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Using the Advanced Research WRF (ARW WRF) model and the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) three-dimensional variational analysis (3DVAR) system, the impact of assimilating ATOVS (Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) radiance through the prototype Community Radiative Transfer Model (pCRTM) is evaluated on the forecasting of a heavy rainstorm occurring over the central Guangdong province in the southeast of China on 20-21 June 2005. A pair of comparison experiments (NODA and DA) for this case is conducted with multiple configurations, including nesting domains with 4-km and 12-km grid distances. The results showed that by changing the initial condition through data assimilation, a modified divergence and moisture field with the structure of dipoles has been added to the axis of the rainband with a southwest-northeast orientation. When more moisture carried by a southwesterly low level jet (LLJ) was converged into the northeast portion of the rainband around the observatory station of Longmen, the amplitude of moisture static energy (MSE) increased substantially at low levels much more than at middle levels, resulting in the enlarging of differences in MSE between 500 hPa and 850 hPa; the atmosphere became more unstable. Consequently, the convective rainfall increased in the northeast part of the province around the Longmen station, which was consistent with the observed distribution of rainfall.  相似文献   
徐建军 《探矿工程》2009,36(2):79-81
在青—莱高速公路毫山峪隧道塌方段施工中应用大管棚超前支护技术,施工管棚直径大,钻孔难度大。通过优选钻孔工艺、管棚参数和注浆工艺控制施工质量,大管棚支护施工取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
在南水北调湖北文物保护管理信息系统支持下,采用文化类型、遗址面积和文化层厚度作为比较指标,运用空间分析方法研究淹没区旧石器时代遗址点的时空分布规律:不同时期遗址点高程变化、遗址点与河道水平距离间平衡关系,由此推断古环境和人地关系的演化。研究表明:文化层厚度大于5m的遗址点大都分布在高程155m以上区域且与河道中心线水平距离不小于800m;旧石器时代早期至中期人类活动沿汉江干流溯源而上,聚居地的高程增加、面积扩大、稳定性加强。  相似文献   
针对边坡施工过程中常见的边坡锚固失效事故类型,分析事故发生原因,提出相应的预防措施和补救措施,对于预防和减轻事故损失具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
地图在现代社会同人们的生活息息相关,但是目前国内学生普遍存在对地图知识严重缺乏的现象。通过对定向运动的开展在普及学生地图知识方面所起的作用进行调查研究,表明定向运动的开展有利于学生掌握相关识图、用图的技能,对我国学生地图知识的普及有着深远的意义。  相似文献   
基于1980—2016年的4套再分析资料(NCEP/DOE资料、MERRA2资料、ERA-Interim资料和JRA-55资料),采用计算大气热源的正算法和倒算法,研究青藏高原大气热源及其计算的不确定性因素,得到以下结论:(1)计算方法和资料均会导致结果的不确定性,正算法只能得到整层热源,而倒算法可得到热源垂直结构,但其结果准确性依赖于再分析资料精度;(2)对比4套再分析资料计算结果发现,正算法结果较倒算法结果普遍偏高,采用ERA-Interim资料,基于两种方法计算的大气热源年代际变化趋势一致。基于4套资料,采用倒算法计算的热源在1980—2016年呈现明显的年代际变化特征;(3)夏半年(3—8月)强热源区主要分布在青藏高原中东部,热源自下而上呈源-汇-源分布;(4)基于正算法和ERA-Interim资料估算的夏半年的降水潜热在喜马拉雅山南坡显著偏小,高原西部地区和南部冈底斯山一带则明显偏大。  相似文献   
ENSO多样性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
