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Using the regional climate model RegCM4.4.5, coupled with the land model CLM4.5, we investigated the effects of springtime soil moisture in the Indochina Peninsula on summer precipitation over the South China Sea and its surrounding areas in 1999. Results have indicated that there exists positive correlation between soil moisture and summer precipitation over the western Pacific Ocean and negative correlation between soil moisture and summer precipitation over the eastern Indian Ocean. Summer precipitation in the South China Sea and its surrounding areas responds to springtime soil moisture in the Indochina Peninsula (the northwest region is critical) because general atmospheric circulation is sensitive to the near-surface thermodynamic state. Increased (decreased) soil moisture would result in decreased (increased) local surface temperatures. Latitudinal, small-scale land–sea thermal differences would then result in northeasterly wind (southwesterly wind) anomalies in the upper layer and southwesterly wind (northeasterly wind) anomalies in the lower layer, which strengthen (weaken) monsoon development. As a result, precipitation would enter the Western Pacific region earlier (later), and water vapor over the eastern Indian Ocean would enter the South China Sea earlier (later), causing a precipitation reduction (increase) in the eastern Indian Ocean and increase (reduction) in the Western Pacific.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION The typhoon is a destructive weather phenomenon that stands at the top of ten major natural disasters[1]. Typhoon-related damages are the immediate consequences of weather it brings forth, which include heavy rain, strong winds and storm surges (water gain). They cause flash floods, bring down houses and break through dams[1]. Of the research on typhoons for the recent 10 years[2], new advances have been reported on abrupt changes in the motion, structure and intensity of…  相似文献   
利用6 km细网格区域的显式模拟结果分析了Vongfong(2002)的内核结构;对Vongfong近海加强的动力学机制进行了研究.结果表明:(1) 轴对称性结构中,Vongfong最大风速半径(RMW)在强盛期随高度递减.Vongfong在近海时,低层最强的流入在其移行的前方,而流出区在其后方.这些特征与大西洋飓风和西太平洋台风相反.(2) 动力场和热力场都有明显的不对称结构.在强盛期,对流西北强、东南弱;强对流云带与最大风速区的位置一致.在加强期,低层西冷东暖、中高层西暖东冷;到强盛期,低层和中高层都有明显的暖心结构.(3) 中纬度中上层冷低压系统和台风的相互作用是Vongfong近海加强的重要原因.①由于冷低压系统外围的冷空气从西北侧进入台风的中层,低层有暖湿空气配合,使得位势不稳定能量增加,对流发展.②因为冷低压中心的下沉气流正是二级环流的下沉支,冷低压南移填塞,台风近海加强.两个方面最终通过CISK(第二类条件不稳定)机制来实现.  相似文献   
热带气旋信息管理系统的初步设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了热带气旋信息提供一个更好更方便的查询、管理平台,设计并建立了热带气旋信息管理系统.系统使用VISUAL BASIC 6.0作为前端应用程序开发工具,并以Access 2000作为后台数据库,利用VB提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,如数据环境,动态的与数据库连接,达到查询、添加、修改、删除数据记录的功能.查询的内容主要包括四个部分:对我国影响简表、中心位置资料表、路径图以及海平面气压图.系统不仅收录了<台风年鉴>资料.并利用1950~2003年的NCEP/NCAR每日四次2.5°×2.5°资料,绘制了热带气旋的海平面气压图;利用世界台风组织的BEST TRACK资料,绘制了热带气旋路径图.系统可以提供比<台风年鉴>更丰富的信息,这也是该系统的鲜明特点.  相似文献   
