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对“三江并流”,世外桃园的乡城地区的奇特旅游景观,罕见的地方情趣作简要介绍,为发展该区的旅游业提供参考。  相似文献   
本文通过对婺源的山、水、气候、生物自然景观资源、人文景观资源等发展旅游所必需的基础条件的分析,认为婺源具备良好的自然环境和优势资源,具有开发生态旅游的巨大潜力,并提出了发展婺源生态旅游的对策措施。  相似文献   
该文以贵州省绥阳县为例,针对我国西南喀斯特地区旅游开发中自然环境的特点,探讨溶洞景观的保护、喀斯特地表生态环境保护、水体的保护与综合治理等问题。  相似文献   
正在我国云南省的腾冲地区,保留罕见的火山、温泉、湿地共存的自然景观。火山位于梁河县境内,有97座火山体,其中火山形态保存完整(有火山口、火山锥)的有25座,火山锥类型多样。腾冲火山熔岩构造景观主要有熔岩空洞、熔岩塌陷、熔岩流动和原生节理构造;火山碎屑岩可见熔集块岩、熔角砾岩和熔结凝灰岩。  相似文献   
江洋 《中国地名》2013,(10):60-61
清风岭,位于朝阳市西南,距沈阳市约300多公里。这里不仅因一段传奇故事“中国地”而驰名遐迩,更是以奇峰、怪石、仙洞、神树、灵泉等自然景观让人乐不思返,还有那与孔子鸟、清风仙子相关的神奇传说……  相似文献   
Most evaluation of the consistency of multisensor images have focused on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products for natural landscapes, often neglecting less vegetated urban landscapes. This gap has been filled through quantifying and evaluating spatial heterogeneity of urban and natural landscapes from QuickBird, Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (SPOT), Ad- vanced Spacebome Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images with variogram analysis. Instead of a logarithmic relationship with pixel size observed in the corresponding aggregated images, the spatial variability decayed and the spatial structures decomposed more slowly and complexly with spatial resolution for real multisensor im- ages. As the spatial resolution increased, the proportion of spatial variability of the smaller spatial structure decreased quickly and only a larger spatial structure was observed at very coarse scales. Compared with visible band, greater spatial variability was observed in near infrared band for both densely and less densely vegetated landscapes. The influence of image size on spatial heterogeneity was highly dependent on whether the empirical sernivariogram reached its sill within the original image size. When the empirical semivariogram did not reach its sill at the original observation scale, spatial variability and mean characteristic length scale would increase with image size; otherwise they might decrease. This study could provide new insights into the knowledge of spatial heterogeneity in real multisen- sor images with consideration of their nominal spatial resolution, image size and spectral bands.  相似文献   
地处伏牛山与外方山系交汇处的嵩县石场村自然景观优美.历史文化厚重,是众多游人争相往之的旅游热地,在那里,古人留下的石头用具琳琅满目、不胜枚举,石质建筑鳞次栉比、特色鲜明,石雕更是栩栩如生、惟妙惟肖,宛如一座天然的“石头”乐园,让人心驰神往、洗连忘返。  相似文献   
陈宏毅  周翠平 《地球》2022,(1):28-34
百里画廊——漓江,位于广西东北部,发源于"华南之巅"猫儿山,是世界上著名的岩溶地貌区,是"甲天下"桂林山水的灵魂。几千年来,还没有哪一处自然景观得到过世人这么高的赞叹、这么长时间的歌咏。漓江两岸,上苍恣意泼洒着自己的灵感,让人们惊叹于大自然的鬼斧神工,沉醉于眼前的诗情画意。2021年4月,习近平总书记考察桂林漓江时,语重心长地叮嘱桂林人民:"这是大自然赐予中华民族的一块宝地,一定要呵护好。"  相似文献   
雁荡山自然景观的科学价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雁荡山是一座白垩纪复活破火山,经断裂切割抬升而成为典型性的破火山立体模型。它向人们展示了破火山内部的各种地质要素和各类岩石的相互关系,提供了破火山喷发产物与中央侵入体有直接联系的证据。涵盖了流纹质岩浆火山爆发、喷溢、侵出、侵入等的完整过程,堪称流纹质火山岩类的天然博物馆。雁荡山不仅显现了白垩纪时期亚洲大陆边缘复活型破火山形成与演化的地质过程,而且是古太平洋伊泽奈奇板块向亚洲大陆俯冲、壳幔深部作用的  相似文献   
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