El Ni?o是热带中东太平洋异常偏暖的现象,发展过程具有显著的季节锁相特征。近年来,新形态事件更频繁发生引起了科学界广泛关注。学者们根据空间分布形态或爆发时间将ENSO事件分为两类,虽然选取标准不同,分类结果却有诸多相似点:中太平洋(Dateline、Modoki、CP、WP及SU型)El Ni?o事件发展至成熟时,正SSTA中心位于赤道太平洋中部;东太平洋(传统、EP、CT及SP型)El Ni?o发展至成熟时,正SSTA中心位于赤道东太平洋,低层西风异常更强,向东传输的距离也更远。研究结果显示,东太平洋El Ni?o比中太平洋El Ni?o持续时间更长,强度也更强;两类事件对全球气候的影响模态有很大的差异。近几十年,中太平洋El Ni?o出现频率有所增加,但其原因尚未清楚。关于两类事件生成发展和位相转换的动力原因,目前科学界普遍认为东太平洋El Ni?o是一个海盆尺度的海气耦合过程,其生消过程与温跃层的变化有紧密联系,但对中太平洋El Ni?o的动力机制尚未有统一的认识。   相似文献   
In the present study, we analyzed the chemical properties and factors impacting the sea fog water during two sea fog events over the northwestern South China Sea in March 2017, and compared our results with those of other regions. The sea fog water during these two events were highly acidic and their average pH was below 3, which was related to the high initial acidifying potential and large amounts of NO3- and SO42- not involved in the neutralization reaction. The dominant cations in the sea fog water were Na+ and NH4+. The primary anions in the sea fog water over the South China Sea were Cl- and NO3-, while that over the North Pacific Ocean was mainly SO42-, and ratios of the three fog water ions near the Donghai Island were similar. Ions in the sea fog water during the two events were mainly derived from marine aerosols, while the difference was that the first low-level sea fog airflow trajectory passed over Hainan Island. Therefore, the proportion of K+ in the first sea fog was much higher than that in sea water and the second. Sulfate was the key to fog water nucleation, which made ion concentration in the sea fog water during the second event higher than that during the first. A decrease in average diameter during the first sea fog formation led to an ion concentration increase, while the average diameter of sea fog water during the second event was lower than that during the first, which corresponded with a moderate ion concentration increase.  相似文献   
利用MLS卫星资料和ERA-Interim再分析资料,比较了青藏高原和北美夏季臭氧谷的垂直结构和形成机制。结果如下:青藏高原夏季臭氧谷在垂直方向上存在两个低值中心,一个中心位于对流层顶附近,强度约为-15 DU,形成原因主要为水平幅散,另一个中心位于上平流层,强度约为-1 DU,形成原因可能为光化学反应参与的氯自由基的催化损耗。北美夏季臭氧谷仅存在一个低值中心,位于对流层顶附近,该中心强度约为-5 DU,其形成的主要原因是水平辐散。  相似文献   
分析了1979—2018年两类厄尔尼诺事件期间月平均热带太平洋海面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)异常、对流降水异常、大气环流异常等特征,发现东部型、中部型厄尔尼诺期间海洋及大气加热场并不是赤道对称,赤道以南热源强度大于赤道以北。大气对热源的响应表现在:1)低层在大气热源西侧出现南、北半球热带相对应的气旋环流异常,但是赤道以南气旋的涡度大于赤道以北,且两类厄尔尼诺事件期间涡度中心的位置不同;到高层赤道中东太平洋呈现赤道对称的反气旋环流控制。2)低层热源的西侧出现西风异常,东侧为东风异常,西风异常的强度与范围明显大于东风异常,且东部型西风异常的强度大于中部型;而到高层,纬向风的风向和低层正好相反。3)低层东部型、中部型厄尔尼诺上升运动异常分别位于赤道中东太平洋和赤道中太平洋,下沉运动出现在热源东西两侧及赤道两侧5°N以北、5°S以南的热带地区;东部型到中层上升运动异常强度达到最大,而中部型到高层上升运动异常强度达到最大。4)低层东部型、中部型厄尔尼诺期间位势高度在中东太平洋为负异常,西太平洋为正异常;到高层,整个赤道中东太平洋地区均为位势高度正异常,并且在赤道两侧分别出现位势高度正异常中心,与反气旋环流涡度中心及下沉运动异常中心相对应。5)除西风异常范围大于东风异常,其他特征与赤道非对称热源GILL响应的理论计算模态基本一致。  相似文献   
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