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Depositional growth of ice crystal is one of the major processes for development of precipitation systems and can be represented by depositional growth of cloud ice from cloud water (PIDW) and depositional growth of snow from cloud ice (PSFI) in cloud-resolving model. Four parameterization schemes are analyzed in the cloud-resolving model simulations of four rainfall cases over the tropics and midlatitudes. The comparison of time and model domain mean data shows that Shen’s scheme produces the closest rainfall simulation to the observation. Compared to Zeng’s scheme, Shen’s scheme improves the mean rain-rate simulation significantly through the dramatic decrease in depositional growth of cloud ice from cloud water. Compared to other schemes, Shen’s scheme produces the better rainfall simulation via the reduction in the mean rain rate associated with the enhanced gain of cloud water and ice.  相似文献   
辛进  李小凡 《气象科学》2018,38(4):498-511
使用二维云分辨模式研究冰晶增长过程(云水到冰晶的冻结增长和通过水汽凝华冰晶到雪的增长)对热量收支的影响。采用4种冰晶增长参数化方案模拟了热带到中纬度地区的4个降水个例。研究发现:(1)高冰核浓度的ZENG方案和SHEN方案引起对流层中上层辐射加热增多,这与它们模拟的冰晶在对流层中上层增多有关。(2)高冰核浓度的ZENG方案导致模拟区域—平均的局地温度变化在对流层上层出现异常减小值,这与它在热带个例中导致垂直热量通量辐合减少和在中纬度个例中导致潜热加热减少有关。(3)尽管高冰核浓度的ZENG方案引起质量加权平均的辐射加热增多,但是它在热带个例中引起地表感热通量减少和在中纬度个例中引起潜热加热减少,最终导致4种参数化方案计算的模拟区域—质量加权平均的局地温度变化基本一致。  相似文献   
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