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2012-2018年巢湖水质变化趋势分析和蓝藻防控建议   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
巢湖自1990s中期至2012年间水质明显改善,但是近年来水质改善效果变缓,2018年蓝藻水华面积显著增加,为有效评估巢湖水体环境的变化,通过对20122018年巢湖17个点位的逐月调查数据分析阐述了近年来巢湖水质和藻情的变化特征,并在流域空间尺度上分析了巢湖流域水污染治理的进展和不足,为后续治理方向的调整和确定提供支撑.20122018年湖区调查数据显示:巢湖湖体总磷和总氮浓度显著升高,铵态氮浓度显著下降,水华蓝藻总量显著升高.在空间上,各污染指标水平呈现由西向东呈逐渐降低的趋势,但是各指标在不同湖区随时间的变化趋势差异明显,西部湖区的总磷、总氮和水华蓝藻指标近年来略有下降或持平,中部和东部湖区则显著升高,所以巢湖湖体总氮和总磷浓度的升高主要源于中、东部湖区的升高,这也是这两个湖区水华蓝藻变动的主要驱动因素.主要入湖河口数据显示:西部4条主要入湖污染河流(南淝河、十五里河、塘西河和派河)水质明显改善,但仍处于较高污染水平,中东部入湖河流(兆河、双桥河和柘皋河)总磷浓度明显升高,是中东部湖区水体营养盐升高的主要原因.中东部河流入湖污染的增加加剧了该区域湖体的富营养化水平,尤其是总磷浓度明显提升,导致中东部湖区夏季水华蓝藻的优势种从鱼腥藻种类演替为微囊藻种类.夏季微囊藻的大量繁殖,使得2018年巢湖中东部湖区部分月份水华面积异常增高.因此,巢湖流域的治理应该在持续强化流域西部合肥市污染治理的同时,增加对流域中部和东部治理的关注和投入.  相似文献   
We review some issues relevant to volatile element chemistry during accretion of the Earth with an emphasis on historical development of ideas during the past century and on issues we think are important. These ideas and issues include the following: (1) whether or not the Earth accreted hot and the geochemical evidence for high temperatures during its formation, (2) some chemical consequences of the Earth’s formation before dissipation of solar nebular gas, (3) the building blocks of the Earth, (4) the composition of the Earth and its lithophile volatility trend, (5) chemistry of silicate vapor and steam atmospheres during Earth’s formation, (6) vapor - melt partitioning and possible loss of volatile elements, (7) insights from hot rocky extrasolar planets. We include tabulated chemical kinetic data for high-temperature elementary reactions in silicate vapor and steam atmospheres. We finish with a summary of the known and unknown issues along with suggestions for future work.  相似文献   
随着化肥、农膜等在农业生产中的过量投入,耕地面源污染的程度随之加重。文章选取塔里木河流域上游和田地区为研究区域,依据P-S-R框架理论,构建和田地区耕地面源污染生态风险评价指标体系,加入土壤理化数据,使用生态风险评价模型对和田地区1980 年及2016 年耕地面源污染状况进行生态风险评价,运用耕地生态风险模型、生态风险转移矩阵、Arcgis分析和田地区耕地面源污染时空分异状况。研究结论如下:和田地区1980 年耕地生态风险等级均为II级或III级,呈“中间高,两侧低”分布;2016 年耕地生态风险等级上升至IV级或V级,呈“倒W型”分布,各县耕地面源污染程度较1980 年均有较大幅度的上升,其中墨玉县和于田县在2016 年耕地生态风险等级达到最高的V级,而民丰县因自身生态环境的强脆弱性,同样需要提高关注。根据面源污染“从源头治理”的原则,应切实推进和田地区耕地生态环境保护与治理,提高政府重视程度,增强技术指导,开展试点工作,改善和田地区耕地面源污染现状。  相似文献   
利用乌鲁木齐市4座10层100 m梯度气象塔2013年6月~2014年4月气象观测资料和7个环境监测站[WTBX]AQI[WTBZ]资料,计算并分析了大气混合层厚度和稳定度特征,探讨了大气混合层厚度和稳定度与污染的关系。结果表明:乌鲁木齐市混合层厚度夏季郊区高、城区低,冬季从南郊—城区—北郊随地势降低依次降低;夏季和冬季分别在1 559~1 772 m和526~1 156 m之间。地面至2 km以上每500 m高度间隔统计混合层厚度,500~1 000 m出现频率最多;月变化为6~9月基本在500 m以上,且每个高度区间其概率均超过10%,10月~次年2月1 500 m以上区间概率明显减小;日变化为中午13:00~16:00达到最高值,下午和傍晚迅速下降。白天较大的感热输送提供充足的热力条件,这也体现出白天以不稳定层结为主,夜间则以稳定层结为主。大气稳定度分类结果,夏季郊区和城区不稳定(A~C类)所占比例差不多,冬季北郊稳定(E、F类)所占比较最大、城区最弱。[WTBX]AQI指数冬季最大,从南郊—城区—北郊依次增大,这与采暖期污染物多、南郊比北郊地势高有利于扩散输送有关。总体来看,乌鲁木齐大气混合层厚度空间分布与气象要素、大气稳定度、地形等密切相关,对AQI[WTBZ]指数分布有重要影响,这对近地层大气污染状况预报有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
总磷是长江流域水环境污染的首要超标因子,岷江作为长江上游流量最大的支流,总磷污染严重,对长江总磷污染贡献较大。为了解岷江流域总磷污染,采用排污系数法,计算得到2016年岷江流域污染源总磷入河量为1 154 t,以农村生活污染负荷占比最高(51.3%),其次为城镇生活源(28.7%)、农业非点源(8.24%)、工业源(9.57%)、畜禽养殖源(1.21%),城市径流源(0.99%)最低;在空间上岷江流域总磷污染负荷呈中游(64.2%)>下游(32.6%)>上游(3.1%)的特点,与岷江干流总磷浓度变化趋势相符,其中成都市总磷污染负荷最高(51.2%),与区域人口密度高、生产和生活活动密集有关。结合资料收集和现场调查,岷江流域总磷污染成因主要包括农村生活污染治理缺口较大、城镇生活污染处理基础设施建设不足、工业企业密布、部分支流总磷污染严重、水污染治理导向不全面。针对岷江总磷污染负荷分布特征及成因,提出“上游保护优质水体、中游治理重污染水体、下游恢复不达标水体”的分区污染防治对策,统筹流域监管体制机制,强化岷江流域水环境保护和治理。  相似文献   
