indicate that for a relatively thin diffusive boundary layer, d, oxygen uptake is limited by biochemical processes inside the sediments, whereas for a thick boundary layer oxygen transfer through the diffusive boundary layer is limiting. The results show an almost linear relationship between steady-state sediment oxygen demand and bulk water oxygen. For small d methane and nitrogen fluxes are sediment controlled, whereas for large d they are controlled by diffusional transfer through the boundary layer. It is shown that the two-layer model solution converges to the one-layer model (anaerobic layer) solution as the thickness of the oxygenated layer approaches zero, and that the transient solutions approach asymptotically their corresponding steady-state solutions.  相似文献   
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