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2月25日晚,青田县国土资源局组织在职干部职工集中观看警示教育片《法盲村长挪用公款再敲警钟》,并展开了热烈的讨论。该片以青田县祯埠乡锦水村村民主任朱玉林挪用部分基础设施建设专项资金用于个人支付银行贷款、购买铝合金材料的犯罪事实为题材,警示大家廉洁自律,遵纪守法,提醒人们以朱玉林为戒,警钟长呜,遵纪守法,使大家受到了一次生动而深刻的世界观、人生观、价值观教育。大家一致认为:朱玉林走上犯罪道路的原因是多方面的,有贪婪、腐败的主观原因,也有法制意识薄弱的客观原因。他的犯罪事实使我们看到了一块警示牌。大家应当从自己做起,从现在做起,在思想上、工作上、作风上努力实践党的要求。一是要加强党性锻炼和从政道德修养;二是领导干部要廉洁自律,率先垂范,做好表率,经得住权、钱、色的考验,同时切实加强对配偶、子女和身边工作人员的教育、管理和监督;三是增强为人民服务的宗旨意识,紧紧围绕保障与保护,做好国土资源各项服务工作;四是要进一步改进工作作风,不断提高办事效率和质量,  相似文献   
据估计,人类每年会倾倒7.6万立方米废油。这些废油最终引发严重的环境污染,并且难以处理。尽管目前已经有许多吸收材料(比如活性炭)可用来处理废油,但这些材料通常价格昂贵、效率较低。最近,美国亚利桑那州和新泽西州的科学家们报道了一种超轻的固体气溶胶。  相似文献   
我国发展节能省地环保型住宅已有多年,成效如何?未来趋势又如何?近日国家发改委环境与资源保护司副司长李静接受本刊记者采访时谈了许多相关的政策和意见。  相似文献   
"李主任,都快十二点了,你咋还在写材料!白天忙了一天,夜里还熬这么晚,身体能受得了吗?"  相似文献   
土地档案是在国土资源实践活动中直接形成的具有保存价值并归档保存的文字、图纸、图表、航卫片、电子文件、声像材料等。近年来,在转变国土资源利用方式和深化国土资源管理改革的新形势下,在转变政府职能,实行窗口办文,限时办结各类报件的新情况下,土地档案在国土资源业务活动  相似文献   
煤渣吸附水中BHC(六氯环己烷)的条件实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以GC-MS为分析手段,利用一定量预处理后的工业废弃物煤渣,通过实验得出煤渣吸附水中BHC的最佳条件为:pH值5,温度15℃.煤渣粒径的减小、用量的增加以及延长煤渣与水中BHC的接触时间均能增加煤渣对水中BHC的吸附量,在最佳条件下,每克煤渣对水中BHC的吸附量能达到354.22μg以上.通过利用煤渣处理安图水库水样结果表明,用煤渣处理含BHC的污染水,是一种较为理想的环境治理方法.  相似文献   
Uplift response of symmetrical anchor plates with and without grid fixed reinforced (GFR) reinforcement was evaluated in model tests and numerical simulations by Plaxis. Many variations of reinforcement layers were used to reinforce the sandy soil over symmetrical anchor plates. In the current research, different factors such as relative density of sand, embedment ratios, and various GFR parameters including size, number of layers, and the proximity of the layer to the symmetrical anchor plate were investigated in a scale model. The failure mechanism and the associated rupture surface were observed and evaluated. GFR, a tied up system made of fiber reinforcement polymer (FRP) strips and end balls, was connected to the geosynthetic material and anchored into the soil. Test results showed that using GFR reinforcement significantly improved the uplift capacity of anchor plates. It was found that the inclusion of one layer of GFR, which rested directly on the top of the anchor plate, was more effective in enhancing the anchor capacity itself than other methods. It was found that by including GFR the uplift response was improved by 29%. Multi layers of GFR proved more effective in enhancing the uplift capacity than a single GFR reinforcement. This is due to the additional anchorage provided by the GFR at each level of reinforcement. In general, the results show that the uplift capacity of symmetrical anchor plates in loose and dense sand can be significantly increased by the inclusion of GFR. It was also observed that the inclusion of GFR reduced the requirement for a large L/D ratio to achieve the required uplift capacity. The laboratory and numerical analysis results are found to be in agreement in terms of breakout factor and failure mechanism pattern.  相似文献   
This paper aims a review of the literature related to soil reinforcements to achieve lower soil thermal conductivity (2). The use of various natural and synthetic fibers, polymers, geosynthetics, agricultural waste/materials, and nanoclays is discussed and existing prediction models that have been thought to affect low thermal conductivity are presented.  相似文献   
2014年4月以来,广西防城港市国土资源局以提供优质服务、提高工作质量和效率为目标,开展精简审批材料行动,深入推进服务型机关建设。  相似文献   
岩浆-热液系统中氯的地球化学行为对于金属矿床的形成具有重要的意义。本文系统综述了氯在岩浆-热液系统中的地球化学研究的最后成果,重点探讨了氯溶解度的变化机制,以及对于成矿具有重要控制作用的高盐度水盐流体的形成机理。最后指出了现阶段氯的研究仅限于简单体系,氯对多组分复杂体系流体出溶的影响有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
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