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One of the most puzzling features of the UG1 chromitite layers in the famous exposures at Dwars River, Eastern Bushveld Complex, is the bifurcation, i.e. convergence and divergence of layers along strike that isolate lenses of anorthosite. The bifurcations have been variously interpreted as resulting from: (1) the intermittent accumulation of plagioclase on the chamber floor as lenses, terminated by crystallization of continuous chromitite layers (the depositional model); (2) late-stage injections of chromite mush or chromite-saturated melt along anastomosing fractures that dismembered semi-consolidated plagioclase cumulates (the intrusive model); (3) post-depositional deformation of alternating plagioclase and chromite cumulates, resulting in local amalgamation of chromitite layers and anorthosite lenses that wedge out laterally (the deformational model). None of these hypotheses account satisfactorily for the following field observations: (a) wavy and scalloped contacts between anorthosite and chromitite layers; (b) abrupt lateral terminations of thin anorthosite layers within chromitite; (c) in situ anorthosite inclusions with highly irregular contacts and delicate wispy tails within chromitite; many of these inclusions are contiguous with footwall and hanging wall cumulates; (d) transported anorthosite fragments enclosed by chromitite; (e) disrupted anorthosite and chromitite layers overlain by planar chromitite; (f) protrusions of chromitite into underlying anorthosite; (g) merging of chromitite layers around anorthosite domes. We propose a novel hypothesis that envisages basal flows of new dense and superheated magma that resulted in intense thermo-chemical erosion of the temporary floor of the chamber. The melting and dissolution of anorthosite was patchy and commonly inhibited by chromitite layers, resulting in lens-like remnants of anorthosite resting on continuous layers of chromitite. On cooling, the magma crystallized chromite on the irregular chamber floor, draping the remnants of anorthosite and merging with pre-existing chromitite layers excavated by erosion. With further cooling, the magma crystallized chromite-bearing anorthosite. Emplacement of multiple pulses of magma led to repetition of this sequence of events, resulting in a complex package of anorthosite lenses and bifurcating chromitite layers. This hypothesis is the most satisfactory explanation for most of the features of this enigmatic igneous layering in the Bushveld Complex.  相似文献   
风垂直切变对中尺度地形对流降水影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵玉春  王叶红 《地球物理学报》2012,55(10):3213-3229
针对长江中下游中尺度地形特点以及暴雨过程发生发展期间风垂直切变的主要观测特征,设计了一系列中尺度地形的三维理想数值试验,分析了干大气地形流和重力波特征,探讨了条件不稳定湿大气地形对流降水的模态分布,在此基础上研究了圆形、直线风垂直切变和切变厚度对中尺度地形对流降水强度和模态分布的影响.结果发现:在 Fr≈1的干大气条件下,气流遇到地形后分支、绕流和爬升现象同时存在,地形激发的重力波在水平和垂直方向上传播,其在迎风坡、背风坡、地形上游和下游的振幅不同,并组织出不同强度的垂直上升运动.在Fr > 1的条件不稳定湿大气下,地形对流降水主要存在三种模态,即迎风坡和背风坡准静止对流降水以及地形下游移动性对流降水,地形对流降水的形成与重力波在低层组织的上升运动密切相关.风垂直切变对地形对流降水的强度和模态分布有重要作用,其中圆形风垂直切变(风随高度旋转)不仅影响地形下游对流降水系统的移动方向,而且影响迎风坡和背风坡山脚处对流降水中心的分布和强度;直线风垂直切变(风随高度无旋转)主要影响地形对流降水的移动速度和强度.风随高度自下而上顺(逆)时针旋转,地形对流系统向下游传播时向右(左)偏移.风垂直切变主要通过影响地形重力波的结构和传播以及对流系统的形成、移动方向和速度,来影响地形对流降水的模态分布,其中对流层中低层的风垂直切变对地形对流降水强度和模态分布有重要影响.  相似文献   
利用2006~2017年风云气象卫星资料和气象再分析资料,对华北及周边5~8月对流活动和地面感热加热进行统计分析。分析表明,华北及周边白天平均感热加热和地形关系密切,内蒙古中部和东南部、华北北部和华北西部山区感热加热较强,最强感热加热出现在5月和6月,7月和8月明显减弱。和感热加热强度相对应,对流活动频率较高的月份同样出现在5月和6月,其中5月以弱对流为主,6月华北中北部强对流最活跃,另外,环渤海区域6~7月强对流相对频繁。5~8月日平均感热加热和对流频率趋势呈现一致的减弱对应关系。上午,感热加热引起河北西部和北部对流层低层出现辐合气流,700 hPa以下出现不同程度的增温,上升气流可达对流层中层,东侧的平原地区出现补偿下沉运动,升温和上升运动触发对流,在有利条件下发展东移。不同月份和区域对流频率日变化呈现明显差异,6月对流频率日变化显著,8月最弱,山区对流频率日变化显著,东部渤海及周边对流频率日变化较小。对流频率的月平均分布和日变化均表现出和地形相关的感热加热差异的特征。  相似文献   
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