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比较汉江上游谷地及渭河谷地典型黄土剖面的元素组成、化学风化强度及常量元素迁移特征,揭示秦岭南北两侧黄土-古土壤剖面的成壤强度及其所指示的环境演变特征,两者差异及共性如下:① 两剖面化学组成均以SiO2、Al2O3和Fe2O3为主,元素组成均一且高度混合,与上部陆地壳(UCC) 的化学成分十分接近,该些证据均指示两区域黄土是来源广泛并经过充分混合的风尘堆积产物。② 据CIA 值可判定MTS 及YHC 剖面均经历了中等风化作用,比较两剖面CIW值、A-CN-K三角图投点特征及元素迁移率知,汉江上游谷地的黄土-古土壤序列经历的化学风化作用更强,Ca 及Na 元素的丢失率更高,Al、Na、Mg、Si 等常量元素的迁出率更大。③ 依据Fe、Na迁移率的全剖面变化曲线知,汉江上游谷地与渭河谷地自全新世以来经历了相同的气候演变阶段,均记录了6000-5000a BP的干冷气候事件。  相似文献   
密切结合勘探实际,以钻井、测井等地质资料为主要依据,以鄂尔多斯盆地东部奥陶系风化壳为对象,以多学科的地质理论与技术方法为指导,结合盆地构造演化,通过对奥陶系不整合侵蚀面上下地层组合情况的深入分析,把印模法与残厚法结果有机结合,深入探讨了奥陶系风化壳古地貌恢复的方法思路及其古地貌发育特征,探索了古地貌恢复的新方法--综合法,建立了解释和恢复古地貌单元属性的综合地质模型。研究结果表明:盆地东部奥陶系侵蚀不整合面上下的地层组合可以分别被划分为上薄下薄、上厚下厚、上厚下薄、上薄下厚4种基本型式以及上次厚下次薄、上次薄下次薄、上次薄下次厚、上次厚下次厚等8种子模型;相应的古地貌解释包括了岩溶高地、岩溶斜坡、岩溶盆地3个二级古地貌单元以及残丘、台地、残台、阶坪、沟谷、浅洼、深洼等11个三级古地貌单元。岩溶高地出现于研究区西南角,分布局限;岩溶斜坡占据了研究区的大部分,其主力地貌单元为斜坡台地与斜坡阶坪;岩溶盆地位于研究区东部,其主力地貌单元为盆地浅洼。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲地区上更新统与全新统之间广泛发育1层杂色黏土,其成因多认为主要是由上更新统沉积物在末次冰盛期暴露于地表风化而成。对取自珠江三角洲3条钻孔(PRD09、PRD16和PRD17)的岩心样品分析表明,受风化作用的影响,其稀土元素含量和分异特征发生了较明显的变化。杂色黏土层的稀土总量大大低于下伏沉积物,而在邻近风化层的下伏沉积物中稀土元素却表现为明显富集,尤其是重稀土元素的富集。风化作用强度较大的PRD09孔和PRD17孔下伏沉积物中的稀土富集程度高于风化作用强度相对较小的PRD16孔。珠江三角洲在末次冰盛期时普遍发育的酸性介质条件,促进了风化层的稀土元素发生溶解和迁移。在风化过程中,由于轻、重稀土元素具有不同的溶解迁移能力和吸附能力,导致杂色黏土层的REE指标值(LREE/HREE、(La/Gd)N和(La/Yb)N)高于下伏沉积物。风化过程对Ce、Eu异常有一定的影响,但不十分明显,杂色黏土层的Ce、Eu异常值仅略低于下伏沉积物。  相似文献   
石炭系风化壳是准噶尔盆地火山岩油气储集层的主要类型,物性明显好于同时代原生型火山岩。通过对陆梁隆起滴西地区的铸体薄片与岩心观测,发现风化淋滤对火山岩储集性能的改造主要体现在孔隙上,对裂缝的改造作用不明显。由于火山岩形成的构造环境与古地貌存在差异,不同的海拔高度决定了其接受风化时间的长短。准噶尔盆地内石炭系不整合上覆地层时代存在明显差异,下二叠统至白垩系均有分布。最长风化时长在东部隆起约为150Ma,在陆梁隆起约为100Ma,在西部隆起约为55Ma;而3处隆起最少则仅缺失部分上石炭统-下二叠统。风化时长的长短与火山岩孔隙度的大小呈近波峰状对应关系,火山岩孔隙度初始随风化时长的增大(至约30Ma)逐渐增大,在到达峰值(对应风化时长约40Ma)后随时长的增大(55~100Ma)逐渐减小。最大的孔隙度均出现在火山角砾岩和玄武岩中,安山岩的孔隙度次之,而凝灰岩的孔隙度最小。  相似文献   
     玄武岩风化是大气CO2 的一个主要碳汇过程,气候条件是影响玄武岩风化和固碳速率的重要因素。该文选择中国东 部不同气候带的新生代玄武岩典型风化剖面,进行了粘土矿物和常量元素分析。结果显示,在内蒙古-海南岛的采样区间内, 随着气候条件由干冷向暖湿转化,风化剖面中粘土矿物组合呈现蒙脱石+ 伊利石+ 高岭石→蒙脱石+ 高岭石→高岭石+ 三水 铝石的转变。剖面中土壤元素得失状况也显示出相应的规律,由于存在粉尘输入与风化淋滤作用的综合影响,在干冷的内 蒙古地区,粉尘对于Ca,K,Na,Si 等元素的输入量大于这些元素的淋失量;在山东地区,Ca,K,Na 元素开始快速淋失, 大于粉尘的输入量;在苏皖地区,Si 元素的淋失量开始小于粉尘输入量;而在湿热的海南地区,风化作用强烈,Si显示出 大量淋失的特点,碱性元素几乎全部流失。根据元素的相对得失率和北方粉尘平均组分的校正,初步估算了研究区内玄武 岩风化对大气CO2 的消耗速率,其数值在5.37~181.00 t(km2·a)之间,与Dessert 等(2003)的研究结果大致相当。  相似文献   
目前,全球碳循环研究主要集中在海洋碳汇以及陆地土壤和植被碳汇,而对岩石风化碳汇仅考虑地质长时间尺度的硅酸盐风化作用,而认为碳酸盐风化在长时间尺度上对碳汇无贡献。然而,碳酸盐相对于硅酸盐有快得多的溶解速度,且对全球变化(特别是气候和CO2变化)的响应迅速,同时由于生物作用和人为活动的影响,使得碳酸盐风化碳汇的能力需要重新评价。最新的研究发现,由碳酸盐溶解、全球水循环及水生生物光合利用溶解无机碳共同作用,即水-岩-气-生相互作用形成的大气碳汇,远远大于之前只估计了河流输运的无机碳汇,其量级与森林碳汇量相当,因此有必要对传统的碳汇研究思路和方法进行某些变革,这有可能为解决所谓的全球“碳失汇”问题找到一条出路。   相似文献   
模拟不同气候条件下碳酸盐岩风化作用的淋溶实验研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
通过模拟干热、湿热与干冷3种气候条件,以饱和CO2水作为淋溶液,对黔中岩溶区3条碳酸盐岩风化壳岩-土界面的岩粉层试样进行了淋溶实验(其中干热、湿热条件下淋溶到残余酸不溶物阶段),对淋出液的pH值以及主要造岩元素的浓度进行了动态分析。结果表明,碳酸盐岩风化壳岩-土界面由岩到土的转变过程中,伴随碳酸盐的溶蚀,酸不溶物已表现出明显的风化倾向。碳酸盐的溶蚀强度表现为干冷>干热>湿热的变化趋势。温度低,碳酸盐的溶解速率大;排水条件好,碳酸盐溶解释放的Ca、Mg易随风化流体排出体系。对于酸不溶物组分,淋溶实验中有:(1)K、Na、Mg、Si、P的载体矿物风化强度在干热条件下最大(至于Ca,由于方解石与白云石均是其主要的载体矿物,酸不溶物相中的Ca难以在淋出液中有效识别)。在干冷与湿热之间,K、Na、Mg等盐基离子的溶出能力大多表现为湿热>干冷,指示了温度对盐基离子释放强度的重要制约作用;而Si和P未表现出一致的变化趋势,可能源于淋溶体系微环境的差异。(2)Fe与Mn表现出弱迁移性。其中,Fe在干冷环境下淋出强度最弱,说明温度是制约含Fe矿物分解速率的重要因素。而Fe在干热与湿热之间,以及Mn在3种淋溶条件下,未呈现出一致的变化趋势。(3)Al和Ti在碳酸盐岩风化过程中表现出强烈的惰性。   相似文献   