2008年初中国南方低温雨雪冰冻事件的等熵位涡分析   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用等熵位涡理论对2008年初发生在我国南方的低温雨雪冰冻事件进行了诊断分析,结果表明,这次低温雨雪冰冻天气事件第一阶段的强冷空气主要来自新地岛以东洋面的平流层下部和对流层上部,从第二到第四阶段除了新地岛以东洋面外,还有来自北欧和拉普帖夫海、地中海的高位涡强冷空气补充。伴随着高层高位涡向南传播,高位涡气块在垂直方向强烈向下伸展、对流层顶动力异常,引起高位涡区气块旋转加强、正涡度增加及其前方低层正涡度的产生,而其后方,因绕高位涡中心气流沿等熵面下沉,地面高压迅速发展,低位涡气块则相反。过程期间,由于巴尔喀什湖高位涡中心和地中海高位涡主体(低涡)的存在和维持,孟加拉湾上空正相对涡度输送频繁,使得南支槽不断生消;而乌拉尔山低位涡带(高脊)和贝加尔湖高位涡中心(低涡)由于低、高位涡空气的不断注入,发生一次次的替换和发展,在引导冷空气持续南下与孟加拉湾北上的暖湿气流长时间在我国华南上空汇合的同时,还导致地面西伯利亚高压反复增强并分裂小高压数次南下,地面强冷空气不断补充,最终造成华南低温雨雪冰冻天气的长时间持续。  相似文献   
华南区域季节性降水的差异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用EOF方法研究华南区域降水时空分布特征,结果表明:(1)华南地区各季节降水在年际和年代际的时间变化上有区域一致性,但有季节性差异,其中春季和秋季在20世纪80年代后降水明显减少,旱年增多;而夏季90年代后降水明显增加,涝年增多;冬季变化则不明显。(2)华南地区各季节降水在空间分布上也有差异,其中春季降水呈现东多西少的分布特征,大值中心位于广西东北部、广东中部及西南沿海。夏季和秋季降水相似,呈南多北少的分布特征,大值中心位于广西沿海和广东西南沿海。冬季降水呈东北多西南少的分布特征,大值中心位于粤北。  相似文献   
对如何把多普勒雷达资料应用到数值模式的技术问题进行了综合分析,为进一步拓展多普勒雷达资料应用的领域提供了一些思路。  相似文献   
非地转强迫对Fitow(0114)暴雨的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
利用非静力中尺度模式MM5对 0 114号台风Fitow从 2 0 0 1年 8月 31日 0 0时~ 9月 2日 0 0时 (UTC ,下同 )的降水过程进行了模拟研究。结果表明 ,MM5对Fitow登陆过程中暴雨落区和强度的模拟与实况比较一致。模拟结果较好地再现了暴雨的中尺度特征。正是维持少动的台风倒槽和嵌入其中的中小尺度系统相互作用造成了暴雨的发生、发展 ,而高、低空中尺度散度场的配置对暴雨有很好的指示意义。在华南台风暴雨区无论是高层还是低层 ,都存在很强的非地转作用 ,非地转涡度项对散度倾向项是重要的强迫因素 ;但非地转作用的实现与中高纬度地区有本质的区别 ,在低层非地转作用是由于强的位势场气旋涡度 (- 2  <0 )与弱的流场气旋涡度 (fζ >0 )不平衡产生的 ;而高层非地转作用是由于强的位势场反气旋涡度 (- 2  >0 )与弱的流场反气旋涡度 (fζ <0 )不平衡产生的。非地转作用是暴雨中尺度系统上升运动发展的触发机制。从动力学角度解释了用非地转 Q矢量散度场来判断暴雨落区要比用准地转 Q矢量散度场好的原因。  相似文献   
在PC机上安装MM5的方法和运行要点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李江南  吴池胜 《广东气象》2004,(1):32-33,27
本文对如何获取MM5模式的各程序模块和相应的做图软件,如何在PC机上安装以及运行该模式的要点作一介绍,以方便有兴趣的气象工作者更快的了解和运行该模式。详细介绍可参看文献1。  相似文献   
Based on composite analysis and numerical simulations using a regional climate model (RegCM3), this paper analyzed the impact of the LHF anomaly in the tropical western Pacific on the precipitation over the south of China in June. The results are as follows. (1) Correlation analysis shows that the SC precipitation in June is negatively correlated with the LHF of the tropical western Pacific in May and June, especially in May. The SC precipitation in June appears to negatively correlate with low-level relative vorticity in the abnormal area of LHF in the tropical western Pacific. (2) The LHF anomaly in the tropical western Pacific is a vital factor affecting the flood and drought of SC in June. A conceptual model goes like this: When the LHF in the tropical western Pacific is abnormally increased (decreased), an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) circulation is formed at the low-level troposphere to its northwest. As a result, an anomalous northeast (southwest) air flow affects the south of China, being disadvantageous (advantageous) to the transportation of water vapor to the region. Meanwhile, there is an anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) at the low-level troposphere and an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) circulation at the high-level troposphere in the region, which is advantageous for downdraft (updraft) there. Therefore a virtual circulation forms updraft (downdraft) in the anomalous area of LHF and downdraft (updraft) in the south of China, which finally leads to the drought (flood) in the region.  相似文献   
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