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刘寅  邹晓蕾 《气象学报》2016,74(1):1-17
随着卫星探测技术的进步、天气学和气候学理论的不断完善,以及高性能计算机广泛应用,卫星臭氧资料的种类得到极大丰富并被应用到多个研究领域中,取得了一系列重要成果。文中介绍了主要星载臭氧探测仪的发展概况,回顾了卫星臭氧资料在气象领域的应用研究成果,主要包括卫星臭氧资料在气旋或低压过程中、全球或区域臭氧的气候分布及变化特征、高原臭氧分布及变化特点、数值应用等方面的应用研究,并展望了卫星臭氧资料研究的未来发展趋势。   相似文献   
A linear,hemispheric and stationary spectral model with multilayers in the vertical was employed to simulate thevertical propagation of waves triggered by mountains.Results show that,in cooperation with the East Asia zonal meanflow,Tibetan Plateau can excite a strong wavenumber 1 perturbation in the stratosphere with its ridge and trough lo-cated over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans respectively.On the other hand,the stratospheric wavenumber 1 perturbationcaused by the mechanical forcing of the Rocky Mountains in cooperation with the North America zonal mean flow isvery weak.Calculations from observational data of the vertical profile of critical wavenumber for vertically propagatingwaves imply that the tropospheric wavenumber 1 perturbation can hardly penetrate the North America tropopause up-wards,whereas it can freely propagate through the East Asia tropopause into the stratosphere.Two-dimensional E-Pcross-sections obtained from both observational data and simulated results also demonstrate that waves excited by theRocky Mountains are refracted towards low latitudes in the troposphere during their upward propagation:whereas,inaddition to the above mentioned equatorward leaning branch,the wavenumber 1 and 2 planetary waves excited by theTibetan Plateau possess another branch which is refracted to high latitudes during upward propagation and penetratesthe tropopause into the stratosphere.It is therefore concluded that the difference in the horizontal and vertical wavepropagations in the two hemispheres is a result of the different dynamical forcing induced by the two main mountains inthe Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
把流函数分成对赤道对称和对赤道反对称的两部分,可以把正压涡度方程分离为描写大气对称运动和反对称运动的两个方程。根据它们,讨论了在全球范围内几种基本物理量,如涡度和绝对角动量等在对称和反对称情况的守恒性。还给出了这两类运动的能量收支方程和能量转换表达式。可以看出,在大气中不仅有纬圈平均动能和扰动动能之间的转换,也有对称运动产生的和反对称运动产生的动能之间的转换。 还在涡度方程中考虑地形和水平扩散的情形下,提出了大气非对称性质产生的机制。结果表明:非对称的地形分布和水平扩散系数的分布可能是导致非对称运动的原因。 最后,还对全球预报和半球预报,从物理观点作了理论比较。  相似文献   
利用红外高光谱探测仪(Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer,IASI)在二氧化碳吸收带的长短波红外通道对云反应程度的不同来探测云。依据不同通道的权重函数峰值高度和云不敏感层高度将IASI长短波红外通道进行配对,成功配对的长短波红外通道晴空亮温之间建立线性回归模型,即通过长波红外通道亮温可以线性回归得到配对的短波通道亮温,将短波通道的晴空回归亮温和观测亮温之差定义为云指数。权重函数峰值高度位于383 hPa的云指数空间分布和云成分为冰的空间分布较为一致,尤其在赤道和低纬度地区。权重函数峰值高度位于790 hPa的云指数空间分布和低云云顶气压也有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
由于卫星微波成像仪频率的非保护性,微波成像仪资料受到相近频率的无线电信号干扰影响,主要干扰源于洋面反射的静止电视卫星信号。为提高微波成像仪资料的准确性,尤其是洋面资料的可用性,对电视卫星信号干扰的检测和特征分析尤为重要。中国风云3号C星(FY-3C)上搭载了微波成像仪。本文使用标准化主成分分析法来识别FY-3C微波成像仪的电视卫星干扰信号,并分析电视卫星信号干扰的主要空间特征。研究表明,FY-3C微波成像仪中心频率为10.65 GHz和18.7 GHz的4个低频通道受到卫星信号干扰。10.65 GHz通道在欧洲海域英吉利海峡和地中海西部希腊沿岸地区受到电视卫星信号干扰,并且干扰信号位置和强度与FY-3C卫星和欧洲静止电视卫星相对空间位置有关;18.7 GHz通道主要受到美国电视卫星的干扰,在北美东、西沿岸海域都存在干扰信号。FY-3C微波成像仪在中国海域不受电信号干扰影响,主要因为中国静止电视卫星频率与微波成像仪各通道频率不一样。  相似文献   
This paper describes a new quality control (QC) scheme for microwave humidity sounder (MHS) data assimilation. It consists of a cloud detection step and an O–B (i.e., differences of brightness temperatures between observations and model simulations) check. Over ocean, cloud detection can be carried out based on two MHS window channels and two Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) window channels, which can be used for obtaining cloud ice water path (IWP) and liquid water path (LWP), respectively. Over land, cloud detection of microwave data becomes much more challenging due to a much larger emission contribution from land surface than that from cloud. The current MHS cloud detection over land employs an O–B based method, which could fail to identify cloudy radiances when there is mismatch between actual clouds and model clouds. In this study, a new MHS observation based index is developed for identifying MHS cloudy radiances over land. The new land index for cloud detection exploits the large variability of brightness temperature observations among MHS channels over different clouds. It is shown that those MHS cloudy radiances that were otherwise missed by the current O–B based QC method can be successfully identified by the new land index. An O–B check can then be employed to the remaining data after cloud detection to remove additional outliers with model simulations deviated greatly from observations. It is shown that MHS channel correlations are significantly reduced by the newly proposed QC scheme.  相似文献   
位势场中槽脊的分布、遥相关型的形态和准定常波的传播路径是1月份500hPa月平均高度场的重要特征。通过资料分析和数值试验,本文证明此三者之间是彼此关联的整体,它们与青藏高原和落基山的强迫作用有关。东亚大槽和北美大槽的强度在中高纬度上存在显著的负相关。这种负相关和槽前急流强度的年际变化导致北美和东亚存在相似的相关型分布,准定常波在两大地形下游传播的不同则导致两区域相关波链形态的明显差异。  相似文献   
线性、定常、多层半球谱模式模拟结果表明,在东亚纬向气流下,青藏高原能在平流层激发出强大的1波扰动,脊槽分别位于太平洋和大西洋上空。在北美纬向气流下,落基山在平流层激发的1波很弱。观测资料计算指出,对流层行星1波很难通过北美对流层顶上传,但却能自由穿过东亚高纬度地区的对流层顶向平流层传播。北美地形所激发的波动在上传过程中均折向低纬传播。青藏高原所激发的行星1波和2波在上传过程中有分支:折向低纬的一支主要局限在对流层中;折向高纬的一支进入平流层。模拟和分析证明,这些差异是北半球两大地形不同的动力作用的结果。  相似文献   
全球气候变化研究与科学数据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在阐明气候系统和科学数据关系的基础上,提出气候变化研究应该重视地球系统研究对科学数据的需求。在回顾我国近10年来全球变化研究概况的基础上,指出了观测资料和数据再分析产品在全球变化研究中的重要性,并进一步总结了国外气象数据共享情况,最后对我国地球系统科学数据共享中心今后的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
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