It has been hypothesized that many soil profiles reach a steady‐state thickness. In this work, such profiles were simulated using a one‐dimensional model of reaction with advective and diffusive solute transport. A model ‘rock’ is considered, consisting of albite that weathers to kaolinite in the presence of chemically inert quartz. The model yields three different steady‐state regimes of weathering. At the lowest erosion rates, a local‐equilibrium regime is established where albite is completely depleted in the weathering zone. This regime is equivalent to the transport‐limited regime described in the literature. With an increase in erosion rate, transition and kinetic regimes are established. In the transition regime, both albite and kaolinite are present in the weathering zone, but albite does not persist to the soil–air interface. In the weathering‐limited regime, here called the kinetic regime, albite persists to the soil–air interface. The steady‐state thickness of regolith decreases with increasing erosion rate in the local equilibrium and transition regimes, but in the kinetic regime, this thickness is independent of erosion rate. Analytical expressions derived from the model are used to show that regolith production rates decrease exponentially with regolith thickness. The steady‐state regolith thickness increases with the Darcy velocity of the pore fluid, and in the local equilibrium regime may vary markedly with small variations in this velocity and erosion rate. In the weathering‐limited regime, the temperature dependences for chemical weathering rates are related to the activation energy for the rate constant for mineral reaction and to the ΔH of dissolution, while for local equilibrium regimes they are related to the ΔH only. The model illustrates how geochemical and geomorphological observations are related for a simple compositional system. The insights provided will be useful in interpreting natural regolith profiles. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Honeycomb weathering occurs in two environments in Late Cretaceous and Eocene sandstone outcrops along the coastlines of south‐west Oregon and north‐west Washington, USA, and south‐west British Columbia, Canada. At these sites honeycomb weathering is found on subhorizontal rock surfaces in the intertidal zone, and on steep faces in the salt spray zone above the mean high tide level. In both environments, cavity development is initiated by salt weathering. In the intertidal zone, cavity shapes and sizes are primarily controlled by wetting/drying cycles, and the rate of development greatly diminishes when cavities reach a critical size where the amount of seawater left by receding tides is so great that evaporation no longer produces saturated solutions. Encrustations of algae or barnacles may also inhibit cavity enlargement. In the supratidal spray zone, honeycomb weathering results from