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The effect of baroclinicity on vortex axisymmetrization is examined within a two-layer dynamical model.Three basic state vortices are constructed with varying degrees of baroclinicity:(i) barotropic,(ii) weak baroclinic,and (iii) strong baroclinic.The linear and nonlinear evolution of wavenumber-2 baroclinic disturbances are examined in each of the three basic state vortices.The results show that the radial propagating speed of the vortex Rossby wave at the lower level is larger with the stronger baroclinicity,resulting in a faster linear axisymmetrization process in the stronger baroclinic vortex.It is found that the nonlinear axisymmetrization process takes the longest time in the strongest baroclinic vortex among the three different basic vortices due to the weaker kinetic energy transfer from asymmetric to symmetric circulations at the lower level.A major finding in this study is that the same initial asymmetric perturbation can have different effects on symmetric vortices depending on the initial vortex baroclinicity.In numerical weather prediction models,this implies that there exists a sensitivity of the subsequent structural and intensity change solely due to the specification of the initial vertical shear of the tropical cyclone vortex.  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料、自动站逐时资料及T639数值预报初始场,对2010年3月19日、2011年4月28日甘肃省2次强沙尘暴天气过程从天气概况、气候背景、环流形势及单站地面气象要素、高空急流、垂直速度、稳定度等方面进行深入分析。结果表明:2次过程前期均具有气温偏高、降水稀少的的气候背景;高空斜压槽和强锋区、地面强冷高压和锋前蒙古气旋或热低压是发生此类强沙尘暴的环流形势;高低空急流配置和地面气象要素演变对沙尘暴天气有指示意义;由于2次过程冷空气路径、强度有所差异,因此对甘肃造成的影响不同。  相似文献   
北部湾的环流和水团对季节性强迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the past 20 a, the gulf-scale circulation in the Beibu Gulf has been commonly accepted to be driven by a wind stress or density gradient. However, using three sensitive experiments based on a three-dimensional baroclinic model that was verified by observations, the formation mechanisms were revealed: the circula- tion in the northern Beibu Gulf was triggered by the monsoon wind throughout a year; whereas the southern gulf circulation was driven by the monsoon wind and South China Sea (SCS) circulation in winter and sum- mer, respectively. The force of heat flux and tidal harmonics had a strong effect on the circulation strength and range, as well as the local circulation structures, but these factors did not influence the major circulation structure in the Beibu Gulf. On the other hand, the Beibu Gulf Cold Water Mass (BGCWM) would disappear without the force of heat flux because the seasonal thermocline layer was generated by the input of heat so that the vertical mixing between the upper hot water and lower cold water was blocked. In addition, the wind-induced cyclonic gyre in the northern gulf was favorable to the existence of the BGCWM. However, the coverage area of the BGCWM was increased slightly without the force of the tidal harmonics. When the model was driven by the monthly averaged surface forcing, the circulation structure was changed to some extent, and the coverage area of the BGCWM almost extended outwards 100%, implying the circulation and water mass in the Beibu Gulf had strong responses to the temporal resolution of the surface forces.  相似文献   
