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为了探讨丽江1.8m自适应光学望远镜在天文或天体物理研究领域的可能应用,使用误差基本标度理论对其性能进行了初步的理论分析.结果表明,一般观测条件下,系统分辨力可以达到近似衍射极限.同时对在其上配置激光导星系统后可获得的性能进行了预测,结果表明,激光导星自适应光学系统将大幅度提高系统的天空覆盖率.  相似文献   
三维GIS技术在固体矿产勘探和开发中的研究与应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
矿业三维GIS是地质矿业信息化的研究重点和热点,是科学计算可视化在地质上的应用,它涵盖地质体的三维可视化、体空间插值等领域.矿业三维GIS软件一般包括空间数据库的建立、三维体的创建和编辑、地统计学分析和预测、地质测绘、露天和地下开采设计、矿山生产计划调度等功能,在理论上应用于矿床模式分析、成矿预测,完善三维GIS的理论和功能;实践中应用于地质勘查、储量计算、经济评价、采矿设计和矿山的生产管理各阶段.  相似文献   
安乡县土地开发整理工作始于1999年,2002年以后逐渐进入高峰期。7年来,安乡县共实施各级投资项目48个,目前两个国家投资项目现正在实施中。项目的实施取得了良好的综合效益,受到了当地干部群众的热烈欢迎,但也存在一些问题,其中较突出的是项目工程的后期管护问题。目前,安乡县土地开发整理项目普遍存在着重建设轻管理的现象,上地开发整理后的工程管护常常是出现三无,即“钱无人出,土无人派,损坏无人管”。如前些年竣工的一些项目,现在有的钢闸门已经严重锈蚀,部分铸铁门被盗;田间道路缺乏维护,已坑坑洼洼,大部分生产路被农民挖窄或种上了农作物;土沟土渠杂草丛生,有的硬化沟渠被农作物秸杆和杂草杂树堆满,淤塞严重;生态防护林带树苗常常被盗,成活的树苗生长形势也不好;平整土地后,按规划设计修筑的规则田坎。  相似文献   
本叙述了高空气球探测硬X射线方位、仰角的测试电路。在气球探测中,方位、仰角的测试是至关重要的一环。是关系到整个探测成功与否的关键。设计中尽可能简单、可靠。方位顺时针、反时针皆顺转自如,其方位角测量范围为0 ̄360°,其精度0.1°;俯仰顺时针、逆时针顺转自如,仰角测量范围0 ̄90°,甚至到120°也可,其精度为0.1°。  相似文献   
本文通过对前苏联某些河流流径矿带的河水及城市市自来水中铀及其他有害元素的污染研究,探讨了饮用水的生态-地球化学特征,不同地区具不同的天然环境和不同的天然异常生态环境,但多数污染除重金属之外,主要来自农药中的杀虫剂和硝酸盐,事实证明,天然和人工的污染物能无障碍地进入地下水系统中,为了有效地评价饮用水的质量必须开展生态-地球化学填图。  相似文献   
近几年,尤其是新《土地管理法》贯彻实施以来,人们的耕地保护意识、土地法律意识和依法维权意识日益增强,土地作为资产在市场经济中显现的价值日益提高,土地问题成为了全社会关注的热点问题之一。人民群众通过各种方式和途径反映各类土地问题日益增多,国土资源信访工作己成为各级国土资源管理部门的重大课题。鄢陵县国土资源和房屋管理局在县委、县政府和市局的直接领导下,认真贯彻国家土地法律、法规和省、市有关信访工作条例,上下努力,依法行政,切实做好了全县国土资源信访工作,有效控制了集体上访和越级上访,稳定了社会秩序,促进了经济发…  相似文献   
Glaciogene sedimentary rocks have been found in modem tills of the Grove Mountains, east Antarctica during the 1998 - 1999 Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHNARE). Based on the lithilogic and sedimentary features, these sedimentary rocks are correlated with Cenozoic sedimentary strata of the Pagodroma Group in the neighboring Prince Charles Mountains and the Sorsdal Formation in VestFold Hills. Sedimentary clasts contain sparsely Late Tertiary spores and pollens, including : Toroisporis ( Lygodiaceae), Osmunda, Granulatisporites ( Pteridaceae?) , Polypodiaceae, Podocarpus , Araucariaceae, Artemisia , Rhus , Nothofagidites , Proteacidites (Proteaceae) , Quercus , Fraxinoipollenites ( Oleaceae ) , Oleoidearumpollenites( Oleaceae ), Operculumpollis, and Tricolpopollenites. Most of the pollen and spores contained in these samples originate from local sources according to the conditions of their preservations as well as correlations with the microfossil assemblages found in the neighboring areas. The majority of the pollen assemblages, as represented by Podocarpus and Nothofagus, belong to the Weddellian biogeocenose, however some exotic components from the old sedimentary basement rocks may have been included during erosion of the proximal ice sheet. If the source areas of glaciogenic sedimentary rocks that bear the pollen and spores are assumed to be local, or in the up glacier areas, the pollen assemblages in these samples might represent an inland flora during a warmer period of the ice-sheet evolutionary history. The finding of the Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae in the pollen assemblages implies that they may belong to late Tertiary (most probably Pliocene). The absence of diatoms in the samples analyzed may indicate that there are no Cenozoic marine strata in the interior of the east Antarctica beyond the Grove Mountains. The significances of the finding of the Nothofagus in these pollen assemblages are discussed on the basis of current knowledge about the age, distribution and ecological conditions of this kind of fossils found in Sirius Group or other strata outcropped in Antarctica. As a preliminary conclusion, we think that the existence of the Cenozoic glaciogenenic rocks and their pollen assemblages present new evidence for a large scale glacial retreat history in Grove Mountains of east Antarctica, and thus support a dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). This is consistent with the interpretations of Webb et al. (1984).  相似文献   
利用国产GPS定时型接收机,按照国际共视规程,陕西天文台建立了GPS共视法时间比对.研究了影响比对精度的因素,实现了微机控制的数据自动采集和处理,实现了国际间的全面共视比对.1991年3月起,BIPM已正式用于国际原子时TAI的计算中。  相似文献   
Using the Ge centers of quartz sediments, the buried ages of fluvial sediments were determined by ESR technique. The ESR ages obtained from Ge centers are consistent with the TL ages, correspond with their horizons, accord with the geological background, and every ESR age is available. In this paper, determination of total dose of natural radiation (TD) and the reliability of ESR age using Ge center are also discussed.  相似文献   
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