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To establish a base line against which future pollution may be measured, eight common commercial species of New Zealand sea fish were analysed for cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc. One sample of edible muscle tissue was analysed for each of 70 samples of each species. The internal organs of up to five specimens of each species were also analysed. The fish studied were: kahawai, Arripis trutta, trevally, Caranx lutescens, tarakihi, Cheilodactylis macropterus, snapper, Chrysophrys auratus, moki, Latridopsis ciliaris, hapuku, Polyprion oxygeneios, kingfish, Seriola grandis and gurnard, Trigla kumu.

Although, none of the edible parts of the fish appeared to have trace element levels likely to be a public health problem (cadmium 0.002–0.02 ppm, chromium 0.01–0.04 ppm, copper 0.04–0.95 ppm, iron 0.9–13.5 ppm, lead ‘ 0.14–0.95 ppm, manganese 0.04–2.00 ppm, nickel 0.01–0.08 ppm, zinc 2.0–36.0 ppm), some of the organs (particularly the liver) had relatively high concentrations of elements such as cadmium (up to 54 ppm). Only if some industry were to seek to exploit internal organs of fish for human consumption would such levels become important. There was some evidence for a relationship between trace element concentrations and fish size for copper in kingfish and snapper, iron in hapuku, manganese in gurnard, and for zinc in kingfish and tarakihi. Some element pairs such as copper and zinc, iron and manganese, appeared to have concentrations which were mutually related. It was assumed that the elemental concentrations reported represent natural levels and are not the result of significant man‐made pollution because there are no major industries or large urban centres adjacent to the fishing grounds.  相似文献   
离轴三反光学系统可以同时兼顾长焦距与大视场, 可以优化为零畸变、低场曲的光学系统, 很好地满足了测绘对光学系统的要求, 被公认为航天遥感测绘相机的发展方向。本文阐述了航天测绘相机的现状和发展趋势, 对离轴三反光学系统应用于测绘的相机内方位元素定义、焦距计算公式的修正、调焦方式对主点位置精度的影响、系统畸变标定以及系统稳定性等问题进行讨论为中国自主获取高分辨率、高精度的测绘数据提供了技术参考。  相似文献   
A new off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy(ICOS) is coupled to Weiss equilibrator for continuous highresolution dissolved methane measurement in the surface ocean. The time constant for the equilibrator in freshwater at room temperature is determined via dis-equilibration and re-equilibration experiments. The constant for methane is about 40 min. The system is calibrated using a standard gas of 3.980×10–6, and the precision of the ICOS for methane is 0.07%. This system is equipped onboard to measure the spatial distribution in methane concentrations of South Yellow Sea(SYS) along the cruise track from Shanghai to Qingdao. Result shows that the methane concentration varies from 2.79 to 36.36 nmol/L, reveals a significant pattern of methane source in SYS, and a distinct decreasing trend from south to north. The peak value occurs at the coast area outside mouth of the Changjiang River, likely to be affected by the Changjiang diluted water mass dissolving a large amount of rich in methane. Moreover, all the surface waters are oversaturated, air-to-sea fluxes range from 98.59 to 5 485.35 μmol/(m2·d)(average value(1 169.74±1 398.46) μmol/(m2·d)), indicating a source region for methane to the atmosphere. Key words: methane, equilibrator, off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy(ICOS), South Yellow Sea  相似文献   
将适用于近岸较大区域波浪传播变形的三种模型,即基于抛物型缓坡方程的不规则波模型、引入浅水波浪谱 TMA 谱的 SWAN(simulating waves nearshore)模型以及采用默认 JONSWAP 谱的 SWAN模型应用于特拉华大学(University of Delaware)圆形浅滩实验进行比较.结果显示,抛物型缓坡方程和SWAN 的模拟结果与实验所测数据符合都比较好; SWAN 在非线性作用较强的浅滩中心及靠后部效果更佳,而抛物型缓坡方程由于没有考虑非线性作用,模拟得到的最大波高较实测值偏高,且波高变化较为剧烈.  相似文献   
We estimated metamorphic conditions for the  6 Ma Taitao ophiolite, associated with the Chile triple junction. The metamorphic grade of the ophiolite, estimated from secondary matrix minerals, changes stratigraphically downwards from the zeolite facies, through the prehnite–actinolite facies, greenschist facies and the greenschist–amphibolite transition, to the amphibolite facies. The metamorphic facies series corresponds to the low-pressure type. The metamorphic zone boundaries are subparallel to the internal lithological boundaries of the ophiolite, indicating that the metamorphism was due to axial hydrothermal alteration at a mid-ocean ridge.

Mineral assemblages and the compositions of veins systematically change from quartz-dominated, through epidote-dominated, to prehnite-dominated with increasing depth. Temperatures estimated from the vein assemblages range from  230 °C in the volcanic unit to  380 °C at the bottom of the gabbro unit, systematically  200 °C lower than estimates from the adjoining matrix minerals. The late development of veins and the systematically lower temperatures suggest that the vein-forming alteration was due to off-axis hydrothermal alteration.

