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利用1981—2016年7—10月中国753站逐日降水资料、气象信息综合分析处理系统(MICAPS)逐日站点降水资料、日本东京台风中心西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料集,分析了华南地区区域性日降水极端事件(RDPE事件)的统计特征及环流异常。根据华南地区RDPE事件的发生是否受热带气旋影响将其分为TCfree-RDPE和TCaff-RDPE两类事件,其中TCaff-RDPE事件占42%且集中发生在8月4—5候;TCfree-RDPE事件以7月发生频数最多,占其总频次的1/2以上。TCfree-RDPE事件发生时,华南地区受异常气旋性环流控制,来自西太平洋和中国南海的暖湿气流与北方冷气团在此汇合并形成一条狭长的水汽辐合带,低层辐合、高层辐散,显著强烈的上升运动为TCfree-RDPE事件的发生与维持提供了有利条件;与此同时,波扰动能量由高原东北侧及河西走廊地区向华南一带传播并在华南显著辐合,有利于华南上空扰动的发展和维持。TCaff-RDPE事件发生时,华南上空由低层到高层的斜压环流结构更为明显,异常上升运动更加强烈,热带气旋在其运动过程中携带了大量源自孟加拉湾、中国南海和西太平洋地区的水汽并输送至华南地区,水汽辐合气流更为强盛。同时,波扰动能量由高纬度地区沿河西走廊向下游传播,但在华南地区辐合不甚明显。两类极端事件发生时,加热场上的差异亦明显。华南及邻近地区上空的大气净加热及其南侧大范围区域的净冷却所形成的加热场梯度对TCfree-RDPE事件的发生有利。而TCaff-RDPE事件发生时,〈Q1〉和〈Q2〉在经向上由18°N以南、华南及其邻近地区、32°N以北呈负—正—负的异常分布型,正距平值更高,加热场梯度更大,有利于TCaff-RDPE事件的维持。这些结果有利于人们认识和预测华南区域性日降水极端事件的发生。   相似文献   
双多普勒雷达风场反演对一次后向传播雷暴过程的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙敏  戴建华  袁招洪  陶岚 《气象学报》2015,73(2):247-262
利用常规观测、雷达和加密自动站资料,对2013年9月13日上海地区的一次以后向传播为主要特征、伴有强降水和大风的强对流过程进行了分析,并采用双多普勒雷达风场反演等技术,对其形成的环境条件及后向传播机制进行了研究。由于上海连续多日处在副热带高压(副高)西北侧边缘,具备了充足的水汽和较强的不稳定条件,地面辐合线在上海北部触发了初始对流,其出流与地面风场的辐合在西南侧不断触发出新的对流单体,出现了与引导气流相反、指向西南方向的雷暴传播矢量,当单体的新生传播速率大于引导流速率时,雷暴整体产生了与引导气流相反的后向移动。针对该后向传播机制的研究表明:对流单体强下沉运动形成的阵风锋在其西南方向与环境西南风辐合,并与该处原有的地面辐合线碰撞造成更强烈的上升气流,触发新的单体生成,新单体发展成熟后产生强降水和强下沉运动,加强和维持了其西南侧的阵风锋,使得阵风锋向西南方向推进并继续触发新单体生成;风场反演的垂直运动分布和演变也显示了多个对流单体从东北向西南依次表现出消散、成熟和新生阶段的特征。因此,本次过程中形成了"雷暴单体新生发展—成熟后缓慢东北向移动—产生强降水、下沉运动和大风在其西南侧触发新单体"的循环;向西南方向推进的地面阵风锋与原有的地面辐合线共同形成了雷暴西南侧局地锋生区,与新生对流区的位置一致,是该次过程后向传播的主要原因。  相似文献   

Sea-level allowances at 22 tide-gauge sites along the east coast of Canada are determined based on projections of regional sea-level rise for the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) from the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5) and on the statistics of historical tides and storm surges (storm tides). The allowances, which may be used for coastal infrastructure planning, increase with time during the twenty-first century through a combination of mean sea-level rise and the increased uncertainty of future projections with time. The allowances show significant spatial variation, mainly a consequence of strong regionally varying relative sea-level change as a result of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). A methodology is described for replacement of the GIA component of the AR5 projection with global positioning system (GPS) measurements of vertical crustal motion; this significantly decreases allowances in regions where the uncertainty of the GIA models is large. For RCP8.5 with GPS data incorporated and for the 1995–2100 period, the sea-level allowances range from about 0.5?m along the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to more than 1?m along the coast of Nova Scotia and southern Newfoundland.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to assess the future trend of spatio-temporal variation of precipitation over a medium-sized river basin. The Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM, version 4.2) is used to downscale the outputs from two general circulation models (GCMs) for three future epochs: epoch-1 (2011–2040), epoch-2 (2041–2070) and epoch-3 (2071–2100). Considering the Upper Mahanadi Basin as a test bed, the study results indicate a “wetter” monsoon (June–September) and the annual increase in precipitation is 12% during epoch-3, which is consistent for both GCMs. Monthly analyses indicate that the precipitation totals are likely to increase and the magnitude of increase is greater during monsoon months than non-monsoon months. The number of month-wise daily extremes increases in most months in the year. However, the maximum percentage increase (with respect to baseline period, 1971–2000) in the number of extreme events is found in the non-monsoon months (specifically before and after the monsoon).  相似文献   
