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For the application of soil moisture and ocean salinity(SMOS) remotely sensed sea surface salinity(SSS) products,SMOS SSS global maps and error characteristics have been investigated based on quality control information.The results show that the errors of SMOS SSS products are distributed zonally,i.e.,relatively small in the tropical oceans,but much greater in the southern oceans in the Southern Hemisphere(negative bias) and along the southern,northern and some other oceanic margins(positive or negative bias).The physical elements responsible for these errors include wind,temperature,and coastal terrain and so on.Errors in the southern oceans are due to the bias in an SSS retrieval algorithm caused by the coexisting high wind speed and low temperature; errors along the oceanic margins are due to the bias in a brightness temperature(TB) reconstruction caused by the high contrast between L-band emissivities from ice or land and from ocean; in addition,some other systematic errors are due to the bias in TB observation caused by a radio frequency interference and a radiometer receivers drift,etc.The findings will contribute to the scientific correction and appropriate application of the SMOS SSS products.  相似文献   
地表蒸散是区域水文循环的重要组成部分之一,传统的地表蒸散估算一般基于点上的气象观测数据,当用于区域地表蒸散评价时,具有一定的局限性.随着遥感技术的发展,利用遥感影像能够对大区域进行观测的优势进行区域地表蒸散估算已成为可能.地表能量平衡系统(SEBS)是根据地表能量平衡估算地表蒸散量的一种方法,该方法由于提出了地表能量传输过程中关键制约因素热传导粗糙度的估算模型而在遥感蒸散计算方面具有较高的精度.本文在SEBS模型的基础上,以河北平原为例,采取中分辨率成像光谱辐射仪(MODIS)产品影像,根据研究区下垫面的实际情况进行了参数估算,进行了区域实际蒸发蒸腾量计算及模型精确度评价,并在SEBS模型的基础上,提出了新的"标准化温度差-反照率"特征空间分析方法,对研究区内地表土壤水分现状进行了评价;最后,对河北平原地表蒸散时空分布进行了分析.计算结果表明,在所选取的晴空乌云条件下,根据SEBS模型计算所得的地表蒸散与研究区内利用大型承重式蒸渗仪所测量的地表实际蒸散量具有很好的一致性,说明SEBS模型在遥感蒸散计算方面据有较高的可信度.然而,由于地表蒸散的遥感估算是以所获取的遥感影像单元为基础,计算误差不可避免,尤其是使用低分辨率遥感影像的时候,每个影像单元所反映的地表蒸散为单元内各种地表覆盖的综合反映,当与只反映一种地表覆盖蒸散的大型承重式蒸渗仪测量结果进行比较时,误差是显而易见的,因此,若着重考虑模型精度验证,尚需在以后的研究中考虑使用高分辨率的遥感影像.地表土壤水分或湿度状况是地表能量交换及蒸散发生的主要控制因素.利用地表温度与植被指数的关系对区域地表湿度状况进行监测在实践中被广泛利用,然而,由于不用地区地表属性的千差万别,当利用这种方法进行区域地表湿度评价时,"地表温度-植被指数"特征空间的边界很难确定.本文在SEBS模型的基础上,提出新的"标准化温度差-反照率"特征空间分析方法,对研究区内地表土壤水分现状进行评价,结果显示,由于在SEBS模型中考虑了干限和湿限两种极端情况下的能量平衡,"标准化温度差.反照率"特征空间的边界问题很容易被确定,利用修正的特征空间,可以对区域土壤水分或湿度状况进行客观的评价.下垫面的几何特征参数的精确反演是进行地表能量平衡模拟的基础,目前多根据有关经验公式利用遥感影像进行下垫面几何特征参数估算,由于已有的经验公式多基于不同研究区域获得,当应用到新的研究区时,其具体参数需要进一步调整,以获得对下垫面的几何特征的精确描述.由于缺乏相关实测资料,本研究中利用经验公式进行下垫面几何特征参数,误差不可避免,需要在以后的研究中进行深入探索.另外,地表蒸散的计算只是进行区域水资源评价、农业节水措施评价以及全球变化等研究的一个中间环节,需要在以后的研究中根据具体研究目的进行进一步研究.  相似文献   
Rapid drainage flow increases at the 2·4 m depth in the Coshocton lysimeters were related to the storms that most likely initiated them. The time lapsed between the onset of the storm and rapid drainage response was less than 2 days in 98 per cent of the 389 cases observed in five lysimeters between 1976 and 1982. A pronounced seasonal variation in the frequency of rapid responses was found, with the first quarter of the year comprising the highest number of events. During winter, when soil moisture is generally high, a storm yielding 6 mm/d was already sufficient to initiate this response while summer storms producing more than 50 mm/d did not always initiate a drainage response. Average drainage yield per event was found to be more closely related to the type and usage of a soil than to seasonal effects.  相似文献   
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