Comparison between the Taitao ophiolite with its mid-ocean ridge (MOR) affinity, and other ophiolites and MOR crusts, suggests that the Taitao ophiolite has many hydrothermal alteration features similar to those of MOR crusts. This is consistent with the tectonic history that the Taitao ophiolite was formed at the South Chile ridge system near the South American continent (Anma, R., Armstrong, R., Danhara, T., Orihashi, Y. and Iwano, H., 2006. Zircon sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb and fission-track ages for gabbros and sheeted dykes of the Taitao ophiolite, Southern Chile, and their tectonic implications. The Island Arc, 15(1): 130–142).  相似文献   


New analysis of the geophysical data of the ultraslow-spreading Mohns Ridge and its off-axis structure reveals a distinctive asymmetric structure. We calculate residual bathymetry (RB) and residual mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly (RMBA) and decompose the anomalies into symmetric and asymmetric components between the ridge conjugates. The western flank of the Mohns Ridge at crustal age of ~50–15 Ma is characterized by a broad zone of elevated RB and more negative RMBA, which we term the Vesteris Plateau (VP). The VP anomaly has a surface area of ~1.12 × 105 km2 and an excess crust volume of ~2.33 × 105 km3, making it a significant anomaly comparable to other anomalies such as the Bermuda Rise. Extending north of the Kolbeinsey Ridge for more than 500 km, the VP lies above an anomalous upper mantle region of low shear-wave seismic velocity, indicating that the VP might represent the northernmost reach of the Iceland-Jan Mayen mantle anomaly. In addition, the western ridge flank of the Mohns Ridge at crustal age of 6–0 Ma is associated with higher RB and more positive RMBA relative to the eastern conjugate, indicating tectonic uplift and associated exposure of lower crust and upper mantle near the ridge axis.  相似文献   
近地天体望远镜由SI600S (4k×4k) CCD升级为STA1600LN (10k×10k) CCD后,观测视场由4 deg~2增至9 deg~2,可用视场直径由望远镜原设计视场的3.14°增至4.28°,超出原设计36%,同时作为CCD密封窗的场镜增厚8.75 mm;两个因素导致10k CCD成像的轴外像差增大,视场外围的像质变差.依据望远镜原始设计光学参数,借助光学设计软件ZEMAX进行像质改善尝试,最终选择在10k CCD场镜前插入一个由两片球面透镜组成的场改正镜,使10k CCD的轴外像差得到校正.同时还提出了一个进一步拓展近地天体望远镜观测能力的设计方案,将望远镜的可用视场从目前的14.38 deg~2扩展至28.27 deg~2.  相似文献   
我国天文学家提出了中国30m口径巨型望远镜(CFGT)建议。它的主镜是由17种不同类型的离轴非球面子镜呈圆环形排列拼接而成。考虑了这些子镜磨制过程中有关参数的计算方法,比较了不同的约束条件下的非球面度,给出了每一种非球面子镜在最佳约束条件下的最接近比较球面半径和最大非球面度,并绘制出了子镜镜面上每一点磨削量的三维图,可供将来子镜磨制作为参考。  相似文献   
研究在鱼鲜酱油的酿制中 ,采用鱼肉液体制曲提高蛋白利用率并利用制曲过程去除鱼腥味。探讨了制曲温度、制曲时间、种曲添加量对鱼肉液体制曲的影响 ,分析了液体曲的蛋白酶活力和制曲过程对鱼腥物质三甲胺 (TMA)的消除情况。结果表明 ,制曲温度为 40℃ ,制曲时间为 2 4h ,种曲添加量 0 4%为最佳制曲条件 ,此时 ,液体曲的蛋白酶活力为 2 45Iu/mL ,制曲过程对三甲胺的去除率可达 74 7%。  相似文献   
于生全  黄伟  褚备  黄颖  张超  于波  张鹏  雷文平 《遥感学报》2017,21(4):493-499
相机分系统是"浦江一号"卫星的关键载荷之一。它在光学系统、指向摆镜以及电子学设计方面均坚持集成化、小型化的思想。整机结构紧凑,体积小,重量轻。相机光学系统选择三反离轴结构,与同轴系统相比,具有视场大、无遮拦、传函高等优点。通过光学设计合理布局,有效控制了光学系统尺寸;合理优化光学系统公差,降低了机械设计难度和装调难度;光学系统后截距对镜间距变化不敏感,在没有调焦机构时仍能满足清晰成像的要求。相机利用摆镜机构实现多目标快速指向,能在一个成像周期内对多个目标成像,反应时间短,成像效率高。摆镜指向机构采用电机+齿轮组的驱动方式;光电编码器与指向镜同轴安装,能够精确测量指向角度,对目标准确定位。在一个电子设备内集成视频成像、图像压缩及编码、遥控遥测、控温以及供配电等功能。对外采用标准的即插即用1553B接口以及小型高速Spacewire数传接口,实现了设备快速组装和测试。电路的集成化设计,减少了设备数量,进而减少了整个系统的体积、重量和功耗。卫星在轨运行以后,结合用户需求,优化在轨测试流程,卫星入轨1个月内完成了相机的全部测试和评估工作。迄今为止,相机运行正常,性能优越。该相机的研制成功及在轨稳定运行,为后续高性能轻小型相机的设计提供了有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
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