Hydrologists use the generalized Pareto (GP) distribution in peaks-over-threshold (POT) modelling of extremes. A model with similar uses is the two-parameter kappa (KAP) distribution. KAP has had fewer hydrological applications than GP, but some studies have shown it to merit wider use. The problem of choosing between GP and KAP arises quite often in frequency analyses. This study, by comparing some discrimination methods between these two models, aims to show which method(s) is (are) recommended. Three specific methods are considered: one uses the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit (GoF) statistic, another uses the ratio of maximized likelihood (closely related to the Akaike information criterion and the Bayesian information criterion), and the third employs a normality transformation followed by application of the Shapiro-Wilk statistic. We show this last method to be the most recommendable, due to its advantages with sizes typically encountered in hydrology. We apply the simulation results to some flood POT datasets.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR E. Volpi  相似文献   

The well-established physical and mathematical principle of maximum entropy (ME), is used to explain the distributional and autocorrelation properties of hydrological processes, including the scaling behaviour both in state and in time. In this context, maximum entropy is interpreted as maximum uncertainty. The conditions used for the maximization of entropy are as simple as possible, i.e. that hydrological processes are non-negative with specified coefficients of variation (CV) and lag one autocorrelation. In this first part of the study, the marginal distributional properties of hydrological variables and the state scaling behaviour are investigated. Application of the ME principle under these very simple conditions results in the truncated normal distribution for small values of CV and in a nonexponential type (Pareto) distribution for high values of CV. In addition, the normal and the exponential distributions appear as limiting cases of these two distributions. Testing of these theoretical results with numerous hydrological data sets on several scales validates the applicability of the ME principle, thus emphasizing the dominance of uncertainty in hydrological processes. Both theoretical and empirical results show that the state scaling is only an approximation for the high return periods, which is merely valid when processes have high variation on small time scales. In other cases the normal distributional behaviour, which does not have state scaling properties, is a more appropriate approximation. Interestingly however, as discussed in the second part of the study, the normal distribution combined with positive autocorrelation of a process, results in time scaling behaviour due to the ME principle.  相似文献   
与IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)相比,在第六次评估报告(AR6)评估中,观测的极端天气气候事件变化证据,特别是归因于人为影响的证据加强。人类活动造成的气候变化已影响到全球每个区域的许多极端天气气候事件。随着未来全球变暖进一步加剧,预估极端热事件、强降水、农业生态干旱的强度和频次以及强台风(飓风)比例等将增加,越罕见的极端天气气候事件,其发生频率的增长百分比越大。这些结论再次凸显了应对气候变化和极端天气气候事件的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   
利用2015年5月至2020年4月辽宁省大连地区9个国家气象站、2017年165个区域气象站逐10 min测风资料, 从风向、风级、月际变化、日变化、空间分布和天气影响系统等对大连地区最大、平均、最小阵风系数进行统计分析。结果表明: 1—12月平均阵风系数的变化范围为1.66~1.77, 秋末冬初平均阵风系数偏大, 春夏季节偏小; 与冷空气相对应风向的平均阵风系数大于与暖空气相对应的风向; 随着风级的增大, 最大、最小阵风系数向平均阵风系数收敛; 不同风级下阵风系数的频率分布均呈单峰型分布, 风级越大, 分布范围越窄。除西南风外, 其他风向的阵风系数均表现出白天大、夜间小的特点。大连地区阵风系数具有明显的地域特点, 东南和西北部沿海区域的阵风系数比内陆和西南沿海偏小, 风向基本不影响阵风系数的空间分布。大连的大风过程多受海上气旋和高压前部双系统共同影响, 气旋、台风以及雷暴大风的平均阵风系数大于同风级的平均值。  相似文献   
用Gumbel极值分布推算气候极值的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用Gumbel极值分布理论推算气候极值的矩法、Thomas曲线公式和最小二乘法。并计算多年一遇的年最高气温、年最大均风速、年最大日降雨量和年最大波高。指出,变率小的要素极值再现期短;变率大的要素极值再现期长;Thomas曲线公式的计算结果较其它两种方法接近历史实况,且计算简便。  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal patterns of the temperature extremes defined by 5th and 95th percentiles based on daily maximum/minimum temperature dataset were analyzed using Mann–Kendall test and linear regression method. The research results indicate that: (1) the seasonal minimum temperature is in stronger increasing trend than the seasonal maximum temperature; (2) in comparison with the changes of the maximum temperature, more stations display significantly increasing trends of minimum temperature in frequency and intensity; (3) comparatively, more stations have significantly decreasing trends in the intra-seasonal extreme temperature anomaly in summer and winter than in spring and autumn. The areal mean minimum temperature is in stronger increasing trend than areal mean maximum temperature; (4) the warming process in the Far-West (FW) China is characterized mainly by significantly increasing minimum temperature. The research will be helpful for local human mitigation to alterations in water resource and ecological environment in FW China due to changes of temperature extremes, as the ecologically fragile region of China.  相似文献   
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