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太阳物理学中的分形和混沌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非线性科学的两个重要分支;分形和混沌在太阳物理学中的应用情况作了综述信要内容包括;太阳活动混沌性的揭示;对太阳活动混沌性的可能解释-太阳非线性发电机理论;一些太阳现象的分形描述;耀斑的自组织临界行为研究,最后给出了作者对这一领域工作前景的展望。  相似文献   
已有观测证据表明宇宙大尺度结构是自相似或自仿射的分形分布,并已求出表片这两类分形的结构分数维。多分形热力学中提出的Kohmoto熵函数建立了多重分形和热力学的形式类式。本文在三维球对称坐标系中求取了无标度区间r0≤r≤R范围内宇宙大尺度自相似分形分布的一阶Kohmoto熵函数,它对应于信息论中的信息熵。  相似文献   
广西是个地质灾害多发区,目前已发现地质灾害点4530处。2002年5月20日凌晨,东兰县一场特大暴雨诱发了马鞍山危岩崩塌。接到大塌方的报警信号之后,身负重担的东兰县国土资源局以快速作战方式,手执排险的“利剑”,成功地斩除了悬在东兰人民心头上的“岩魔”。(一) 耸立于东兰县城九曲河畔的马鞍山,陡峭险峻,山脚恰好是县城南北两岸道路的交汇处,那里聚集着全县两所重点中学、4个单位、50多户居民、两座重要桥梁,常住人口达5000多人,是县城交通要道和人口密集地,也是国道323线的必经之地。马鞍山上岩石裸露风化严重,出现多处裂…  相似文献   
《出版管理条例》简介1997年1月2日,国务院总理李鹏签署中华人民共和国国务院令第210号,发布《出版管理条例》,自1997年2月1日起施行。制定《出版管理条例》是“为了加强对出版活动的管理,发展和繁荣有中国特色的社会主义出版事业,保障公民依法行使出...  相似文献   
介绍了以乙烯底油的HK~200℃馏分油为原料,用一种新配方的三氯化铝催化剂进行催化聚合,制取优质汽油的方法;对催化聚合反应的工艺条件进行了大量的实验研究,探索出生产中各种最佳的工艺参数.为中小型石油化工企业提供了一条经济效益显著的乙烯底油的综合利用途径。  相似文献   
利用WinView软件进行图像处理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
WinView是一个用于图像采集和处理的软件包。在图像处理方法,具有很强的图像后处理功能,它除了能对图像进行线性、非线性、像素合并、多图关联和阈值处理外,还能对图像进行边增强、锐化、平滑等处理。本文详细介绍了这些功能及在天文观测上的应用,以期对使用这个软件的观测者有所帮助。  相似文献   
Understanding the spatial and temporal variations of cropping systems is very important for agricultural policymaking and food security assessment,and can provide a basis for national policies regarding cropping systems adjustment and agricultural adaptation to climate change.With rapid development of society and the economy,China's cropping structure has profoundly changed since the reform and opening up in 1978,but there has been no systematic investigation of the pattern,process and characteristics of these changes.In view of this,a crop area database for China was acquired and compiled at the county level for the period 1980–2011,and linear regression and spatial analysis were employed to investigate the cropping structure type and cropping proportion changes at the national level.This research had three main findings:(1) China's cropping structure has undergone significant changes since 2002;the richness of cropping structure types has increased significantly and a diversified-type structure has gradually replaced the single types.The single-crop types—dominated by rice,wheat or maize—declined,affected by the combination of these three major food crops in mixed plantings and conversion of some of their planting area to other crops.(2) In the top 10 types,82.7% of the county-level cropping structure was rice,wheat,maize and their combinations in 1980;however,this proportion decreased to 50.7% in 2011,indicating an adjustment period of China's cropping structure.Spatial analysis showed that 63.8% of China's counties adjusted their cropping structure,with the general change toward reducing the main food types and increasing fruits and vegetables during 1980–2011.