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胡曙虹  杜德斌  范蓓蕾 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1733-1748
基于中国企业海外R&D投资数据和零断尾负二项回归分析方法,探讨了1998—2015年中国企业R&D国际化的时空格局特征,并从东道国角度分析影响其区位选择的主要因素。结果表明:研究期内中国新建海外R&D机构数量快速扩张;海外R&D投资区域分布广泛,呈现分散和集聚并存的特征;以华为为例分析了典型中国企业海外R&D投资的空间布局特征,认为目前华为海外R&D投资呈现集中布局在欧洲,零散分布在亚洲、美洲、非洲的空间特征,主要是由其以全球技术升级和满足多样化的市场需求等R&D国际化的战略动机所决定。回归分析结果表明,中国企业对发达国家和发展中国家进行R&D投资的影响因素有共同点但也存在一定的差异:① 现阶段东道国的R&D需求不是影响中国企业对其进行R&D投资的主要因素;② 代表中国与东道国经济往来密切程度的关联要素是影响中国企业R&D投资的重要决策因素;③ 发达国家吸引中国企业对其进行R&D投资主要是因其创新能力强、R&D资源数量多,而政策及制度供给是影响中国企业对发展中国家进行R&D投资的主要因素;④ 地理距离对中国企业R&D“走出去”的阻碍作用主要体现在对发展中国家的R&D投资中。  相似文献   
The paper seeks to illuminate everyday work practices in the economic spaces of Malaysia's business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. It draws upon empirical evidence from call centre staff and promotes analytical sensitivity to the experience of labour and spatiotemporal relations within the offshore back offices of multinational corporations located in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. The analysis provides an empirical snapshot of how IT‐facilitated work practices in the global information economy are embedded and socially reproduced in everyday settings. To this end, the paper engages anthropologically with BPO labour, and critiques ‘globalist’ representations of economic and social transformation frequently articulated through an abstract, dehumanized space of networks and flows often seen to wash over local places, culture and people.  相似文献   
王周杨  魏也华 《地理科学》2011,(11):1335-1341
近30 a来,意大利产业区成为西方学术界研究的热点与争论焦点。传统的意大利产业区模式主要强调中小企业为主的"弹性专业化"生产系统与本地社区的嵌入性。在全球化与知识经济的宏观背景下,意大利产业区正在经历一系列的以集团化、创新与国际化为主要特征的产业重组过程:产业区的组织结构开始由中小企业为主的"弹性专业化"生产系统向"产...  相似文献   
西方经济地理学对国家边界及其效应的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
边界作为特殊的区位,受到地理学者的广泛重视。本文通过回顾西方学者对国家边界及其边界效用的研究进展,阐述其当前主要议题,并提出对未来边界及边界效应研究的启示。西方经济地理学对国家边界的研究集中体现在边界效应上。主要经历了以下3个发展阶段:传统区位论对边界的研究主要关注边界作为两国分割线所起到的屏蔽作用;随着全球贸易的激增,20世纪80年代到90年代中期,学者们用大量的数学模型对边界效应及其屏蔽程度进行了深入探讨;近年来,随着全球化进程的深入和区域经济一体化的进展,引起了学者们对一体化和边界效应转化的深入争论。全球化进程中边界和边界效应研究的3大主要议题也随着研究发展阶段贯穿,集中在对边界效应强度的分析,边界地区的一体化效应以及边界效应的转化等方面。根据国外研究进展及我国沿边开放的背景,未来可在边界地区集聚效应、边界地区管治和边界地区合作模式几个方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   
国际贸易地理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈韬  贺灿飞 《地理科学进展》2020,39(10):1732-1746
全球化时代的技术进步和贸易自由化似乎逐渐将世界经济连为一体,但研究发现国际贸易仍然显著地受到地理因素影响。与此同时,经济地理学对国际贸易地理的理论建构存在欠缺,其对国际贸易研究的贡献目前集中于对国际贸易地理格局和贸易网络异质性的描述分析上。在此背景下,论文从生产、流通和消费3个方面归纳国际贸易研究对地理因素作用的理论建构和实证研究:① 生产上的地理差异经由机会成本差异促进贸易;② 流通上的地理差异经由贸易成本而抑制贸易;③ 消费上的地理差异经由市场需求地空间差异而影响贸易。通过总结贸易与制度变迁、贸易与集聚、贸易与不平等、贸易与创新、贸易与污染间的关系相关研究,论文认为当前国际贸易研究存在如下局限:① 并未深入讨论地理变量的内生性,即贸易可能反过来塑造地理差异而非仅由地理变量决定;② 相对缺乏多尺度、跨尺度视角,即贸易理论预测的宏观尺度贸易利得在中观、微观主体上并非均等分配,表现出显著的空间差异;③ 部分研究对产品异质性缺乏探讨,无法全面刻画贸易的差异化地理效应。据此,经济地理学未来对国际贸易研究的贡献可能在于运用多尺度、跨尺度联系的视角深入阐释贸易与地理的多维度异质性和复杂互动。  相似文献   
中资律师事务所全球扩展及其网络空间结构演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用链锁网络模型,分析了1993-2015年间中资律师事务所全球布局的时空演化特征,及其全球网络的空间结构演变特征。研究发现:①中资律师事务所在西欧、北美和亚太三大区域重点布局的基础上,全球空间覆盖范围迅速扩展,全球布局同时考虑全球金融型中心城市和政治型中心城市等多种类型区位;②中资律师事务所的全球网络,在国内的北京、上海、广州、深圳和海外的香港、纽约、伦敦、迪拜等核心城市构成的骨干网络的基础上不断扩展,其网络的全球化程度也不断增强;③中资律师事务所的全球扩展对北美、西欧、非洲、中东以及东欧等区域城市的全球网络联系影响较大,对空间临近的亚太地区影响相对较小,这也与以往研究结论存在一定的差异。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情对经济全球化的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
刘卫东 《地理研究》2020,39(7):1439-1449
新冠肺炎疫情是第二次世界大战以来世界面临的最大危机,给世界带来巨大的冲击,包括人们的心理和生活、经济增长与就业、国家治理及世界治理等。这些影响使很多学者、评论家、大众、企业家乃至政府官员产生了非常悲观的情绪,舆论中不乏经济全球化将终结、全球供应链将大规模调整、世界治理格局将彻底改变等言论。本文通过建立“全球化的三角结构”剖析了经济全球化的动力机制,并结合疫情对世界的主要影响,试图揭示后疫情时代经济全球化的走势。我们认为,资本的“空间出路”、技术的“时空压缩”和国家的开放程度是驱动经济全球化的三个基本力量,这三者的变化及其相互作用结果影响着全球化进程。从动力机制看,全球化是一个没有终点且不断变化的历史过程,它不会倒退,而是波动。过去半个世纪以来,世界各国已经被全球化紧密地联系在一起,相互脱钩的代价极其昂贵,没有国家会选择完全脱钩。所谓的逆全球化现象,是全球化发展过程中世界格局变化及各国应对策略调整的结果。新冠肺炎疫情并不能影响全球化的资本和技术驱动力,但是可能影响国家的开放程度。如果疫情持续时间不是很长,经济全球化将很快会回归原有的发展轨迹,继续进行调整。各国也将继续围绕经济全球化进行斗争、妥协、再斗争,直至形成一个相对稳定的状态。因此,经济全球化可能因为应对疫情而踩下急刹车,甚至暂退半步,但很快将继续前行,向着“包容性全球化”的方向发展。  相似文献   
