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GOSAT卫星观测反演大气CO2浓度精度已经提高到了1—2 ppm,而卫星数据能否准确地揭示全球和区域大气CO2浓度变化特征还缺乏充分的评价与分析。本文针对已经连续运行观测3年的GOSAT卫星,收集了来自美国NASA-OCO团队(ACOS)和日本环境研究所GOSAT团队(NIES)基于各自算法反演的两套大气CO2柱浓度数据,描述并分析了全球大气CO2时空变化特征。分析结果表明,从XCO2反演的绝对值结果来看ACOS总体上比NIES的高出约2 ppm左右,但从时空的相对变化上它们揭示了相近的大气CO2浓度时空变化特征。两套数据显示出全球平均大气CO2浓度在2010年—2012年的3年期间年增量分别为1.8 ppm和2.0 ppm;季节变化幅度,北半球最大4—6 ppm,南半球最大约2 ppm,这与地面观测结果基本一致。进一步将EDGAR 4.2人为排放总量格网化数据与GOSAT卫星观测反演的CO2浓度进行相关统计分析,结果指出两套数据对人为排放量有着微弱的响应。本文结果指出目前GOSAT卫星观测反演的XCO2可以检测出全球和区域大气CO2浓度的年变化、季节变化和区域空间变化的特征;GOSAT卫星10.5 km空间分辨率的观测虽难于检测出点源的浓度变化,但从区域上对人为排放的累积效应的监测显示了一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   
短波红外通道卫星CO2遥感是近年国际研究热点。首先,开展了卫星观测对气溶胶及大气温度的敏感性研究;其次,针对基于最优化理论的非线性迭代反演方法反演过程中的不收敛问题,提出了修正的阻尼牛顿方法(MDNM),并利用模拟数据评估了MDNM方法的有效性;最后,利用GOSAT卫星数据反演CO2的垂直混合比浓度,并与地基TCCON站点数进行比对。研究结果表明:短波近红外CO2卫星遥感受气溶胶散射及温度影响明显;通过地基比对初步验证了MDNM具有良好的精度,两者的相关性R2达到了0.729。  相似文献   
本文利用2009年6月至2010年5月日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)、日本环境署(MOE)与日本环境研究(NIES)所等联合开发的全球首颗专用温室气体观测卫星“呼吸号”(GOSAT)上的被动红外探测器(TANSO)官方反演的近地面975hPa左右的CO2浓度L4B数据产品,采用ArcGIS地统计分析方法,对比瓦里关全球大气本底站地面观测数据进行真实性检验,分析中国区域近地面CO2浓度分布的时空变化特征。结果表明:中国区域近地面CO2浓度空间分布集中,东高西低,差异显著;CO2浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,月平均浓度4月份(春季)升至最高,7月份(夏季)降至最低。结合“中国统计年鉴2012”中的2009年人口密度、能源消费总量(煤)和GDP等辅助数据对比发现:导致中国近地面CO2浓度空间分布规律的原因多种多样,不可轻易定论是人为或自然使然,需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
中国地区大气CO2浓度对全球气候变化有重要的影响。本文基于日本GOSAT卫星短波红外CO2的长期观测数据,对2010年-2016年中国大陆上空CO2浓度的分布特征和变化趋势进行分析研究。利用高精度的地基TCCON站点CO2观测对GOSAT CO2数据进行精度验证,结果表明,GOSAT CO2具有较高的精度,相对TCCON CO2的偏差为-1.04±2.10 ppm,两者的相关系数高达0.90;利用中国地区7年的GOSAT CO2观测数据分析研究显示,CO2浓度高值主要分布在中国的浙江-江苏-安徽地区、京津冀地区和湖南-湖北-河南-陕西地区;截至2016年,中国大部地区CO2浓度超过400 ppm;中国大陆CO2平均浓度呈现明显的逐年增长趋势,从2010年的387.76 ppm增长到2016年的402.18 ppm,年增长率约为2.31 ppm/a,略高于同期全球平均水平。  相似文献   
The variation of the atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentration plays an important role in global climate and agriculture. We analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of CO2 in the China region and around the globe with the CO2 column mixing ratios observed by the Japanese GOSAT satellite (Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite). In order to make sure that the accuracy of the CO2 data retrieved by the satellite meets the needs of the climate characteristics analyses, we ran a validation on the CO2 column mixing ratios retrieved by the satellite against the ground-based TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) observation data. The result shows that the two sets of data have a correlation coefficient of higher than 0.7, and a bias of within 2.2 ppmv. Therefore, the GOSAT CO2 data can be used for the climate characteristics analysis of global CO2. Our analysis on the spatial-temporal characteristics of the CO2 column mixing ratios observed during the period of June 