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朱笑青  许志斌  王富东 《矿物学报》2007,27(Z1):406-407
西方国家地质界不太用"矿床学"这个术语,而更多的是"经济地质学",国内地质界习惯于把矿床学与经济地质学等同起来,实际的做法却不是这样.我们的矿床学家与矿床地球化学家热衷于研究矿床的成因、成矿元素在自然界的运动规律以及成矿摸式等,对于成矿元素的工业用途、市场经济、采选冶技术及对环境的影响等却知之甚少,甚至不予理睬,从而不能对矿床做出综合的、全面的评价,因为他只是一位矿床学家或矿床地球化学家,而不是经济地质学家.  相似文献   
贵州东南部浊积岩中金矿的地质特征和成因   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
文章首次明确提出黔东南天柱县、锦屏县、黎平县以及相邻的湖南省靖县、会同县、洪江县存在浊积岩型金矿。研究发现,这些金矿均产在加里东皱褶带中,它们产于背斜的轴部,向两翼延伸,形成平行于地层的石英脉;另一种石英脉则充填于褶皱和剪切作用形成的剪切带或断裂带中。这些褶皱和断裂均呈北东方向。黔东南地区的浊积岩型金矿,均赋存于前震旦系下江群浊积岩中,产在板岩、凝灰岩或者在板岩和砂岩交界处。石英脉中金的富集与黄铁矿、毒砂、闪锌矿、方铅矿等密切相关。细脉比宽脉更富集金,断裂交叉处更富含金。石英脉两侧(尤其是顺层石英脉)的蚀变很弱,主要为硅化和绿泥石化。应用RB_SR方法测得石英脉的年龄为370~450Ma,成矿时代应在加里东期或期后。黔东南浊积岩金矿在品位(多数可见明金)、储量和产量方面均很有前景,研究它们具有十分重要的学术价值和经济意义。  相似文献   
富铟及贫铟矿床成矿流体中铟与锡铅锌的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
富铟矿床几乎是锡石-硫化物矿床或富含Sn(Sn以硫盐类矿物存在或赋存于方铅矿等硫化物中)的CuP-b-Zn矿床。Sn的存在与否在某种程度上意味着In的富集与否。以富铟与贫铟矿床主成矿期石英中的流体包裹体为研究对象,分析了成矿流体中In、Sn、Pb和Zn的含量,结果显示,两类矿床成矿流体中Pb和Zn的含量处于同一水平,而富铟矿床成矿流体中In和Sn的含量远远高于贫铟矿床,二者相差1~2个数量级。这一方面说明富铟的成矿流体是形成富铟矿床的物质基础,另一方面说明Sn在In的迁移富集过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
太古代海水pH值的演化及其和成矿作用的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水pH值(即通常说的酸碱度)是控制沉积岩和沉积矿产形成的重要因素之一。探讨地史早期海水pH值的演化规律有助于认识古海水沉积环境的特征及其成矿的条件,对理解矿床的形成环境、成矿机制、矿物共生组合特征、成矿序列以及预测找矿等很多方面的问题都有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
矿物,岩石对纳米金吸附作用的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以实验方法配制成了纳米级大小的微粒金,使存在于溶液中,并加以保护,以免纳米微粒金自动凝聚长大,在此基础上,用各种矿物和岩石进行吸附实验研究,实验结果表明,不同的矿物和岩石对纳米金的吸附性能不同。  相似文献   
Experimental studies were undertaken on leaching of sedimentary rocks ( dolomite and sandstone) and Hg, Sb ores by distilled water under the condition of a completely open system (room temperature and room pressure). The aim is to find whether the halogen elements or metal elements first enter the solution at the early stage of meteoric waters converting to groundwaters and ore fluids, and, at the same time, to understand how and when they enter distilled water solutions from the rocks. The experimental resuhs have shown that F and Cl began to enter the fluids in the initial period of thirty days. With increasing leaching duration, the amounts of the elements that entered the fluids increased steadily. During the period from 120 days to 150 days the amounts increased more drastically, followed a slow increase. It is found that the capability of Cl entering the solutions is much greater than that of F. Hg and Sb were found not to have entered the solutions till 120 days later. During this period of time the pH value of the solutions began to drop. As for Hg and Sb ores, Hg and Sb began to enter the solutions on the 60th or 90th day, greatly ahead of schedule, but the two metallic elements in the rock samples