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历史时期广东地区旱涝灾害与气候变化关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对广东旱涝及冻灾史料的整理分析,采用相关分析、波谱分析等方法对历史时期广东旱涝灾害发生规律及其与厄尔尼诺事件、太阳活动的可能关系进行探讨。分析认为:1)从历史时期看,广东的湿润指数与其旱涝灾害的发生密切相关,寒冷指数越高(气温越低),旱涝灾害的发生越频繁。2)厄尔尼诺事件对广东整体旱涝灾害影响不大。3)在不同的历史时期,各指标序列具有相同或相似的周期。结合已有的研究认为,太阳辐射对气候的驱动可能是产生上述相同或相似周期的根本原因。4)对湿润指数的多尺度分析表明,自2000(±5)年广东地区开始进入偏旱期,偏旱状况将一直持续到2040(±5)年。从120 a尺度看,本世纪广东将处于偏涝阶段,预计2040(±5)年后将有较大强度的偏涝期出现,而且在未来几十甚至百年内旱涝变化幅度有增大的趋势。  相似文献   
Transport of organic carbon via rivers to estuary is a significant geochemical process in the global carbon cycle.This paper presents bulk total organic carbon(TOC) from the Dongjiang catchment to the adjacent Humen outlet,and discusses the applicability of δ13C and ratio of carbon to nitrogen(C/N) as indicators for sources of organic matter in the surface sediments.Survey results showed that organic carbon concentration in summer were higher than in the winter.An elevated trend of TOC occurred along the river to the Humen outlet in both surveys,and the highest mean values of dissolved and particular organic carbon(DOC~279 μmol L–1 and POC~163 μmol L–1) were observed in the urban deltaic region in summer flood flow.Winter samples had a wide range of δ13C and C/N(δ13C –24.6‰ to –30.0‰,C/N 4–13),and summer ones varied slightly(δ13C –24.2‰ to –27.6‰,C/N 6–18).As results suggest that POC in the three zones of upstream-delta-outlet dominantly came from riverbank soil,phytoplankton and agricultural C3 plants in winter,whereas main sources were from the riverbank and mangrove soil in summer.Moreover,anthropogenic sewage inputs had 11% and 7% contribution to POC in the deltaic and outlet.Transport accompanied with seasonal freshwater variation,phytoplankton production and degradation,and removal behavior caused variation of organic carbon concentration.The results also discovered that TOC export bulk in Dongjiang was approximately one quarter of Humen flux in the dry flow,and anthropogenic activity significantly impacted the river export contribution.  相似文献   
Although extensive studies have been performed on nitrogen isotopes in lake sediments,understanding the complexity of the δ~15N variation related to past environmental and climatic conditions still remains unclear.Supported by multi-proxy records including litho-units,organic carbon isotopes,ration of total organic carbon and total nitrogen,organic matter content,bulk dry density,the accumulation rate of organic matter,median grain size,magnetic susceptibility,and Rb/Sr and Ca/Mg ratios obtained from a sedimentary sequence in a small lake(i.e.,Dahu Swamp) in the eastern Nanling Mountains in South China,we deduce that variation in the δ15N values results