2009 through January 2014 proved that, with the impact of the natural emission of near ground CO2 and human activities, the global CO2 concentration has a significant latitudinal characteristics with its highest level averaging 390 ppmv in the 0-40oN latitudinal zone in the Northern Hemisphere, and 387 ppmv in the Southern Hemisphere. China has a relatively higher CO2 concentration with the highest level exceeding 398 ppmv, and the eastern area higher than the western area. The variation of global CO2 concentration shows a seasonal pattern, i.e. the CO2 concentration reaches its highest in spring in the Northern Hemisphere averaging more than 392 ppmv, second highest in winter, and lowest in summer averaging less than 387 ppmv. It fluctuates the most in the Northern Hemisphere with an average concentration of 392.5 ppmv in April, and 385.5 ppmv in July. While in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasonal fluctuation is smaller with the highest concentration occurring in July. Over the recent years, the global CO2 concentration has shown an elevating trend with an average annual increase rate of 1.58 ppmv per year. It is a challenge that the human kind has to face to slow down the increase of the CO2 concentration.  相似文献   
Monitoring atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO_2) from space-borne state-of-the-art hyperspectral instruments can provide a high precision global dataset to improve carbon flux estimation and reduce the uncertainty of climate projection. Here, we introduce a carbon flux inversion system for estimating carbon flux with satellite measurements under the support of "The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences—Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Relevant Issues". The carbon flux inversion system is composed of two separate parts: the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Carbon Dioxide Retrieval Algorithm for Satellite Remote Sensing(IAPCAS), and Carbon Tracker-China(CT-China), developed at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite(GOSAT) measurements are used in the carbon flux inversion experiment. To improve the quality of the IAPCAS-GOSAT retrieval, we have developed a post-screening and bias correction method, resulting in 25%–30% of the data remaining after quality control. Based on these data, the seasonal variation of XCO_2(column-averaged CO_2dry-air mole fraction) is studied, and a strong relation with vegetation cover and population is identified. Then, the IAPCAS-GOSAT XCO_2 product is used in carbon flux estimation by CT-China. The net ecosystem CO_2 exchange is-0.34 Pg C yr~(-1)(±0.08 Pg C yr~(-1)), with a large error reduction of 84%, which is a significant improvement on the error reduction when compared with in situ-only inversion.  相似文献   