a dynamic balance between the corrosive action of salt and the protective effects of endolithic microbes. Subtle environmental shifts may cause honeycomb cavity patterns to continue to develop, to become stable, or to coalesce to produce a barren surface. Cavity patterns produced by complex interactions between inorganic processes and biologic activity provide a geological model of ‘self‐organization’. Surface hardening is not a factor in honeycomb formation at these study sites. Salt weathering in coastal environments is an intermittently active process that requires particular wind and tidal conditions to provide a supply of salt water, and temperature and humidity conditions that cause evaporation. Under these conditions, salt residues may be detectable in honeycomb‐weathered rock, but absent at other times. Honeycomb weathering can form in only a few decades, but erosion rates are retarded in areas of the rock that contain cavity patterns relative to adjacent non‐honeycombed surfaces. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Granular disintegration has long been recognized and referred to in weathering texts from all environments, including the Antarctic. Despite this universal identification and referral, few to no data exist regarding thermal conditions at this scale and causative mechanisms remain little more than conjecture. Here, as part of a larger weathering study, thermal data of individual grains (using infrared thermometry and ultra‐fine thermocouples) composing a coarse granite, as well as the thermal gradients in the outer 10 cm (using thermistors), were collected from a north‐facing exposure. Measurements were also made regarding the surface roughness of the rock. Based on recorded temperatures, the nature of the rock surface and the properties of the minerals, an argument is made for complex stress fields that lead to granular disintegration. Mineral to mineral temperature differences found to occur were, in part, due to the changing exposure to solar radiation through the day (and through seasons). Because the thermal conductivity and the coefficient of thermal expansion of quartz are not equal in all directions, coupled with the vagaries of heating, this leads to inter‐granular stresses. Although fracture toughness increases with a decrease in temperature, it is suggested that the tensile forces resulting from falling temperatures are able to exceed this and produce granular disassociation. The lack of equality with respect to crystal axis of both thermal conductivity and expansion in quartz further exacerbates the propensity to failure. Grain size and porosity also influence the thermal stresses and may help explain why some grains are held in place despite disassociation near the surface. While the data presented here appear to beg more questions than providing answers, they do provide a basis for better, more detailed studies of this important weathering scale. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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