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本文利用1930~1979年NCDC海洋船舶测量的云量资料,分析了中国东部邻海总云量的时空分布。结果表明,总云量的分布在冬季和夏季是不同的,在东北和西南季风期间,台湾东北和西南海区也不相同,影响总云量分布的因子非常复杂,主要是季风和极锋、天气系统、冷暖洋流及地形等因子。  相似文献   
利用2000—2009年美国国家航空航天局(NASA)在中国近海海域(0°~45°N,105°~135°E)的QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料与近海测风塔(位于上海近海)、海上石油平台(位于东海和渤海)、岛屿站(南海珊瑚岛和西沙海边观测塔)的实测风场资料进行对比分析,检验了QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料在中国近海海域的可靠性。研究结果如下:各站点实测风速与站点位置以及站点附近的QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料相关系数均在0.7以上;QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料与海上石油平台的风速均方根误差较小(约1.5 m/s);其年均值均大于实测值,差值范围是0.1~1.3 m/s;其Weibull形状参数K与海上石油平台以及近海测风塔的K值较为接近,表明QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料各风速段的频次分布形态与观测站的实测值基本吻合,QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料能基本合理地反映出中国近海风速的分布状况。利用QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料分析了中国近海及其邻近水域风速的空间分布特征:(1)台湾海峡是中国近海风速最大的区域,从台湾海峡向东北至日本海,往西南至南海北部115°E附近和巴林塘海峡为风速的次大值区;(2)28°N到长江入海口的东海海域年均风速为7.0~7.5 m/s,在黄海和渤海为5.5~7.0 m/s,在南海北部自东向西由8.5 m/s递减为6.0 m/s,北部湾最大风速区位于东方附近海域。  相似文献   
通过对台风莫拉克 (0908) 影响范围内的33座测风塔观测资料的分析可知:台风莫拉克越靠近陆地,风场的非对称性越明显,其行进方向的左侧测风塔风向呈逆时针旋转,右侧测风塔风向顺时针旋转。在远离台风莫拉克的地方风向稳定,湍流强度变化较平稳;在台风莫拉克登陆点附近,风向、风速和湍流强度均会出现突变。台风莫拉克影响期间,湍流强度与风速的关系未出现IEC标准曲线那样随风速增大稳定减小,其I15达B级和A级及以上的平均湍流强度会在风速7~17 m·s-1形成一个峰值;无论南风或北风,风速越大,各层湍流强度差异趋于减小,同等风速、高度的湍流强度偏南大风均大于偏北大风。位于台风莫拉克登陆点北侧测风塔湍流强度随风速的增加先减小后增大,最终各高度全部超过IEC标准A级曲线,而位于南侧测风塔湍流强度随风速的变化比北侧小,并随风速增大趋于标准A级曲线;另外北侧测风塔湍流强度大于南侧,且各高度偏北大风湍流强度之间的差异比南侧相应风向明显,表明北侧垂直方向的扰动更强。台风莫拉克阵风系数为1.2~1.7,其随高度变化与地形有关,一般情况下随高度升高而减小,在复杂地形条件下不符合随高度升高减小的规律。  相似文献   
西北太平洋季风槽异常与热带气旋活动   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
在普查1979-2005年热带气旋(TC)个例的基础上,建立了生成于西北太平洋季风槽的热带气旋(简称MTTC)序列,统计发现1979-2005年的5-10月南海和西太平洋TC总频数为672个,其中MTTC频数为491个,占总频数的73.1%,占登陆我国TC频数的79.2%,可见,MTTC的活动规律反映了西太平洋TC以及影响我国TC的主要活动规律.分析了逐日环流场,将季风槽分为5种主要形态:南海季风槽型、南海-西太平洋季风槽型、反向季风槽型、三气流型和西太平洋季风槽型.根据每年5-10月的季风槽、副高以及越赤道气流等系统的强弱和位置,将1979-2005年分为4种年型:季风槽西南型、西北型、偏东型和正常年型,针对前3种季风槽异常年型,诊断分析了有利于TC形成的海温场、大尺度环流场、水汽输送、大气视热源和视水汽汇以及纬向风垂直切变的特征,发现不同季风槽年型,由于太平洋海温场的差异,引起哈得来环流和Walker环流的差异以及西太平洋副高、南亚高压等大尺度系统位置以及越赤道气流强度的差异,导致有利于TC生成的热力条件、动力条件和环境条件的不同,致使MTTC生成位置、频数、路径以及在我国的登陆点有着显著差异.  相似文献   
Studies of offshore wave climate based on satellite altimeter significant wave height(SWH) have widespread application value. This study used a calibrated multi-altimeter SWH dataset to investigate the wave climate characteristics in the offshore areas of China. First, the SWH measurements from 28 buoys located in China's coastal seas were compared with an Ifremer calibrated altimeter SWH dataset. Although the altimeter dataset tended to slightly overestimate SWH, it was in good agreement with the in situ data in general. The correlation coefficient was 0.97 and the root-mean-square(RMS) of differences was 0.30 m. The validation results showed a slight difference in different areas. The correlation coefficient was the maximum(0.97) and the RMS difference was the minimum(0.28 m) in the area from the East China Sea to the north of the South China Sea.The correlation coefficient of approximately 0.95 was relatively low in the seas off the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary. The RMS difference was the maximum(0.32 m) in the seas off the Changjiang Estuary and was0.30 m in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Based on the above evidence, it is confirmed that the multialtimeter wave data are reliable in China's offshore areas. Then, the characteristics of the wave field, including the frequency of huge waves and the multi-year return SWH in China's offshore seas were analyzed using the23-year altimeter wave dataset. The 23-year mean SWH generally ranged from 0.6–2.2 m. The greatest SWH appeared in the southeast of the China East Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the northeast of the South China Sea.Obvious