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The carbonate-free fraction of 20 surface sediments collected from the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) was studied by grain size analysis and mineralogical analysis with X-ray powder diffraction(XRD),stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The characteristics of the carbonate-free fraction of the sediments were obtained, and related influential factors were discussed. The results show that the mean grain size of this fraction is in 1.96Φ–8.19Φ, with poorly sorting and unimodal, bimodal or irregular bimodal distribution patterns. Four grain size end members of the fraction are derived with the End Member Model method. The finest end member EM1 shows a significant contribution of terrigenous materials of the aeolian input and sediment carried by the bottom current. End member EM2 with medium size mainly reflects sediment of a siliceous bioclast origin. EM3 and EM4 are interpreted as representing the coarser volcanic materials related to bedrock weathering or volcanic activities. Multi-provenance is the dominant factor controlling the grain size pattern of the carbonate-free fraction of the sediments in that area. In addition, sediment transport processes such as the bottom current and wind are the minor factors that influence the grain size distribution of the carbonate-free fraction sediments.  相似文献   
随着执行我中第25次南极考察任务的“雪龙”船进入西风带,本次考察一项重要的大洋科学项目“南印度洋XBT/XTCD走航观测”已逐渐展开:考察队将在西风带海域投放200多枚带有温度和盐度传感器的探头,这是我国南极考察首次在西风带海域进行如此密集的科学观测。  相似文献   
Foraminiferal shells from two piston cores separately located at the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Bengal Fan of the Indian Ocean were selected and purified for measurements of natural thermoluminescence (NTL) intensity by a high precision thermoluminescence meter (RGD-3). Variations of the NTL intensity along the two core sequences both spanning the last two glacial--interglacial cycles displayed a strong, identical signal of the global ice volume cycles, which matched well with their corresponding oxygen isotope data. As higher NTL intensity occurred within interglacial periods and changes in an NTL signal were most likely influenced by the temperature of ambient seawater in which the planktonic foraminiferal shells long existed, the NTL signal could be considered as a potential proxy for orbital scale temperature changes of bottom seawater in the tropical Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
刘中民 《海洋世界》2008,(12):73-79
美国对印度洋地区的掌控能力明显增强 在冷战时期,美国就在印度洋地区布有海外军事基地。美国印度洋基地群以迪戈加西亚基地为核心,辐射至印度洋沿岸各港口,特别是阿拉伯湾、波斯湾和红海地区。迪戈加西亚地处印度洋中心位置,是印度洋空中和海上交通枢纽,战略地位十分重要。自1971年美国海军从英军手中接管以来,  相似文献   