Temperature plays an essential role in the ecology and biology of aquatic ecosystems. The use of dams to store and subsequently re-regulate river flows can have a negative impact on the natural thermal regime of rivers, causing thermal pollution of downstream river ecosystems. Autonomous thermal loggers were used to measure temperature changes downstream of a large dam on the Macquarie River, in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin to quantify the effect of release mechanisms and dam storage volume on the downstream thermal regime. The magnitude of thermal pollution in the downstream river was affected by different release mechanisms, including bottom-level outlet releases, a thermal curtain (which draws water from above the hypolimnion), and spill-way release. Dam storage volume was linked to the magnitude of thermal pollution downstream; high storage volumes were related to severe thermal suppressions, with an approximate 10 °C difference occurring when water originated from high and low storage volumes. Downstream temperatures were 8 ̶ 10 °C higher when surface releases were used via a thermal curtain and the spillway to mitigate cold water pollution that frequently occurs in the river. Demonstrating the effectiveness of engineering and operational strategies used to mitigate cold water pollution highlight their potential contribution to fish conservation, threatened species recovery and environmental remediation of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Coffee berry necrosis is a fungal disease that, at a high level, significantly affects coffee productivity. With the advent of surface mapping satellites, it was possible to obtain information about the spectral signature of the crop on a time scale pertinent to the monitoring and detection of plant phenological changes. The objective of this paper was to define the best machine learning algorithm that is able to classify the incidence CBN as a function of Landsat 8 OLI images in different atmospheric correction methods. Landsat 8 OLI images were acquired at the dates closest to sampling anthracnose field data at three times corresponding to grain filling period and were submitted to atmospheric corrections by DOS, ATCOR, and 6SV methods. The images classified by the algorithms of machine learning, Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron and Naive Bayes were tested 30 times in random sampling. Given the overall accuracy of each test, the algorithms were evaluated using the Friedman and Nemenyi tests to identify the statistical difference in the treatments. The obtained results indicated that the overall accuracy and the balanced accuracy index were on an average around 0.55 and 0.45, respectively, for the Naive Bayes and Multilayer Perceptron algorithms in the ATCOR atmospheric correction. According to the Friedman and Nemenyi tests, both algorithms were defined as the best classifiers. These results demonstrate that Landsat 8 OLI images were able to identify an incidence of the coffee berry necrosis by means of machine learning techniques, a fact that cannot be observed by the Pearson correlation.  相似文献   
在大数据的背景下,充分利用北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的定位功能,以无人船作为用户端,在水质数据采集和污染源位置的问题中积极探索新的实践方案,迅速、准确地找到污染源,减少河流污染物污染的时间,且无人船上装有净化模块,在发现污染时可作简易处理。在无人船上安装水质分析仪,水质分析仪的传输模块中安装经给防水处理的北斗卫星定位芯片和WiFi数据传输器,进而对河流的污染物种类及浓度进行分析,并采用大数据的计算方法,计算出污染源位置,向云平台反映污染源位置分析结果与污染物处理方法。通过BDS,将数据按照位置区域划分,并将能到达污染源的最短路径发送到处理人的移动设备上。本文通过对基于BDS定位的水质污染监测可视化系统进行分析,以期迅速找出污染源,减少水质污染现象的发生。  相似文献   
为探究绿洲城市道路积尘重金属污染风险,在新疆库尔勒市采集54个代表性道路积尘样品,分析其中Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cr和Cu等6种元素含量,基于GIS技术与地学统计法,采用污染负荷指数法和US EPA健康风险评价模型,对道路积尘中重金属污染及潜在健康风险进行评价。结果表明:库尔勒市道路积尘中Hg、Cd、As、Pb和Cu等元素含量的平均值均小于土壤环境质量—建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(GB 36600—2018)中的筛选值,但Cr元素含量平均值为相应筛选值的9.90倍。污染评价结果表明,研究区道路积尘中Cr呈现重度污染,Hg、Cd、As、Pb和Cu呈无污染。道路积尘中重金属元素的污染负荷指数介于0.0142~0.0522,平均值为0.0266,处于无污染水平。从道路积尘重金属污染空间分布格局来看,库尔勒市东北部和北部区域出现污染高值区。健康风险评估结果表明,经手-口摄入途径是库尔勒市道路积尘重金属日均暴露量及健康风险的主要途径,儿童受到的健康风险高于成人。库尔勒市道路积尘中Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cr与Cu等元素的非致癌风险及致癌风险处于安全范围内,As对非致癌风险的贡献最大,Cr对致癌风险的贡献最大。  相似文献   
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