seasonal variation of SWH was found in most areas; SWH was greater in winter and autumn than in summer and spring. Extreme waves greater than 4 m in height mainly occurred in the following areas: the southeast of the East China Sea, the south of the Ryukyu Islands, the east of Taiwan-Luzon Island, and the Dongsha Islands extending to the Zhongsha Islands, and the frequency of extreme waves was 3%–6%. Extreme waves occurred most frequently in autumn and rarely in spring. The 100-year return wave height was greatest from the northwest Pacific seas extending to southeast of the Ryukyu Islands(9–12 m), and the northeast of the South China Sea and the East China Sea had the second largest wave heights(7–11 m). For inshore areas, the100-year return wave height was the greatest in the waters off the east coast of Guangdong Province and the south coast of Zhejiang Province(7–8 m), whereas it was at a minimum in the area from the Changjiang Estuary to the Bohai Sea(4–6 m). An investigation of sampling effects indicates that when using the 1°×1°grid dataset, although the combination of nine altimeters obviously enhanced the time and space coverage of sampling, the accuracy of statistical results, particularly extreme values obtained from the dataset, still suffered from undersampling problems because the time sampling percent in each 1°×1°grid cell was always less than33%.  相似文献   
一、前言测区属政和县石屯公社富竹庄—马面山一带,福建省区测队(1972年)曾测制过地层剖面(图1),层位划归前震旦系建瓯群的一部分。这次我们对典型地段Ⅰ、Ⅲ(见图1)进行详细的岩性—构造编录,对地段Ⅱ及剖面两侧做了概略地质构造观测,对这里的岩性、变质程度、原岩、地层时代及变质期构造演化序列等问题进行初步研究。本文着重根据测区样品分析中所获微体古生物组合情况结合地质构造特征对地层时代进行探讨。  相似文献   
中国土壤湿度的垂直变化特征   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
使用中国 57个站 1981~ 2 0 0 0年 0~ 10 0cm的土壤湿度资料 ,逐站进行了垂直方向土壤湿度的诊断分析 ,根据湿度的垂直分布形态归纳为 3种主要类型 :夏季均匀型、急剧变化型和季节差异型 ;分析土壤湿度的年际变化发现 :多数测站湿度的距平符号在垂直方向是一致的 ,变化趋势以长时间持续干和湿以及 3~ 4a振荡周期为主 ;进一步对干和湿期土壤湿度和降水量进行合成 ,发现湿期和干期的土壤湿度垂直分布多数情况下保持了气候态的基本特征 ,湿期减干期的土壤湿度差与降水差有很好的对应关系  相似文献   
富集因子在环境地球化学重金属污染评价中的应用   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
介绍了富集因子的概念、技术路线及应用方法,重点讨论了富集因子计算中的关键环节--如何选择参考元素及确定背景值;总结了参考元素应满足的3个条件,即稳定性、单一自然源、与其他污染元素显著相关;论述了背景值的重要意义以及确定方法,分析了全球元素质量分数平均值和区域背景值在富集因子应用中的不同效果;介绍了污染的判断标准.以湖北省某湖泊表层底泥为例说明了富集因子的计算过程,结果表明湖泊底层沉积物未受重金属污染,并通过地质积累指标对计算结果进行了检验.最后论述了富集因子存在的不足,指出其在区域性的、或特殊地质环境中的重金属污染评价中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones which rapidly intensify (ΔV≥ 20 m/s in 24 h)in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of 135°E could have adverse influence on oceanic and coastal economic activities in China, 71% of which land in China. Rapid intensification is mostly seen east and northeast of the Luzon Island. It is much correlated with sea surface temperature(≥28℃)and upper air conditions, such as enhanced subtropical high, onset of Southwest monsoon surge, invasion of modest cold air, and Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough(TUTT) etc. Abovementioned processes enhance inflows in the low level and deep convection in the area of inner core. Statistics of satellite pixels have confirmed that rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones are marked by a sharp increase in the inner core convection and stable or slowly-increasing deep convection in outer region. Non-rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones have only constant or decreased deep convection in inner core and outer region. The sharp increasing of deep convection in the inner core and the rapid warming in its upper level is a forewarning of rapid intensification of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   
用短期大风资料推算极值风速的一种方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据复合极值分布理论,试用二项—对数正态复合极值分布,利用海上短期实测大风资料求算海面多年一遇极值风速,并以此作为基础值,以沿岸站长年代大风经验公式计算风速为订正值,基础值与订正值的叠加作为海面多年一遇工程设计风速。该方法计算结果与皮尔逊Ⅲ型、泊松—龚贝尔复合极值分布计算结果相近,较单纯由二项—对数正态分布计算稳定度增大。  相似文献   
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