基于GOSAT反演的中国地区二氧化碳浓度时空分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感监测大气二氧化碳柱平均干空气体积混合比(XCO2)是实现碳源汇全球监测的最有效手段,本文对国际上4种应用GOSAT卫星观测的短波红外反演算法进行了介绍和结果分析。首先对于4种反演产品的有效数据量的分析表明:现有单一反演产品还不足以支撑XCO2时空分布研究。其次利用集合平均方法,综合使用4种反演产品研究了2010年中国地区XCO2时空分布特征,结果表明:XCO2呈现显著的地理分布和季节变化,不同地区季节变化趋势基本一致,均在春季达到最高值、夏季达到最低值,多数地区全年高于380 ppm (×10-6);在地理分布上,东部和西部地区存在较明显的差异,东部地区人口密集、工农业生产等人为活动旺盛,周边多被森林和草地覆盖,碳源汇强度大,因此XCO2季节变化幅度较大,全年约8 ppm;中、西部地区受人类活动影响较少,植被覆盖稀疏,XCO2全年变化仅5 ppm。  相似文献   
为了深入了解国际上新一代CO2等温室气体的空间观测计划及进展情况,以日本和美国于2009年最新发射的温室气体测卫星"呼吸"号(GOSAT)、"轨道碳观测者"(OCO)为例,分析了观测计划的开展情况,对卫星上搭载的传感器设置做了分析,对新一代温室气体专用观测卫星与传统卫星上的传感器做了对比,得出了新一代的传感器在设置上的特点:波段设置在近红外太阳辐射以获得边界层的温室气体含量,具有高的光谱分辨率以保证观测精度,多种观测方式结合以获得最大的信息量。并提出了我国应对温室气体观测资料缺乏的对策,发展专用观测卫星或传感器,以提供我们自己的高精度的全球和区域温室气体观测数据。  相似文献   
通过地基观测站点的实测数据,首次证实大气温室效应是由人为排放造成的,地表能量平衡受二氧化碳(CO2)浓度水平的影响。因此,分析CO2浓度时空分布特征,从而探究其源汇、控制其排放尤为重要。本文采用AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder)对流层中层CO2浓度数据及GOSAT(Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite)近地面CO2浓度数据,对比研究了CO2浓度在对流层中层及近地面的时空分布特征差异。结果表明,AIRS探测到的对流层中层CO2浓度,在时空上普遍高于GOSAT探测到的近地面CO2值,高值区位于30°~90°N,浓度多集中在390~395 ppm,这与AIRS探测的对流层中层CO2浓度已充分混合相关;而GOSAT CO2浓度高值区则位于热带、亚热带人口众多的地域,如非洲和中国东部沿海地区等人类活动活跃地带,这也表明GOSAT探测近地面CO2的重要性,其可弥补地基站点测量在空间分布上的不足。本文进一步对比分析了CO2浓度在海陆及南北半球的差异特征及影响原因,CO2在海洋及陆地区域的平均浓度具有相似的时间波动特征,但其浓度在陆地几乎始终高于海洋,这与人类活动释放大量的CO2密切相关。CO2浓度在南北半球存在明显的差异,这是因为南半球的季节变化规律与北半球相反,且由于化石燃料燃烧及土地利用变化等主要集中在北半球,因而北半球CO2浓度高于南半球。此外,本文还对NUCAPS(NOAA/NESDIS/STAR NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System)反演得到的CrIS(Cross-track Infrared Sounder)CO2柱平均浓度及廓线产品做了初步分析,发现其与AIRS、GOSAT CO2分析结果一致。  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal patterns of column-averaged dry air mole fraction of CO2(XCO2)have not been well characterized on a regional scale due to limitations in data availability and precision.This paper addresses these issues by examining such patterns in China using the long-term mapping XCO2 dataset(2009-2016)derived from the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite(GOSAT).XCO2 simulations are also constructed using the high-resolution nested-grid GEOS-Chem model.The following results are found:Firstly,the correlation coefficient between the anthropogenic emissions and XCO2 spatial distribution is nearly zero in summer but up to 0.32 in autumn.Secondly,on average,XCO2 increases by 2.08 ppm every year from2010 to 2015,with a sharp increase of 2.6 ppm in 2013.Lastly,in the analysis of three typical regions,the GOSAT XCO2 time series is inbetter agreement with the GEOS-Chem simulation of XCO2 in the Taklimakan Desert region(the least difference with bias 0.65±0.78 ppm),compared with the northern urban agglomerationregion(-1.3±1.2 ppm)and the northeastern forest region(-1.4±1.4 ppm).The results are likely attributable to uncertainty in both the satellite-retrieved XCO2 data and the model simulation data.  相似文献   
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