This article addresses representations of Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City in four films made since đ     i m     i , the opening up of Vietnam to western influences, initiated in 1986. The Lover/L'Amant (1992) is a Franco-British heritage film which reconstructs the city from a Eurocentric neocolonial perspective, while Cyclo/Xích lô (1995), a French-funded film made by a France-based Vietnamese filmmaker, is a contemporary poetic thriller which treats the city expressively as the site of present-day corruption and violence. The nostalgia evident in these two 'outsider' films is contrasted with the more complex views of the city in two state-funded low-budget 'insider' films by local Vietnamese filmmakers, Collective Flat/Chung c     (1999) and Bargirls/Gái nh     y (2003); the first, an intellectual fable set in the decade or so following reunification/Independence in 1975 which recalls an attempt at collective living, the second, a hugely popular treatment of contemporary urban realities, both corrupt and progressive. Examining how the mise-en-scène and narratives of the city differ from film to film, the essay takes the representation of the city through changing historical, political, social and economic times, from colonial-orientalist Saigon to corrupt, capitalist Ho Chi Minh City via the slow degeneration of the postwar socialist/collectivist experiment. In so doing, it confirms the importance of the films' moments and contexts of production in the construction of Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City as a cinematic 'city-text'.  相似文献   
Geographies of the financial crisis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Manuel Aalbers 《Area》2009,41(1):34-42
Real estate is, by definition, local as it is spatially fixed. Mortgage lending, however, has developed from a local to a national market and is increasingly a global market today. An understanding of the financial crisis is ultimately a spatialised understanding of the linkages between local and global. This article looks at the geographies of the mortgage crisis and credit crunch and asks the question: how are different places affected by the crisis? The article looks at different states, different cities, different neighbourhoods and different financial centres. Investors in many places had invested in residential mortgage backed securities and have seen their value drop. Housing bubbles, faltering economies and regulation together have shaped the geography of the financial crisis on the state and city level in the US. Subprime and predatory lending have affected low-income and minority communities more than others and we therefore not only see a concentration of foreclosures in certain cities, but also in certain neighbourhoods. On an international level, the long-term economical and political consequences of this are still mostly unknown, but it is clear that some financial centres in Asia (including the Middle East) will become more important now that globalisation is coming full circle. This article does not present new empirical research, but brings together work from different literatures that all in some way have a specific angle on the financial crisis. The aim of this article is to make the geographical dimensions of the financial crisis understandable to geographers that are not specialists in all – or even any – of these literatures, so that they can comprehend the spatialisation of this crisis.  相似文献   
Globalization, tourism and local living conditions on Jamaica's north coast   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Jamaica's tourism industry has grown rapidly in recent decades, with significant implications for national development. However, the distribution of the benefits from this growth sector has been socially and spatially uneven. Drawing on substantial data sets collected through a variety of participatory research practices, this paper assesses the socioeconomic and environmental challenges facing the residents of Montego Bay and Falmouth on Jamaica's north coast, the main site for tourism development in the country. The research involved training community residents as researchers, and used traditional quantitative methods alongside techniques borrowed from participatory rapid appraisal.
The local society and economy are clearly shown to be affected by processes of globalization and mobility. However, existing patterns of national economic development – including the expansion of the tourism industry – have failed to alleviate the social and environmental problems faced by relatively powerless members of the Jamaican society. In contrast, the most effective responses to this situation have involved stakeholder groups negotiating and breaking down entrenched scaled relationships through the mobilization of particular forms of social networks.  相似文献   
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