物理守恒保真计算与理想斜压不稳定波模拟的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
钟琦  钟青 《高原气象》2010,29(5):1119-1125
斜压不稳定是大气波动动力学最重要的机制之一,离散数值方案对斜压不稳定发展的描述能力是模式评估的重要内容和模式改进的重要依据。利用斜压原始方程全球谱模式,进行了Jablonowski-Williamson斜压不稳定理想试验,对传统计算方案和物理守恒律保真两方案进行了模拟结果比较,发现通过保持时间离散过程中的全能量守恒,物理守恒律保真方案能够有效地改进传统方案中斜压扰动发生时间延迟的问题,并且在同等条件下增大斜压扰动的发展强度。对涡动动能收支的分析表明,斜压扰动发生时间和发展强度的改进与能量转换的特征有直接联系;在传统方案的基础上,物理守恒律保真方案由于在时间离散中保持了整体物理守恒性质,能量转换率(尤其是斜压转换率)得到显著增强,从而增大斜压扰动的强度,消息改善与中尺度相关的梯度特征等。  相似文献   
斜压Ertel-Rossby不变量在梅雨锋降水过程中的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
绝热无摩擦下,位涡(PV)的守恒性、不可渗透性和可反演性使之非常广泛地应用在中高纬度天气学诊断分析中,但由于其本身不包含力管项,无法描述强烈天气的快速流形等局限性,因此分析了Zdunkowski and Bott(2003)提出的斜压Ertrl-Rossby不变量(ERI),结果表明,绝热无摩擦条件下的ERI在其表达式中就已经明确地包含了螺旋度和PV的表达式,同时也涵盖了斜压大气中的力管项效应,可以描述快速流形的天气系统,具有PV所不能取代的优点,这使得它具有非常广泛的潜在应用价值。在此基础上,还利用ERI诊断了2003年7月3~6日的一次梅雨降水过程,结果表明,ERI完整地刻画了这次降水带南移及降水强度变化的特点,随着24h累积降水带的移动,ERI低值区也随之移动,二者吻合非常好。和PV相比,ERI对降水落区及强度变化的诊断能力更强。  相似文献   
1998年东亚夏季风波包传播特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR 850hPa风场资料和高度场资料,分析了1998年东亚夏季风强弱变化与波动能量传播特征,表明东亚夏季风存在着加强和减弱的阶段性特征,其季风的爆发、加强、北推东扩与波包的加强和传播有显著的联系.在季风加强期,中、低纬地区一般为波包大值区并有波包加强和向东传播.东亚夏季风爆发前,季风加强主要受中低纬度系统能量的东传影响;东亚夏季风爆发后,季风加强期波包的经向传播十分明显,但期间波包也表现出一定的北传特征,表明低纬地区的系统能量也起一定作用.在东亚夏季风减弱期东亚为波包小值区控制,显示出在季风减弱阶段波包能量的传播也有减弱的特征.  相似文献   
运用多种观测数据,结合WRF模式分析了2013年3月19日发生在黔湘地区一次飑线形成期的中尺度特征。(1) 此次飑线发生在高空500 hPa槽前的西南气流中,地面冷锋附近。环境风为西南向,且垂直于飑线长轴的分量小于沿着飑线长轴的分量。(2) 飑线东、西两段存在显著差异:东段所在环境干燥,下沉对流有效位能DCAPE大,故雷暴大风强而短时强降水弱,对流单体初始于锋区及冷空气一侧,呈碎块状分布;西段环境湿润,短时强降水和冰雹集中,对流单体出现于地面锋区附近中尺度辐合线内,辐合线持久,其上辐合中心处不断有单体新生。(3) 此次过程有重力波作用,且飑线西段重力波特征更明显。急流中的波动与中尺度辐合线相交,波动上升气流叠加辐合线上升运动,引起对流发生并迅猛发展,使得对流单体趋向于沿着波动等振幅面排列成带状,进而形成飑线。(4) 旧单体南、北两侧均有新对流单体发生:北侧新单体高、低层重力波反相位叠加,对流受到抑制;南侧的新单体高、低层波动同相,上升气流加强,对流得以发展;新旧单体不断迭代更新,飑线整体向东南传播。  相似文献   
关于海洋中的正压流和斜坛流的概念,目前存在着3种不同的提法.本文首先分别简述它们在定义上的差别,然后对3种定义在理解海流性质问题上的长、短处加以评述。一些理论物理海洋学家依据地转关系式,把与海面倾斜相连系的流视为正压流部分,而与密度不均匀性有关的视为斜压流部分。笔者认为这种定义在物理概念上是清楚,在实际应用中是方便,因此在讨论海流性质时最好采用这种观点。  相似文献   
The pitfalls of applying the commonly used definition of available gravitational potential energy (AGPE) to the world oceans are re-examined. It is proposed that such definition should apply to the meso-scale problems in the oceans, not the global scale. Based on WOA98 climatological data, the meso-scale AGPE in the world oceans is estimated. Unlike previous results by Oort et al. , the meso-scale AGPE is large wherever there is a strong horizontal density gradient. The distribution of meso-scale AGPE reveals the close connection between the baroclinic instability and the release of gravitational potential energy stored within the scale of Rossby deformation radius.  相似文献   
关于海洋中的正压流和斜压流的概念,目前存在着3种不同的提法。本文首先分别简述它们在定义上的差别,然后对3种定义在理解海流性质问题上的长、短处加以评述。一些理论物理海洋学家依据地转关系式,把与海面倾斜相连系的流视为正压流部分,而与密度不均匀性有关的视为斜压流部分。笔者认为这种定义在物理概念上是清楚,在实际应用中是方便,因此在讨论海流性质时最好采用这种观点。  相似文献   
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