多变量分位数回归构建印度洋大眼金枪鱼栖息地指数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以0~300m水层加权平均水温、50~150m水层的温差和氧差及其交互变量为影响因子,运用分位数回归法,寻找出环境变量与大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)延绳钓钓获率的最佳上界分位数回归方程,计算出栖息地指数(HSI),并应用地理信息系统(GIS)软件绘制各月HSI空间分布图。研究表明:大眼金枪鱼延绳钓钓获率(HR)依加权平均水温(x)、温差(y)、氧差(z)与的最佳上界分位数回归方程为HR0.70=-15.596+2.124x-0.003x3+0.033xyz-0.036y2z+0.107yz2-0.337z3;HSI空间分布为:16°S—10°N印度洋海域HSI高于0.7,HSI>0.8的海域随季节发生显著变化,马达加斯加外海至100°E、16°S—26°S海域常年存在一片HSI<0.4的区域,26°S—40°S海域的HSI介于0.4~0.5,40°S以南海域HSI<0.4,东非外海季节性地出现一片HSI<0.6的海域。利用多个环境变量的栖息地指数模型来预测分析大洋金枪鱼资源分布效果较好。  相似文献   
红海位于非洲东北部与阿拉伯半岛之间,形状狭长。红海北端分叉成两个小海湾,西为苏伊士湾,东为亚喀巴湾。南部通过曼德海峡与亚丁湾、印度洋相连。红海连接地中海和阿拉伯海,是一条重要的石油运输通道。图为静静的亚喀巴湾。海洋保护区中,也只有不到1/3被有效地管理起来,绝大部分仍缺乏有效的管理。  相似文献   
施征 《海洋世界》2008,(10):74-76
泰国是濒海国家,其西面是印度洋的安达曼海,东面是太平洋的南中国海。泰国本国纵深小,国土最窄处的克拉地峡,东西距离仅数十干米。这样的地理特点,使身处东南亚热带地区的泰国频繁受到西太平洋的台风和印度洋的飓风的两面夹击。这时,泰国海军就要担负起抢险救灾的重任。  相似文献   
我国华南3月份降水异常的可能影响因子分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1951~2005年华南地区3月份的降水资料、NOAA海温资料、Ni?o3.4指数和NCEP再分析资料,分析了华南3月份降水异常与同期环流场、全球海温场的关系,从环流和海温的角度揭示了华南3月份降水异常的可能原因。结果表明,当华南3月份降水偏多(少)时,在对流层中低层,北太平洋海区存在气旋(反气旋)性环流异常,西太平洋及南海海面上存在反气旋(气旋)性环流异常,这样的环流异常有利(不利)于东南暖湿气流与北方东部异常冷空气在华南地区形成水汽辐合,导致降水显著增多(减少)。进一步的分析表明,ENSO和北印度洋及南海附近海温是影响华南3月份降水异常的重要外强迫因子,ENSO对华南3月降水异常的影响是通过影响春季西太平洋副热带高压和低层风场异常实现的,而北印度洋及南海附近海温对华南3月降水异常的影响则是通过垂直环流场异常和低层风场以及西太平洋副热带高压异常来实现的。  相似文献   
围绕全球变化研究国家重大研究计划项目“亚洲区域海—陆—气相互作用机理及其在全球变化中的作用”预定的总体研究内容和科学目标,项目执行两年多以来,取得了一系列阶段性科研成果.关于气候动力学方面,项目揭示了热带印度洋—西太平洋暖池的海温变化是全球热带气候年代际变化的重要驱动力,是全球尺度副热带干旱的重要调控器;发现热带东太平洋海温存在冷舌模态,它是一个海气耦合模态,阐明在全球变暖背景下其对ENSO型态变异的作用及影响东亚气候的机理;揭示了青藏高原热力强迫的异常特征及其气候效应;提出了水平非均匀基流中行星波传播的理论,研究了其在不同东亚夏季风背景下的传播特征.关于气候预测方法方面,提出了若干有物理基础的气候预测方法,如尺度分离的降尺度预测新方法、基于北大西洋涛动(NAO)-ENSO的东亚夏季风预测模型、基于南半球环状模的东亚气候预测模型等,为业务部门提供了重要参考.关于观测方面,项目在亚洲区域海气补充观测和海洋资料同化方面也取得突出进展,成功进行了南海18°N断面海洋综合观测,为形成我国第一条南海断面长期海气观测打下了基础.在国际合作方面,项目还继续推动和领导了“亚洲季风年”(AMY2007-2012)与“东亚气候模拟”国际计划,提升了我国在该领域的国际地位.  相似文献   
This study designed a simple index for measuring irregular tropospheric biennial oscillation(TBO) activities, which was used to determine that the TBO in the East Asian Summer Monsoon(EASM), the most important summer precipitation system for China, has strengthened rather than weakened since the late 1970s. The lead/lag correlations between the EASM and tropical Indian-Pacific sea surface temperature(SST) suggest a relationship between interbasin SST and EASM coupling processes and that this alternative correlation pattern is likely related to TBO. Significant correlation occurred only in recent decades, which implies a reinforcement of TBO in the EASM. From records of representative points in the Indian-Pacific, the interdecadal intrinsic SST modes of the areas can be obtained with ensemble empirical mode decomposition owing to its good temporal locality. Statistical results show Indian-Pacific SST interdecadal trends that include out-of-phase and in-phase warming before and after the late 1970s, respectively, which may be responsible for the TBO interdecadal augmentation present since the late 1970s.  相似文献   
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