(3) At the national level,the grain-planting pattern dominated by rice shifted to coexistence of rice,wheat and maize during this period.There were significant decreasing trends for 47% of rice,61% of wheat and 29.6% of maize cropping counties.The pattern of maize cropping had the most significant change,with the maize proportion decreasing in the zone from northeastern to southwestern China during this period.Cities and their surroundings were hotspots for cropping structural adjustment.Urbanization has significantly changed cropping structure,with most of these regions showing rapid increases in the proportion of fruit and vegetables.Our research suggests that the policy of cropping structural adjustment needs to consider geographical characteristics and spatial planning of cropping systems.In this way,the future direction of cropping structural adjustment will be appropriate and scientifically based,such as where there is a need to maintain or increase rice and wheat cropping,increase soybean and decrease maize,and increase the supply of fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution changes in major crops can reveal important information about cropping systems.Here,a new centroid method that applies physics and mathematics to spatial pattern analysis in agriculture is proposed to quantitatively describe the historical centroids of rice,maize and wheat in China from 1949 to 2014.The geographical centroids of the rice area moved 413.39 km in a 34.32° northeasterly(latitude 3.08°N,longitude 2.10°E) direction at a speed of 6.36 km/year from central Hunan province to Hubei province,while the geographical centroids of rice production moved 509.26 km in the direction of 45.44° northeasterly(latitude 3.22°N,longitude 3.27°E) at a speed of 7.83 km/year from central Hunan province to Henan province.The geographical centroids of the maize area and production moved 307.15 km in the direction of 34.33° northeasterly(latitude 2.29°N,longitude 1.56°E) and 308.16 km in the direction of 30.79° northeasterly(latitude 2.39°N,longitude 1.42°E),respectively.However,the geographical centroids of the wheat area and production were randomly distributed along the border of Shanxi and Henan provinces.We divided the wheat into spring wheat and winter wheat and found that the geographical centroids of the spring wheat area and production were distributed within Inner Mongolia,while the geographical centroids of winter wheat were distributed in Shanxi and Henan provinces.We found that the hotspots of crop cultivation area and production do not always change concordantly at a larger,regional scale,suggesting that the changing amplitude and rate of each crops' yield differ between different regions in China.Thus,relevant adaptation measures should be taken at a regional level to prevent production damage in those with increasing area but decreasing production.  相似文献   
我国东南沿海滨海断裂带是1条活动强烈的地震构造带,位于珠江口盆地北缘的粤东滨海断裂带是其重要组成部分,确定该断裂带的几何展布位置与最新活动特征对科学评价华南沿海地区地震危险性、地震构造和地球动力学具有重要科学意义。通过综合分析近年来南海东北部海域地质地貌、地震反射剖面、深部探测、地震活动等方面的研究成果,总结了粤东滨海断裂带几何结构与分段活动性,研究成果已应用于粤东沿海重大工程选址和地震区划工作中。  相似文献   
郭增建先生 (195 7)称 15 5 6年 8 级大地震为关中大地震 ,并绘制了等震线图。 1983年版中国地震目录将其称为华县地震。之后 ,中国地震目录几经修改 ,但对震中位置都没再进行过进一步的研究和修订。 80年代以来 ,几位研究者从不同角度渐次提出这次地震的震中位置不在华县的新见解。本文同意这些见解 ,并通过分析大量史料和对发震构造的研究作进一步论证 ,提出对这次地震震中位置和发震构造的新认识。(1) 15 5 6年 8 级大地震的震中位置不在华县。极震区分布在蒲州 (今永济西黄河东岸 )、朝邑、潼关卫、华阴、华州、解州一带 ,故震中位置宜定在蒲州、潼关卫、华阴、朝邑之间 ,即北纬34°4 4′ ,东经 110°16′ ,震级仍沿用 1995年版中国地震目录修订的 8 级。由于蒲州最重 ,可称为15 5 6年蒲州 8 级大地震。(2 ) 15 5 6年 8 级大地震的发震构造不只是华山山前断裂 ,而是大致沿黄河分布的北北东向右旋走滑断裂带及其南北两端相反方向分布的渭河拉分盆地和运城、临猗一带张性地堑、地垒带 ,由它们共同组合而成的走滑型发震构造带 ,为该次大地震的发震构造。  相似文献   
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