primarily from the sources of organic matter,which are significantly influenced by climatic conditions over the past ~16 000 years.A low(or high) lake level resulting from dry(or wet) conditions would lead to more(or fewer) vascular plant remains in the sediments and stronger(or weaker) denitrification associated with hypolimnetic anoxia,resulting in lower(or higher) δ15N values.In addition,dry(or wet) conditions would favor weakened(or strengthened) biogeochemical activity in the catchment,which could result in less(or more) external input of15N-enriched OM,thus leading to decreased(or increased) δ15N values.Our results indicate that the lake sediment δ15N record in the Nanling Mountains has the potential to provide valuable insight into past East Asian monsoon climatedriven environmental changes.  相似文献   
雷州半岛北部晚更新世晚期气候环境变化的泥炭沉积记录   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对雷州半岛北部湛江市郊屋山村和遂溪县下录村两个泥炭剖面的沉积地层和多种气候指标进行了分析,发现两个剖面呈现大致相同的变化特征,表明区域气候是影响此地区泥炭发育的重要因素。在50~30 cal.kaBP期间,此地区气候表现出显著的相对温暖湿润特征,且期间存在多次短尺度的波动,其中千年尺度的Heinrich事件H3—H5在本文中有很好的揭示,其他的一些气候快速变化事件与南京葫芦洞石笋和格陵兰冰心氧同位素记录也有较好的吻合。30 cal.kaBP之后,气候转向相对冷干。气候指标的红色噪声谱分析揭示出约1440 a全剖面最为显著的周期,与大洋热盐环流推动的约1500 a的D-O循环周期相似。雷州半岛北部地区晚更新世晚期中气候变化与高纬度地区冰量以及东亚季风环流的变化密切相关。  相似文献   
薛积彬  钟巍 《沉积学报》2008,26(4):647-654
根据中国西北干旱区巴里坤湖BLK 1剖面沉积物的粒度分析,采用粒级—标准偏差法提取了对沉积环境变化敏感的粒度组分。结果表明,巴里坤湖沉积物中45~170 μm粒级组分含量和平均粒径对研究区区域性风沙活动较为敏感,据此结合14C测年数据重建了研究区9400 cal aBP以来的风沙活动历史。在过去的2 000年内,巴里坤湖地区尘暴事件多发或强风沙活动时段主要出现在240~440 cal aBP、600~1 280 cal aBP和1 400~1 800 cal aBP期间,这些时段同历史时期的雨土频率高值期、古里雅冰芯阴阳离子高含量期较为一致。从更长地质时期来看,8 000~8 300 cal aBP、7 400~7 700 cal aBP、6 500~7 000 cal aBP时段,特别是在中全新世(3 900~6 100 cal aBP)期间,区域性的尘暴事件或强风沙活动尤其频繁,这些时段同古里雅冰芯中微粒浓度、敦德冰芯中的微粒含量记录均可以进行良好的对比。干旱区封闭湖泊沉积是记录地质历史时期风沙活动的良好载体,但由于气候环境变化往往具有较强的区域性特征,因此,对某一剖面沉积物环境敏感粒度组分的提取及应用不具有普适性。  相似文献   
冰川环境中的动力过程种类多且复杂。一般冰底以挤压、磨蚀等过程为主,其它部位则是以斜坡、塌积、坠落、流水、寒冻风化等过程最多。前者能真正反映冰川动力过程的本质。地貌全过程(侵蚀、搬运、堆积)中,堆积过程控制着冰碛的构造、层序、组构和相模式。  相似文献   
全新世以来南疆地区气候环境演变与人类活动的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据南疆地区不同沉积相的沉积记录的研究 ,初步建立了南疆地区 1 2 ka BP以来气候环境演化序列。研究揭示 ,此期间南疆地区气候与环境的演变具有较为显著的西风型特征 ,共经历了 5次相对暖干和 4次相对冷湿时期。特别是在全新世大暖期中出现于 7.0~ 5.0 ka BP期间相对暖湿的气候环境特征可能与西南季风势力的增强有关 ,而且还揭示了此地区暖干化趋势存在阶梯式增强的特征 ,研究还发现 ,近 4ka BP以来 ,气候环境的变化与一些人文事件如古城的废弃、丝绸之路的兴衰和人地关系类型的演化存在着一定的关系。  相似文献   
对2005―2006年间在粤西云浮市采集到的40场降水样品进行降水化学分析.结果表明,降水离子的平均浓度为730.62 μeq/L,高于云南丽江、青海瓦里关山、香港、广东广州和鹤山等地,大气污染比较严重;降水中主要阳离子成分是Ca2+和NH4+,阴离子成分是SO42?和NO3?,共占离子总浓度的83﹪;离子浓度高值出现在降水偏少的汛期过渡期,低值则发生在降水丰沛的前汛期、主汛期和台风雨期;云浮降水离子浓度受地壳来源、工业交通污染影响较大,海洋源影响较小.  相似文献   
针对时间频率系统中轮循式测量多通道信号与标准1PPS信号时差的记录错误通道数据问题,对阿伦方差等计算带来的不利影响,提出了一种结合Baarda算法和三次样条插值算法的数据预处理方法,有效地探测数据记录异常点,并计算异常点的三次样条内插值以替换,提高了原始数据可利用率和计算精确度。  相似文献   
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