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An accurate accounting of land surface emissivity(ε) is important both for the retrieval of surface temperatures and the calculation of the longwave surface energy budgets.Since ε is one of the important parameterizations in land surface models(LSMs),accurate accounting also improves the accuracy of surface temperatures and sensible heat fluxes simulated by LSMs.In order to obtain an accurate emissivity,this paper focuses on estimating ε from data collected in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert by two different methods.In the first method,ε was derived from the surface broadband emissivity in the 8–14 μm thermal infrared atmospheric window,which was determined from spectral radiances observed by field measurements using a portable Fourier transform infrared spectrometer,the mean ε being 0.9051.The second method compared the observed and calculated heat fluxes under nearneutral atmospheric stability and estimated ε indirectly by minimizing the root-mean-square difference between them.The result of the second method found a mean value of 0.9042,which is consistent with the result by the first method.Although the two methods recover ε from different field experiments and data,the difference of meanvalues is 0.0009.The first method is superior to the indirect method,and is also more convenient.  相似文献   
孙继虎 《地理教学》2014,(10):0-F0002
正在广袤无垠的新疆哈密南部库姆塔格沙漠深处,由于地球独特的地壳结构、地质作用及风蚀、流水等外力因素作用,这里形成了独特的自然奇观。大自然的创造力常常令人叹为观止,吸引着无数的旅游者和探险家前去观光和探险。笔者亦跟随一支探险队深入库木塔格沙漠深处,探寻大漠深处的地质奇观。  相似文献   
“阿拉善”系蒙古语,意为“五彩斑谰之地”。阿拉善草原位于我国内蒙古自治区的最西端,隶属于阿拉善盟。阿拉善草原为内蒙古自治区第六大草原,  相似文献   
本刊讯12月13日,中国科协原副主席、中国国土经济学会特邀副理事长、沙产业委员会主任刘恕,中国国土经济学会副理事长兼秘书长、研究员柳忠勤,中国科学院综合考察委员会原副主任、  相似文献   
内蒙古阿拉善沙漠世界地质公园位于内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟境内,东倚贺兰山,南接祁连山,西达黑河,北部有结构洼地与外蒙为界。该公园以其特殊的地理位置、地质构造、生态环境和气候条件,形成了以沙漠、戈壁为主体的地貌景观,是中国唯一的沙漠地质公园。并于首届中国地质公园“选美”活动中获得“中国最美地质公园”的称号。  相似文献   
阿拉善沙漠湿沙层水分来源同位素示踪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为弄清阿拉善沙漠湿沙层的水分来源,在该地区进行了人工模拟降水入渗的示踪试验。模拟单次降水量为59 mm,观察剖面最大入渗深度仅为46 cm,这一结果表明该地区的降水几乎不能通过沙层入渗到地下水中。对4个沙丘湿沙层剖面中不同深度的含水率、Cl-、δD与δ18O进行了分析,数据显示在蒸发能力极强的阿拉善地区,地下水是以薄膜水的形式,通过蒸发、凝结向地表运动,最终蒸发排泄。泉水、井水、湖水与土壤水中的同位素特征表明具有相同的补给源,均来自于地下水。推断横穿阿拉善地块的杂多-雅布赖断裂带与狼山-日喀则断裂带中可能存在地下水深循环通道,青藏高原河流、湖泊的渗漏水可能是阿拉善地下水的主要补给源。  相似文献   
以黄河上游宁蒙段典型风水复合侵蚀流域为研究区域,重点针对堆积体堵塞沟道极端条件下的沟谷型沙漠泥流,从堆积体起动成灾的环节入手,开展直槽概化模型试验,并采用基于有效应力原理的流固耦合模型,概化模拟上游暴雨洪水入渗条件下堆积体内孔隙水压力变化特性及其起动过程,从微观角度揭示其成灾机理。结果表明:堆积体起动过程中孔隙水压力与时间呈指数为0.5的幂函数关系;流固耦合作用下堆积体内经历了应力场→体积应变→孔隙率→孔隙水压力→渗流场→塑性应变→屈服破坏的复杂非线性变化过程。  相似文献   
This paper reports a geomorphologic landscape investigation, vegetation survey and soil sampling at 14 sites across the Gurbantunggut Desert between 87°37′09"-88°24′04"E and 44°14′04"-45°41′52′Nl. The study encountered 8 species of low trees and shrubs, 5 of perennial herbs, 8of annual plants and 48 of ephemeral and ephemeroid plants. These species of plants represent one-third of the species found in the Gurbantunggut Desert, and their communities make up a large proportion of desert vegetation with great landscape significance. In the investigation we found that the plant communities are accordingly succeeded with the spatial variation of macro-ecoenvironment.Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Correlation Analysis (CA) we found that the micro-ecoenvironment heterogeneity of aeolian sandy soil′s physical and chemical properties such as soil nutrient, soil moisture, soil salt, pH etc. only impacted the diversity of herb synusia (PIEherb) of the desert, with a negative correlation. Meanwhile, the impact of microhabitat on the plant community pattern with an antagonistic interaction made vegetation′s eco-distribution in a temporary equilibrium.  相似文献   
1959年9月在乌鲁木齐市召开了史称“第二次全国治沙工作会议”,进一步彰显了国家对防沙治沙工作的重视和期待。随后的几年间,中国科学院治理沙漠科学考察队和相关省(区)防沙治沙部门,开展了较为系统的考察、试验、研究和实践工作。本文围绕着定位和半定位的综合治理沙漠的试验研究,讨论了固沙植物种的选择、引种及合理配置、机械固沙、流动沙丘的水分状况与固沙造林、主要沙生植物的蒸腾强度、流沙自然固定的土壤形成过程、沙丘土壤微生物等进展和影响;围绕着防沙治沙中的若干重大科学技术问题的研究,讨论了沙漠的成因、沙丘移动规律和防风固沙关系、飞机播种的评估、沙区植被类型和演变规律以及沙生植物特性、沙区草地的合理利用、戈壁的分类及改造利用、水利资源及其利用等进展和作用;扼要阐述了从新中国成立到1965年间的防沙治沙工作,特别是形成了开拓奉献的精神和有效实用的方法,以防沙治沙的理论和实践的成果、团队和平台建设的水平,奠定了中国沙漠科学的初创和开拓的基础和条件,使之顺利进入发展阶段。  相似文献   
The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   
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