began to enter the solutions 150 days later. Relatively speaking, Hg is more easily leached out than Sb from the rocks. In some rock samples, Sb could be detected in the solutions at the end of the experiment. However, Cu, Pb and Zn had not been detected in the leaching solutions from the beginning to the end of the experiment. In the whole leaching process the pH value of the solutions tend to decrease slowly from 7.1 at the beginning to 6.5 at the end. That is to say, in the interaction between pure water and rock the halogen elements in the rocks were preferentially leached out and then entered the fluids. With increasing water/rock reaction duration and amount of halogen-group elements in the solution and with decreasing pH value of the solution, some active metallic elements began to release in small amounts. This experimental result can explain the source and mechanism of volatile components and trace metals in underground waters. Meanwhile, as for those ore deposits produced by ore fluids derived from meteoric waters, the experimental result is also helpful to the understanding of the geochemical variation trend at the initial stage of conversion of meteoric waters to ore fluids.  相似文献   
Potential applications of Nano-scale science and technology are discussed in mineralogy,ore deposits,cosmochemistry and environmental sciences.Adsorption of nanometersized gold was experimentally studied on a variety of minerals and rocks.  相似文献   
根据新藏公路沿线实际观察资料和前人的最新成果,总结了新疆西昆仑库地蛇绿岩的构造特征、层序及岩石学特征;对库地蛇绿岩形成时代、原始构造环境等有争议的关键性问题进行了分析和探讨,得出了有关库地蛇绿岩的如下新结论:①形成时代为中元古代—晚元古代,同位素年龄值为大于1661.9~698.36Ma;②形成于缓慢扩张的条件下,且没有经历过俯冲消减作用;③岩浆来源为弱亏损的、非单一的上地幔源,并受到了陆壳物质的混染;④原始构造环境为弧后盆地—岛弧—弧间盆地,属过渡性构造环境  相似文献   
峨眉山玄武岩组铜矿化与层位关系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据地球化学急变带控矿的分带性规律,在滇黔边界发现了新类型的铜矿化及工业矿体找矿线索。铜矿化一般赋存在二叠系峨眉山玄武岩组,二者之间难于识别,铜矿物以自然铜和黑铜矿为主,赋存于特定的熔结凝灰岩、火山凝灰角砾岩层位,形成作用与有机质有关,很可能形成一种新的铜矿工业类型。基于野外调研和室内岩矿鉴定,按铜矿化的矿物组合及赋存特点,初步划分为:硅质沥青铜矿化;次生氧化、硫化物铜矿化;团块浸染状自然铜矿化;热液蚀变沸石化型黑铜矿化;凝灰角砾岩型黄铜矿化和碳质、硅化木铜矿化等6种铜矿化类型。这些矿化类型分别与相应的玄武岩组韵律层相对应,其中,沥青质铜矿化类型在区域上分布广泛,沥青广泛充填于熔结凝灰岩的气孔和含矿凝灰岩、碳泥质岩石破碎带中,自然铜、黑铜矿等矿物赋存于硅质沥青岩中,矿化层稳定,找矿标志明显,具有重要的创新性研究意义和找矿价值。  相似文献   
金矿床中金与黄铁矿和毒砂的关系   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
卡林型金矿中的金,以肉眼,甚至在显微镜下都看不到,因而称之为“不可见金”.经过金的物相分析,发现Au与毒砂、黄铁矿有关.进一步的问题是:Au在毒砂、黄铁矿中呈何状态分布,是呈微细的独立矿物?还是类质同象?是以化学键进入毒砂、黄铁矿的晶格?还是吸附在其表面?进一步的研究表明,世界上其他类型金矿,如浊积岩型金矿、造山带内太古代绿岩带金矿、变质金矿、与火成岩有关的金矿,甚至含金的块状硫化物矿床,其中的金除了以自然金(可见金)产出外,在黄铁矿、毒砂、辉锑矿、雄黄等硫化物中还含有不可见金.从不可见金到可见金,需经过热液蚀变作用,在高As条件下,温度和硫逸度的升高,可溶出不可见金,在温度下降和还原条件下,Au以可见金形式存在于蚀变环带中.这种从不可见金到可见金的转换过程,反映了Au、As、S以及Fe等元素的地球化学特征.金矿中的黄铁矿和毒砂具有相似的结构,包括在其原始生长的晶体中含有不可见金,并且在稍后的成矿阶段内形成赋存有可见金的蚀变环带.蚀变环带以As含量高为特征,并且,后期的可见金是沿裂隙或毒砂与黄铁矿的粒间分布.可见金是热液活化了矿物内的不可见金而形成的.  相似文献   
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